What would you be doing if you'd just finished your MA thesis?

1 Answer

Answer :

Haven’t finished a thesis, but, I just wanted to say “Congratulations!”.

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Last Answer : “Wow! Fluther is a great internet web site! If you want to know what a dream meant, or how to make someone like you, or anything to do with fixing a computer, this is the place to ask! And Augustlan seems very hip! No wonder they say she’s mod!”

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Last Answer : This DRAW A STICKMAN has put the biggest smile on my face today – enjoy!

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Last Answer : Attempted to do a headstand against a wall. I just wanted to see if I could still do one without any witnesses present.

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Last Answer : I would give her a gift card for the amount I could afford, and it certainly would not be that much money.

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Last Answer : They all get boring after a short while. I think phones should make phone calls, send texts, and take pictures.

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Last Answer : well yeah!!

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Last Answer : more often than not. Yesterday I saved a spider from death, and also found a jumping spider that made me laugh with his antics. I'd don't always have perfect days, but I do get days where ... that I don't recall it with dread. The only downside yesterday was the brief argument with the EMTs.

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Last Answer : You could read a book. If you like sci-fi may I recommend Stephen Donaldson’s “The Gap” sequence.

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Last Answer : come to canada…we are legal at 18 or 19 depending where you are… 21 is a ridiculous age to have to achieve to drink legally. or just someone to buy you alcohol and drink at home lol.

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Last Answer : I think it’s something like saw a hole in the wall or something. I don’t really remember. Do you already know or do you want to know?

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Last Answer : The English to 12 year-old AOLer Translator IM HAVNG AN INTELIEGNT CONVARSATION!!1!11 OMG

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