Funny bad parenting moments? Have you had one as a parent? or do you remember one from when you were a kid?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:When I was 8 I had to get some teeth pulled and my mom scheduled the appointment on my birthday. Fast forward to 10, my birthday, I get picked up from my aunts house and my mom says she has a surprise for me – it’s getting my vaccine shots. Fast forward to 18, it’s time to get my wisdom teeth out. I let my mom make the appointment and she makes it for my birthday. Since I had to recover, I couldn’t have birthday cake, birthday dinner, ********* dinner, or ********* leftovers (my birthday is 12.22). Really, mom? My birthday? Damn.

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Last Answer : You're the reasonable one. Like you mention It's not like I'm letting them ditch school it's gymnastics - exactly ! Presumably this is for recreation, and some exercise, if you force ... some other exercise/sport activity. Tell those busy-body relations you're not trying to crank out olympians.

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Last Answer : answer:The mutated Girl Scout song: She wears a G for chewing bubble gum; She wears an I for ignorance; She wears an R for reading comic books; She wears and L for laziness (for laziness!); She wears an S ... : She wears an O U T for out with boys (out with boys!) And that Girl Scout is me!

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Last Answer : I should say almost all communication ends up in some form of abuse and yep I'm not perfect and sometimes I know I shouldn't react or say things, but all I've been doing lately is just texting saying, hey ... she's not here, I want to know how my little cub is doing! Love to hear what you think?

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Last Answer : I do not do this nor have I heard of it. If I were to ground my kids from facebook due to negative comments about me, it would probably be from the lack of respect demonstrated. If it were a ... you cannot always take back what you say or write so you need to be careful before you speak or post.

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Last Answer : I’ve looked for a specific toy that a childhood friend had… with no success. But I’ve managed to find several well-loved books that I had as a child, in the same editions. I find it funny that I should want to get them back after so long – but I like having them.

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Last Answer : answer:You’re the mom…you are the one determining what is appropriate. Perhaps the lady was thinking about the safety factor. Don’t judge her…and, don’t wonder about what she’s thinking about you and your daughter. There is no point. No good will come of it.

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Last Answer : Oh yeah!

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Last Answer : answer:Auto-Correct once called me a Corksacker for trying to change it’s suggestion of 8-ball for the regular old number 8. note to self: quit texting coke dealers

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Last Answer : Any age below the legal age of drinking, so below 18.

Description : When you were a kid, did you wear shoes in the summer time?

Last Answer : Always, either tennis shoes or flip-flops. I have tender feet. I was envious of the kids that could run across the gravel in bare feet, but I couldn’t do it.

Description : If you were a sh*t disturber as a teen, are you worried that your kid is going to go the same route?

Last Answer : I was a total asshole as a teenager. I never got in trouble outside of the house, but I was a mean, bitchy, pain in the ass. Fortunately my son is a great kid. Unfortunately for my sister, my niece is just like me. lol

Description : Were you a cute kid?

Last Answer : answer:I as very cute as a little girl and very awkward and gawky as a young teen. This And this Oddly, I can’t seem to find any pix of me during the awkward phase.

Description : Did any of you eat your boogers when you were a kid?

Last Answer : No, but my brother did, he didn’t like blowing his nose because he would get a headache.

Description : When you were a kid, in the winter, playing in the snow, playing outside even when it was windy, do you recall cold ever being an issue?

Last Answer : Whooooooaaaaaaa now that you mention it, no, I don’t think I’ve ever really worried about the cold. Well, I remember my fingers used to get cold often, but other than that, I don’t recall anything else.

Description : What names were you called as a kid?

Last Answer : four eyes and flaca

Description : What was your favorite summertime outdoor game when you were a kid?

Last Answer : Do basketball and football count? Cause those were all I played outdoors as a kid.

Description : What are some embarrassing/funny things you (as a child) or your children have said unknowingly?

Last Answer : Once on a visit to charleston we were visiting the slave market building and my parents told me that I asked if we could “buy a slave”, they explained to me why that was wrong. I was four or five.

