How much of the parenting you do to your own children is consciously different then the parenting you got from your parents, and how much is similar?

1 Answer

Answer :

I stick to a lot of the same methods that my own parents used, but there are a few situations that I have and will be approaching differently.

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Last Answer : Yes. Calm music. Also, does it happen when they’re tired? In which case, plug in some good movie that doesn’t have a lot of action and adventure. How old are they?

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Last Answer : She said, Please and No, thank you. What more do you want. LOL Of course, @Dutchess_III. Isn't that the point of having boundaries, setting rules and teaching your children? You want to give them ... of us has a promise of tomorrow, so enjoy them today for what they are and that is children.

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Last Answer : answer:Ear piercing. A family member of mine had lost an ear due to infection. My wife, at the time, and her parents wished to get my daughters ears pierced almost immediately after birth. I insisted that none of my children would ever have an ear pierced. We split the difference at 8 years old.

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Last Answer : When they ask. Sometimes I will make “observations” in general but nothing specific unless they ask and never in front of the grandchildren.

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Last Answer : answer:I would be interested in the challenges faced and strategies employed in raising a child in opposition to the gender expectations the rest of society likes to impose on children. I know that's ... try to do so without allowing their child to get swept up in the politics of their parenting.

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Last Answer : I do not do this nor have I heard of it. If I were to ground my kids from facebook due to negative comments about me, it would probably be from the lack of respect demonstrated. If it were a ... you cannot always take back what you say or write so you need to be careful before you speak or post.

Description : It this quote true about parenting?

Last Answer : Yeah, totally correct (if I look at my upbringing). I stayed at my parents until I was finally cool. And then, at 47, I moved out to live on my own (well, with my girlfriend who made me even cooler).

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Last Answer : I should say almost all communication ends up in some form of abuse and yep I'm not perfect and sometimes I know I shouldn't react or say things, but all I've been doing lately is just texting saying, hey ... she's not here, I want to know how my little cub is doing! Love to hear what you think?

Description : Is this bad parenting in your opinion?

Last Answer : You're the reasonable one. Like you mention It's not like I'm letting them ditch school it's gymnastics - exactly ! Presumably this is for recreation, and some exercise, if you force ... some other exercise/sport activity. Tell those busy-body relations you're not trying to crank out olympians.

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Last Answer : answer:He's an asshole. And so is his daughter. She's an asshole apple that didn't fall far from the asshole tree. He could have handled her antics A LOT more constructively and I feel like ... 've chided everyone I've seen on Facebook who has posted his video in an attaboy congratulatory manner.

Description : Crossing the Parenting Line?

Last Answer : I think it is totally wrong and immature for a parent to verbalize this to their child. While there may be some truth to it, the wrong is in putting the weight of that on the child. The thing with ... It will be woven into your legacy. I simply don't understand how some parents don't get that fact.

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Last Answer : Oy baby - did I self-assess ! At one point I even went into therapy because of issues I was having. I did talk to close friends who were also parents - we discussed issues, read and advised and listened ... giving men but I wish I had been able to raise them with more joy and less angst than I did.

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Last Answer : Overpopulation and both parents working.

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Last Answer : off the cuff, I would just let it roll of your back, (with using idioms of course) my guess (from abosolutely no background information whatsoever) is that your ex is just doing that for spite, an immature personal blow.

Description : Would you like to share a proud parenting moment? I would.

Last Answer : Aw, that’s sweet. I don’t have any miniatures running around so I don’t matter on this one, but, yay for you! And her!!

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Last Answer : Is the child' broken? (why else would it need fixing'?) On the other hand, you hardly stop learning and developing at 21, so if there's an area in which this person could or ... peers, mentors, teachers . Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death. Albert Einstein

Description : Funny bad parenting moments? Have you had one as a parent? or do you remember one from when you were a kid?

