What are those little white bumper stickers with 2 black letters on them?

1 Answer

Answer :

They’re abbreviations for where the car owner is from. right?

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Description : If all atheists want is for people to quit pushing there faith on them then why use bumper stickers that specifically bash Christ.

Last Answer : Some atheist (like fundamentalist Christians) believe in letting EVERYONE know about their beliefs. They have bumper stickers, talk about it, go to conventions, and bash what they don't believe in. Atheists, by ... are (or should be) apathetic. They are vocal about their belief in a lack of god.

Description : Do you have any bumper stickers on your vehicle?

Last Answer : No bumper stickers, but lots of window stickers. Do they count?

Description : What, specifically, about bumper stickers don't you like?

Last Answer : Honk if your…

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Last Answer : They say there are people that put bumper stickers on their cars, and those that don’t. Here in the states, they ask you if you have them on your car before they ask you questions on political polls.

Description : What bumper stickers are you sportin' on your conveyance?

Last Answer : On my car I only have one bumper sticker that says I donate to an organization which gives money to dead police officer’s families. It’s a nice thought and all but I just hope it keeps me from getting a ticket some day. *edit: Just so you know, I did actually donate to them.

Description : What are some great bumper stickers you've seen in your time?

Last Answer : Here are a few that I remember: - My kid beat up your honor student – Spending my child’s inheritance – If you can read this, you’re too close – How’s my driving? Dial 1–800-Eat-Shit – I brake for nobody

Description : Why on earth would someone buy a brand new car then plaster it with political bumper stickers?

Last Answer : apparently she is really into the election and SERIOUSLY wants to she everyone who she supports. I’m one who doesn’t like bumper stickers on my vehicle but enjoy reading “silly” ones on others vehicles. i prefer the ones that make you laugh at.

Description : Personal cars for business use. Thoughts on bumper stickers?

Last Answer : I agree with you absolutely. It would be like wearing a t-shirt saying the same in a company that gave you a clothing allowance. And I don’t feel you even NEED to have a clothing allowance to be breaking company rules; likewise the car reimbursement.

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Last Answer : I did a search and came up with this: LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLLGOGERYCHWYRNDROBWLLLLANTYSILIOGOGOGOCH, which is the name of a Welsh town. Since your example of runner has the n and the r as being repeated, my ... O and R 10 repeated letters. Oddly, it only has 5 letters that AREN'T repeated.

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Last Answer : Just off the top of my head. 1 (K)nife 2bom(b) 3 dum(b)

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Last Answer : If you look at the keys on the phone there are three letters associated with each number. Write out the phone number and write the letters assocatied with each number above the number. Then look at the letters and ... . It has to be in order, or you can't dial the number from looking at the words.

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Last Answer : answer:This is a great site, that tells you everything about radio call signals & their origin. http://earlyradiohistory.us/recap.htm#early

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Last Answer : It depends on which language. The only other language I speak with any sort of confidence is French. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_orthography Scroll down to “Modern French” and “Diacritics” and it explains a few of the accents and marks used.

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Last Answer : gnu.

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Last Answer : Papers stickers indoor are paper printed stickers that are affordable and best choice for the indoor events, decorations, packaging, windows, and doors, etc. The stickers are printed on Matt or glossy paper ... its best. So, you can have a perfect finishing even on matt and glossy paper easily.Cl

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Last Answer : Seems that the “description” has become part of the question.

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Last Answer : Cookies for two kids who learned the right thing and cookies for a smart dad. Cookie for all, I say.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Most likely, no, you will not get sick. However, you must monitor yourself for the next 24 hours. If you feel like farting, sit on the toilet to do it just in case it's more than air. If you feel ... run to the toilet. A lot depends on your age and general health. More than likely, you'll be fine.

Description : Can I create my own stickers for cassettes or should I go to a company that does this?

Last Answer : answer:You can probably buy sheets of the blank stickers on ebay or somewhere and print on them. I bet we are all wondering though, why cassettes?

Description : Can I buy registration stickers at Ca DMV even though the car is registered under my moms name?

Last Answer : Mom has to do it. The registration requires her signature.

Description : Price stickers on gifts?

Last Answer : I always take them off. It was one of those things that was taught to me as a child with regards to manners. It’s still considered tacky to leave them on.

Description : What information should be put on stickers that identify a kids' items?

Last Answer : How about name, grade and school name?

Description : What kind of glue is best suited for textile stickers?

Last Answer : answer:The vendor that you select to do your screen printing will be able to provide you with samples of printable materials that will allow you to do tests prior to contracting for ... of manufacturers and suppliers who would be able to answer questions with regards to detailed specifics.

Description : What websites do you use where you earn points, awards, stickers, badges, etc...?

Last Answer : answer:I love GetGlue. You can be a couch potato and earn stickers for liking stuff and checking-in to TV shows, movies, books, and more. If it didn’t give you stickers, I probably wouldn’t use it as much, if at all.

Description : How much are these old Mac stickers worth?

Last Answer : My guess is nothing. At least I would not pay anything for these.

Description : What are some good sites to go to for getting stickers made?

Last Answer : Do you want a company or would a high quality do-it-at-home job work?

Description : Can anyone tell me from his own experience how well these wall decals/stickers work?

Last Answer : I covered my toddler’s room with them – super easy to put up, they stay up and peel off easily – I got them from all over the internet, can’t remember now.

Description : What are the stickers with a month on your license plate called and how do I get new ones?

Last Answer : They are called auto license registration stickers and you can get them from your state Department of Motor Vehicles or DMV.

Description : Do I take the stickers off my RAM?

Last Answer : nice, i have a g5 dual mac too. I never took the stickers off of mine – i dont think you’re supposed to. Its the only way i can see to keep track of the serial numbers and all that other good stuff. i’ve upgraded the RAM some years ago and never had a problem, so it doesn’t seem to mess it up.

Description : I want to mail a bunch of stickers. I have scales. How much is postage cost by weight?

Last Answer : Have you checked at www.usps.gov? Specifically, http://postcalc.usps.gov/

Description : What is the best way to remove obnoxious stickers from a laptop? Intel Inside? I don't care!

Last Answer : I’ve always been bad at removing stickers, but I think you can just peel it off, then scratch away the white residue, and then maybe use a damp washcloth or somethign on the are so it’s not so sticky? After a while it’ll be good.