Could you skate on the other side of the ice?

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Related questions

Description : To those of you with ankle injuries, are you able to ice skate? If so, how do you do it without extreme pain?

Last Answer : I broke my ankle about a year ago and it still hurts – I can ice skate because I have nice hockey skates and they keep my ankle in one place. I take breaks every 15 minutes because my legs cramp up but it’s not because of the injury – I actually don’t know why that happens.

Description : How to Ice Skate

Last Answer : How to Ice Skate Are you fond of watching figure skaters glide their way gracefully on ice? Figure skating is not as hard as most people think it is. Just like in any other sport, practice and patience ... make a skating rink). Practice the basic steps and keep in mind that there's fun in falling.

Description : If you had a river you could skate away on - where would you go - and why?

Last Answer : I just linked to this song on my facebook page. If I could get it to freeze, I would freeze and skate away on the mighty Waikato river. I would meet my lover for lunch and dinner.

Description : What's the closest summer sport to ice hockey?

Last Answer : Counterstrike Source?

Description : How can I become a better ice skater if my class is so full I hardly have room to move?

Last Answer : answer:Take a few private lessons if you can afford it. I would think weekends are very busy at the rink? What is wrong with going in a circle? You can kind of straighten it into a rectangle if you ... , will help. It's like learning to ride a bike, learning the balance and the edges on the skates.

Description : Hockey question; when a player scores - why is he immediately removed from the ice?

Last Answer : To check for unobstructed clefts.

Description : Is there any reason not to wear this to my adult learn-to-skate class?

Last Answer : 1. You will overheat, even on an ice rink. There isn’t any wind in an indoor rink to cool you off. 2. It is too bulky for ice skating. Wear something more form fitting. Didn’t you wear that to go snowboarding last winter?

Description : What's a good skate brand?

Last Answer : Dang, I thought finally a figure skating question to which I was going to reply: Reidell.

Description : Name for surf/skate/snowboard clothing company?

Last Answer : SurfSkateClothes R Us :P Yeah, it’s a little overused

Description : Skate parks

Last Answer : I haven’t been to any in NoCal in a long time.. But, if you can make it up to Medford Oregon they have a really nice (huge) skate park.

Description : Kids want to ride in-line skates. How to protect them? Investing in earmarked funds is not a problem. Thanks Vasil

Last Answer : Definitely a helmet and some elbow and knee pads.

Description : What Sometimes this inland northern sea freezes so that you can skate on it?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : "What makes an inline skate ""adjustable"""?

Last Answer : When skates are advertised as adjustable, it usually means kids skates that have an adjustable boot size so they can keep using them as their feet get bigger.

Description : Where can I buy cheap skate shoes online?

Last Answer : If you want cheap skate shoes online, stay away from corporate shops suck as Dick's Sporting Goods and big firm skate shops. You can try your luck on ebay or amazon, where you ... in good conditions. There are also websites like and that are very reliabe.

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Last Answer : 2996

Description : skate?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : How to Skate Backwards

Last Answer : How to Skate Backwards Skating is a fun activity, but to make it more challenging, you should know a few tips and tricks that will make you look graceful and lovely. One trick you can practice is ... , you'll look great whether you're on the pavement or on ice. Remember, practice makes perfect!

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Last Answer : Being a Brit, I don't understand baseball - I went to a game once with teams playing at a summer camp in Florida (that's where we sad Brits go for holidays). It seemed to me to be a celebration of ... football - another sport I don't understand. Give me rugby every day. Now there's a man's sport!

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Last Answer : probaly because we are less cultured than the rest of the world.

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Last Answer : i am in the same situation, now that gymnastics and swiming are over ther is not really anything else that is really good to watch. So now im catching up on my sleep and watching Michale Phelps swim ... do find it intresting that they made BMX and olympic sport, so you might want to chek that out.

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Last Answer : Can you specify where you think the unfairness lies?

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Last Answer : How would we know of them if they are not competing?

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Last Answer : I don“t think the refs care, but the owners get pissed!!! On some teams the players can receive a hefty fine for tossing a ball into the crowd. Those balls cost money & the owners don’t want to buy more…cuts into their profit margin!!!

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Last Answer : No. Never. We are living in the age of cancel culture and it’s already terrifying enough. And it’s not the player’s fault that someone loses money. You put the bet, you know the risk. No one forces you to. Anything else is just needless violence.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone would want to get impaled in a tree.

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Last Answer : Chess is not an athletic activity or contest of physical prowess.

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Last Answer : I told my wife to let me know when she sees Joey Chestnut compete.

Description : What team do you hope to win in the Olympics?

Last Answer : I’m for the USA team.

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Last Answer : There is not a lot of movement compared to sports like hand-egg, basket ball, or base ball, with players mostly standing or shuffling around, instead of running around like headless chicken, and they do ... field, which means you can not build giant arenas around it, making it feel less grand .