Last Answer : answer:When I was 8 I had to get some teeth pulled and my mom scheduled the appointment on my birthday. Fast forward to 10, my birthday, I get picked up from my aunts house and my mom says ... dinner, Christmas dinner, or Christmas leftovers (my birthday is 12.22). Really, mom? My birthday? Damn.

Description : Do you keep an open mind when taking parenting advice from others?

Last Answer : I'm open to advice, but in the end I have to trust my own judgment based on what only I can know about my children. That said, I'm very reluctant to give advice to anyone else, especially if they ... a village to raise a child, but I'm less sure that the village should be trying to raise the parent.

Description : Parents of adult children: Which age was your favorite age of parenting?

Last Answer : 18 months to 2. (At least they’re my favorite for grad parenting. ) Their little personalities are bursting out and they are having a language explosion. They also seem to begin having so much self confidence.

Description : Parents: Do your kids have pierced ears, and how old were they when you got them pierced?

Last Answer : Yes, 18 months. Cultural.

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Last Answer : In Cruise’s case, also because he is short ( 5’7” or so) and has to continuously prove how manly he is.

Description : For those of you who have children or grandchildren in sports. Have you ever gotten aggravated because the parents stick their nose into a game, or argue with the coach?

Last Answer : We were on the verge of winning community league playoffs, so we could move on to district championships. After two episodes of stupid parents yelling at the coach, the official stepped on the field, blew ... though we were actually wining. Luckily they shut the F up after that, and we did win.

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Last Answer : At the camp I and my kids went to, parents were only called in an emergency. One time my son was very depressed and he called us two nights in a row. There was visiting day once a month. My kids were older when they started though – 11 or 12.

Description : Did you assume the teacher who told children their parents will be deported was racist?

Last Answer : answer:They could be racist or they could hate Trump and be terrified and have said a very stupid thing to their students. Either way, awful, but no I didn't make assumptions. I am hearing ... at Latino children in the cafeteria. Makes me sick. What kind of parent teaches their child that hatred?

Description : What does society need to do to stop the incidence of a biological parent's SO killing the non-biological children.

Last Answer : This question is a subset of the eternal and persistent question involving children at risk: Is there any hope for reducing the staggering numbers of unfit parents?

Description : Is it best if parents have two children instead of just one?

Last Answer : The best number is whatever the parents decide. The birth of a child or lack thereof should never be a source of regret.

Description : When parents complain about their children what do they really want?

Last Answer : Parenting is hard. People complain about things.

Description : Do you believe that the children of non-English speaking parents relish or cringe at the job of being the family interpreter?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on several things I think. Is the child naturally shy? Does the family live in a place that is very diverse? Are the people in the community understanding? Some children who grow up in homes where ... I didn't have to do it often, and it didn't involve me having to speak for him.

Description : To what extent should parents let their children create chaos?

Last Answer : Look at your fourth paragraph. You have three Jane did not approve of’s. Enough said.

Description : Parents: what do you most want for your children (see details)?

Last Answer : To live a full life & be the best that they can be, no regrets, positive all the way.

Description : Why do we often see black / interracial children with white parents/grandparents/folks, but rarely see white children with black adults?

Last Answer : There are way more black children that are homeless in my neck of the woods. So it will make perfectly sense to see black children with white parents. There is a long waiting list for adopting white ... a strict process to get adoption clearance. Many people don't want to go through such a process.

Description : Why do some parents insist on keeping their children in bubbles?

Last Answer : Because of their own beliefs. I think that children need to experience the world as it is and to be aware that bad things happen, but need to be protected and to fell loved, because that experience of innocence will not last as it is.

Description : Parents: If I ask you what actions you take to raise your children to be good people, what are the top three things that come to mind?

Last Answer : answer:Integrity- it helps if they know what's expected of them and why. Responsibility- accountability goes with this and looking out for each other. Flexibility- sometimes going with other people's ... of my siblings, how they thank their parents and try to help each other through life changes.

Description : Parents of multiple children- How often do you get to enjoy one-on-one time with your kids?

