How can I feel close to my family online even we are so far apart?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s the commucation. When you talk to them it sometimes feels like your talking to them in person or you feel close to them. Thats how I feel when I talk to friends that moved away.

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Last Answer : answer: You agree not to willfully post any copyrighted or illegal material to ask-public. - ask-public Terms and Conditions I post that because, given the potential for abuse of such ... even without the legal encumbrances, I question how good many of the commercially available programs are.

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Last Answer : With or without artificial time dilation?

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Last Answer : I am the oldest of three.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t. It sounds a bit creepy, actually.

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Last Answer : I think it doesn't exist, and I think I am a happier person because I believe that. Most people I know who idealize other families feel they got a bad deal in the family department, and ... extremes that truly are horrific, but a little dysfunction seems to be statisically normal from where I sit.

Description : Do you have any "I'm glad the holiday is over my family was getting on my nerves" stories you would like to share?

Last Answer : I don’t have any yet, but as soon as I get out of here, I’ll be happy to share!they’re watching me type…. p.s, I love your last topic (adds to profile)

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Last Answer : I don’t there’s an all encompassing definition. Someone will be offended regardless.

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Last Answer : Actually, I think they must have a lot of people to share good news with.

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Last Answer : First and formost..find a good lawyer. That's a truely sad story. I would definitely look into Canada's laws regarding destitute and/or abandoned children. If an organization or charity has money to ... they should also have funds to hire a good lawyer to help with all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

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Last Answer : Well that sucks. My family had a simular problem they had a hard time accepting my aunt who had that illness and understanding that she Cant help who she is it's a mental illness and it's not her ... with a mental illness. I hope everything works out for you i'm sorry you have to go through this.

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Last Answer : I love to get photos with my cards. I love it when people put photos in their holiday letters too. I especially love seeing how the children grow from year to year.

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Last Answer : Very conservative, close-minded, extremely religious, very strict, all work and no fun types.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t happen nearly often enough to worry about. We hear about EVERY random large scale killing, and we see them probably less than once a year. Thats just too small of a chance to even worry me.

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Last Answer : HEY WE’RE ADVENTUROUS TOO I travel the dark depths of the interwebs (from the safety of my desk chair, of course)

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Last Answer : This may be a bit late, but I do know someone who might fit the bill.

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Last Answer : I really hope you’re kidding.

Description : How far apart should your head and a radio/stereo be to prevent electromagnetic radiation?

Last Answer : If it is simply a receiver, there is no safety issue. A transmitter depends on frequency and power. Most consumer electronics are quite safe.

Description : How far apart are the pins on a European (type C) plug?

Last Answer :

Description : I read a quote from Ambrose Bierce: "The covers of this book are too far apart" and want to know what book he was talking about.

Last Answer : One he didn’t like!!! ;-)

Description : how far apart are ogilvie station and millenium station in chicago?

Last Answer : It’s about an eight – ten minute walk (like 9 or 10 blocks) down washington toward the water. Millenium station is right by the Art Institute; I used to walk from ogilvie and the Art Institute every day years ago.