What's the longest word you can think of which doesn't repeat any letters?

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Last Answer : subdermatoglyphic

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Last Answer : yes! I do it ALL the time! I had that happen recently: atrocious. lovely word, isn’t it? and it doesnt make sense!

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Last Answer : I did a search and came up with this: LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLLGOGERYCHWYRNDROBWLLLLANTYSILIOGOGOGOCH, which is the name of a Welsh town. Since your example of runner has the n and the r as being repeated, my ... O and R 10 repeated letters. Oddly, it only has 5 letters that AREN'T repeated.

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Last Answer : Just off the top of my head. 1 (K)nife 2bom(b) 3 dum(b)

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Last Answer : answer:This is a great site, that tells you everything about radio call signals & their origin. http://earlyradiohistory.us/recap.htm#early

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Last Answer : It depends on which language. The only other language I speak with any sort of confidence is French. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_orthography Scroll down to “Modern French” and “Diacritics” and it explains a few of the accents and marks used.

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Last Answer : Reflection? Reflective shimmer?

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Last Answer : Stint can mean a period of time but usually time spent working. Eg He did a two hour stint in an Amazon warehouse. A long stint drinking coffee doesn’t sound right unless meant in a humorous way.

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Last Answer : Context is everything. For example, in that other question, if “right” doesn’t mean “not left” then “correct” only applies as a moral judgement because the. Ircumstance doesn’t have a “correct” answer, as it’s a matter of personal choice.

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Last Answer : Precautionary or cautious. Phone ahead to dentist to find out if one can take painkillers as they may give you some at that appointment via needles or pills?

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Last Answer : Your article seems largely based on the Online Etymological Dictionary which is pretty reliable.

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Last Answer : Maybe it is in this list? Or you may try reversedictionary?

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Last Answer : No. Generalizations can be restricted or unrestricted. The words all or some can be used to make it explicit which type of generalization you are making, but a reasonable person uses ... the principle of charity to determine which sort of generalization is intended when neither word is present.

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Last Answer : Vehicle… said in a southern American accent. Also glaceirs said in a British accent. I am set in my ways and fee unwanted pressure to change.

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Last Answer : Have you actually read the etymology?

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Last Answer : I don’t understand.

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Last Answer : I don't have a paper dictionary handy anymore. I gave that up about 15 years ago. But I looked in the 1913 Webster's at Project Gutenberg. Non sequitur is listed as a normal word between nonsensitive ... [L., it does not follow.] (Logic) Defn: An inference which does not follow from the premises.