Last Answer : I try and make this happen at least 3 times a week. Going right now to the auto bone yard with just my oldest to pick some parts for his car and will jam with my youngest when I get back. I take each out to the restaurant of their choice once a month…those are the best conversations too!

Description : Why do new parents feel the need to move to the suburbs when they have children?

Last Answer : answer:The kids can play on a grassy lawn. There are other kids in the neighborhoods to play with. They don’t see as everyday sights the homeless, needles, etc. on the streets.

Description : Parents: Did you send your children to daycare/preschool (something other than an informal babysitter) and if so, at what age did they start?

Last Answer : I went back to work PT when my daughter was 18 mos old. She was at an in home daycare 3 days a week and loved it. (She's always been very sociable). When she was 3 she went to preschool 2 ... think it made the transition to K very smooth for her. We were both really happy with how that worked out.

Description : Parents, do you often feel anxiety over your children (especially daughters) growing up so quickly?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a mom but I can relate to raising a child. I have helped raise my sister since she was age 10 after I graduated from college. It's really awkward to have to explain ... taboo to talk about. I would appreciate your daughter's maturity and effort to try and communicate with you.

Description : The children living next door are being horribly abused by their parents. The only way to stop the abuse is to adopt the children and care for them in your home. Would you?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. edited for poor spelling Oh, and also - I'm a survivor myself, and I can't stand seeing other kids suffering. I know I can't save everyone, but in this hypothetical situation, there's ... adopt a few children at some point in the future. My husband and I both want a large family.

Description : How to explain to one's children that software piracy is theft, if it seems acceptable to most other parents?

Last Answer : The only thing your kids need to learn now is a bit of diplomacy. Their accusations are absolutely correct (you taught them well), but best kept to themselves for now.

Description : Parents, do you try to avoid antibiotics for your children?

Last Answer : Antibiotics do nothing for viral infections, and colds are viral. Some Drs. prescribe them anyway because the parents want something, but I think it is better to be cautious, and make ... treating a bacterial infection that the immune system can't easily deal with before taking any antibiotics.

Description : Parents, Do you kiss your children on the lips?

Last Answer : My mom and dad kissed me on the lips.

Description : Do children owe their parents?

Last Answer : Yes, they do. They owe them respect as they owe all people. They also owe them to continue putting effort into making the best of their lives and not waist their parents' investments. There is however no ... and in particular for the ones you care about. We're social animals, after all, aren't we?

Description : Why do parents put their children in pageants?

Last Answer : Because they are fucktarded. sorry uber

Description : Parents/Caretakers: How do you walk the fine line between wanting your children to explore vs. not wanting them to touch things that are too dirty, germy, disgusting, repulsive to you?

Last Answer : you said it yourself 1. public bathroom with the danger of catching something deadly - stay away. why would I even let my daughter play in a public bathroom? I'd just help her pee and take her out ... co-ordination, and is generally very careful. But of course you always need to keep an eye on them.

Description : Divorce parents and children of divorced parents, what was done right? What was done wrong?

Last Answer : my parents have been split since before i can remember, my parents wont talk, not that they hate each other, they just choose not to. so im stuck being the middle man ALL THE TIME. for example: i ... just make things more complicated than they need to be. do your children a favor, and keep in touch.

Description : What did you do while you were a child/teenager that you wouldn't want your own children to do or even perhaps to know about?

Last Answer : answer:When I was 16 I left town every single weekend to go live with my girlfriend that lived an hour away. I would leave Friday afternoon and return late Sunday night did this every weekend til ... . Other than that I didn't do anything anyone would find objectionable. Never drank or did drugs.

Description : Is it OK to not like or want children of your own?

Last Answer : Yes, it is completely OK.

Description : What bit of 'normal parenting' did your parents do too much of?

Last Answer : Got spanked with a belt…too many times for minor infractions

Description : Everyone (not just parents): What suggestions and parenting tips do you have for other parents?

Last Answer : Spank, spank, and spank.