Description : Funny anecdotes from your childhood?

Last Answer : answer:On a visit to my grandmother's, she gave us each one cookie before dinner. We went out back to eat them and a chicken flew up and packed my cookie out of my hand and began eating it. I started ... , didn't believe me when I said a chicken took my cookie. I had to take them and show them.

Description : Has one of your children ever said something so funny and so unexpected that you literally hurt from laughing so hard?

Last Answer : answer:When my daughter was around 4, her favorite blanket was lying in the middle of the floor and I asked her to pick it up. It was a loosely woven crochet blanket that a friend of my former mother-in- ... Mees. World's only French speaking blanket. (P.S. She still sleeps with Mees and she's 16)

Description : Has one of your children ever said something so funny and so unexpected that you literally hurt from laughing so hard?

Last Answer : answer:When my daughter was around 4, her favorite blanket was lying in the middle of the floor and I asked her to pick it up. It was a loosely woven crochet blanket that a friend of my former mother-in- ... Mees. World's only French speaking blanket. (P.S. She still sleeps with Mees and she's 16)

Description : When did children's cartoons become so funny?

Last Answer : No idea when it happened, perhaps it's always been this way. Hilarious quote from Fairly Odd Parents (translated from Dutch): Timmy is experimenting with many different flavours of lemonade. After having tried a lot, he ... xD OK, I guess that's in the category it'd be funny if you were there :P

Description : Embarrassing/funny things you (as a child) or your children have said unknowingly?

Last Answer : Although I said many wrong, yet funny, things when I was a child my favorite was when a friend of mine (probably age 7 or 8) enthusiastically exclaimed while driving on the interstate that the car in ... time, but years later I remembered it and it now always results in a few good giggles for me.

Description : Did you wonder if you would be a good parent?

Last Answer : When I was a young kid, I was very grateful for the way my parents were, and especially for how they behaved towards me. I was wary of other parents from other families, and had pretty negative ... about how they related to their kids. That had me be pretty confident I'd be good with kids.

Description : Is there really such a thing as being "biologically prepared" to be a parent?

Last Answer : I think it would help a great deal. I knew I never wanted children, from a kid to an adult now in my mid fifties I am really glad we never took the parenthood plunge . My Niece on the other ... children from a small child right up to when she got married now has three children and is a great mom.

Description : Any advice for a divorced parent about to deal with school holidays?

Last Answer : answer:There's never an easy answer. In many families the non-custodial parent has the child all holidays. Sharing holidays is a good compromise. With skype, facebook, and telephones, they child won' ... father is hiring a sitter for his work days. Some companies give parental leave for those days.

Description : Are there ever times your kids behave so obnoxiously and rudely that even you as a parent want to hit them?

Last Answer : What is this “wants to” crap?

Description : Do you have any single-parent tips and tricks?

Last Answer : answer:You have to forget about the whole dual parent game and settle in to a reality that you are the sole provider for your family and that you can do it. Then go ahead and just do it. Always keep an eye out for potential sitters.

Description : What is the real job of a parent these days?

Last Answer : In my case it’s like being Eddie Murphy, the guardian of The Golden Child (ren)

Description : How, in the sake of kindness and decency, could someone say this kind of thing (in the details) to a grieving parent?

Last Answer : I sincerely hope your mutual friend was having the worst day of her life and temporarily lost her fucking mind. Otherwise, I can think of no excuse for that behavior.

Description : When does one gain access back into being a person, when you are a parent?

Last Answer : You wear both roles simultaneously. You never stop being a parent, but you let your children grow up and have their own lives and you have yours.

Description : At what point are you comfortable stepping in and talking to a friend about how they parent their children?

Last Answer : Maybe just chat to her, in an ordinary way and ask her about what she thinks about gender roles? Then throw around some ideas. Also maybe talk to her about how important it is to be pretty and ... be able to discuss various life issues, so you can feel comfortable approaching it that way I am sure.