Can anyone here share any personal stories of life after death or out-of-body experiences?

1 Answer

Answer :

How can someone share personal stories of life after death? Wouldnt they be dead after all?

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Last Answer : LSD.

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Last Answer : I was always taught to believe when we died and our bodies were burned it released our spirit. At this time we are free to float or go to the star to be with the family that let before us. However, ... and we will only find this out when we go there to meet them and be with them after we die.

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Last Answer : answer:Snopes has a few things to say. Too bad facts don’t matter to some people who prefer to sensationalize everything and blow it out of proportion.

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Last Answer : Too lazy to fix brakes on my motorcycle. "I'll do it tom. Today I got lots on my plate" Riding fast. Car stops suddenly and opens door. Some how I serve to avoid a collision. Still don't know how. Go fix brakes immediately after.

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Last Answer : Tell us more about what happened. How long has it been?

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Last Answer : We had two storms last year that dropped 20 or more inches of snow on us. Fortunately, things melted between the two storms. It was fun. Both happened on weekends so no one lost any work. Except for ... it's not that big a deal any more. We're supposed to get something similar this winter, too.

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Last Answer : Thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you also. Mine will be anything but merry for reasons I’ll not go into on a public site.

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Last Answer : I have only used it in a store, so here goes. I think that its a great devise. Not bad as a phone and great for browsing the web. It has a real keyboard so you should have not issues there. All ... games and stuff in general. Also much cheaper then the iPhone in every way (at least in the US).

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Last Answer : well i suppose you know then not to suggest hydroxicut because of all the new evidence it damages your liver

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Last Answer : My mother who is a massage therapist among many other things has been doing it for 25 years. She's pretty much sold on it and swears by it. Her clients are all more than impressed. Of course, ... relaxation which can lead to an overall feeling of improvement and wellbeing I think it does it's job.

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Last Answer : You can see it demonstrated in this movie.

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Last Answer : At most tough moments I have wondered how I came out of it, and the only conviction I get is that God is with me. There have been several of such occasions, and in the case of family we went ... with a great deal of believe and faith. I always feel loved each I come out of difficult situations.

Description : What is a daily written record of usually personal experiences and observations and a primary source often used by historians.?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : B) The failure of the curriculum to meet pupil's needs 

Description : The function of a teacher primarily is that of a Options: A) Service-station attendant, filling students with knowledge B) Minister, tending to the personal and spiritual needs of children ... progress towards maximum growth D) Director, organizing and planning worth-while experiences for the class

Last Answer : C) Guide, helping the child progress towards maximum growth 

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Last Answer : answer:I one time made a polenta loaf for Thanksgiving dinner that I topped with melted cheese and mushrooms. It was delicious. I naturally love polenta because I grew up eating grits.

Description : Any way we could post ghost stories (personal happenings) without getting mocked?

Last Answer : answer:I would like to think so, but it's proven very, very difficult in the past Yeah, I've had a few. These experiences got me into paranormal investigation. The one that convinced me ... fence a couple of earlier, had to stop digging, and bring in an archaeologist and anthropologist. Creepy!

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Last Answer : I got to take a ride in a medevac helicopter once. Too bad I was doped out; I don’t remember much except fighting w/ a bunch of nurses.

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Last Answer : C. public relations

Description : According to promotional mix, method which follows corporate image building, handling unfavorable events and stories to get favorable publicity is called A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. public relations D. advertising

Last Answer : C. public relations

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have as much to give my family members as I would like. The adult grandsons have outgrown gifts, so it's all money with them and the other adults are also hurting financially. I really miss ... time we save up enough to buy a new one, some emergency comes along and we can't afford it.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone in that situation is thinking about gain at that moment. It’s just a simple loss of control. Emotions trumping logic. At least, that’s what it is when it happens with me…