Those who previously wanted to have children but not anymore, what was it that made you change your mind?

1 Answer

Answer :

I got older, I told myself I wanted kids before a certain age. It didn't happen. I had money saved for being able to raise kids, turned around and used it to buy a house. Now with how everything is no way I could afford to have kids.

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Last Answer : For reference: Excerpt: “Based on new tracking observations taken this week, IAWN has confirmed that asteroid 2017 PDC is on a course that almost certainly will impact the Earth on July 21, 2027”

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Last Answer : For reference: Excerpt: “Based on new tracking observations taken this week, IAWN has confirmed that asteroid 2017 PDC is on a course that almost certainly will impact the Earth on July 21, 2027”

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Last Answer : For reference: Excerpt: “Based on new tracking observations taken this week, IAWN has confirmed that asteroid 2017 PDC is on a course that almost certainly will impact the Earth on July 21, 2027”

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