What are YOU doing on this fine Saturday evening?

1 Answer

Answer :

Watching “The Pacific”, the HBO miniseries (damn good, if you haven’t seen it yet).

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Description : What to do on a cloudy saturday afternoon that is relaxing but not physically exerting?

Last Answer : Go for a nice walk (not a hike or a run). especially if you have woods or open space near you where you can be near nature. Or make a lunch with what you have and go on a picnic at a near by park. Take a frisbee along to play catch.

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Last Answer : By the way, I know about 511.org (awesome site), but it seems to only have real-time traffic, not general patterns. If you’ve found something like that, that’d be cool to know about.

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Last Answer : See if this link helps.

Description : What are you doing right now this Saturday night?

Last Answer : Looking through used books’ websites, even though I have to get up in five and a half hours. I need to log off now.

Description : What are you doing on this Saturday afternoon?

Last Answer : Obviously, I’m sitting here, but I do have a concert to sing tonight. (includes Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms) My list for today includes mostly maintenance stuff.

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Last Answer : Watching lockup, answering questions on some strange website, drinking whisky and waiting for a sci-fi movie to load.

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Last Answer : Nothing. It's really cold and raining, and I don't have a covered porch or a doorbell, so I put a sign and a bowl of candy out. I took my kids trick or treating this weekend in a different town ... no plans for parties or excuses to dress up, so I'm washing curtains and eating Laffy Taffy in my pjs.

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Last Answer : If the girls are willing to get jiggy in public, they’re most likely doing it for the attention. I have never heard of anyone paying – that’s just ridiculous. Maybe a couple of guys might buy them drinks, but that’s insane. Just weird. I’m baffled.

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Last Answer : Haven’t finished a thesis, but, I just wanted to say “Congratulations!”.

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Last Answer : Not safe for work! It sucks having the libido of a 16 year old and the work load of a PhD student!

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Last Answer : answer:I've owned corydoras catfish in the past, and yes, damaged whiskers do grow back eventually, but it will take awhile, about several months. Just keep the water clean--corydoras catfish need ... I hope this helps. ;) http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/corydoras/63046-cory-barbell-loss.html

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Last Answer : I think the moderators on this site do a very good job too.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Why should you pay for the sexual assault sins of others? It’s a rather charming tradition. Last I looked, your house is not the White House.

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Last Answer : Saturday when nothing good on TV or radio.

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Last Answer : answer:We’ll probably be spending our Christmas money on a local mechanic… does that count? I am so sick of car trouble. So. Sick. Of. It.

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Last Answer : Would you like to know in advance so you could contemplate the loss of your nuts? Make it a surprise. Just not a happy one.

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Last Answer : It definitely still feels like Friday night. Most of the time that’s because whatever I was doing on the actual Friday night is still happening. There’s no break in it from which to extract a separation of days.

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Last Answer : Might want to try Reddit or something…

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Last Answer : answer:I’m still laughing. That little guy just punched Johnny on the mouth! Mork vs. the Necrotons

Description : Mother in law will watch her grandson on Saturday for a price: Is this fair, strange, appalling to you?

Last Answer : Seems fair to me to pay to the MIL to babysit. I would however encourage your wife to get her own insurance, then she won’t be dependent on someone else to distribute any claim money.

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Last Answer : answer:It's rainy now, and while not particularly cold, I'll tell you I have no desire to leave my house. I'll probably make grilled cheese sammiches and Spaghetti-Os for my son and myself, and ... I like rain, generally, but nice rain. We're getting on-again-off-again torrents. Those are annoying.

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Last Answer : Other than my laptop…all of them. Fuck the time change….as if we can really control nature. Pfft!

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Last Answer : It sounds like maybe a heart attack. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart aches reading your story.

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Last Answer : answer:I take my son to an orthopedist every couple of months for injuries. I don't believe in messing around with teens and bones/joints. Please go to the doctor. An orthopedist. They will do ... follow-up to make sure you are improving. They will write an order for physical therapy, if necessary.

Description : Well, it's Saturday night and I ain't got no...

Last Answer : time for Fluther. #swag #yolo #clubbing2damax

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Last Answer : I will go to work.

Description : Some questions about my miscarriage on Saturday-really concerned?

Last Answer : At nine weeks the baby is the size of a grape. Either you did miscarriage or maybe you are mistaking it for cervical mucus plug. I would worry more about seeing a doctor than trying to get advice and ... it was too soon and it simply isn't registering in your urine yet. But I'm just guessing.

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Last Answer : There’s my girl..

Description : Drunken Fluthering on a Saturday righ'chere. What are y'all drinkin'?

Last Answer : Hahaha…how perfect! I JUST got in from shopping and JUST cracked a Pacifico! Another amazing sunny springlike day in the hills of the California drought. If it won’t rain I’ll create my own watering hole. Colomas home on the range, where the deer and chinese geese play. :-D

Description : Sunday night, do you enjoy it as much as Saturday night or spend it dreading Monday?

Last Answer : Now that I'm no longer in school, Sunday night is longer a thing to be feared, despised and hated. I used to hate Sunday nights, but now that my work schedule is not fixed and I may or may ... up on my TV-watching or hanging with a friend. Sunday night is a big food-experimentation night for me.

Description : What could we do on a cloudy Saturday that is not rainy?

Last Answer : answer:Go to a mall and window shop. Watch a movie. Try on each other’s clothes.

Description : Will you help me look up some information on the earthquake that hit OK City (and us) on Friday and Saturday?

Last Answer : answer: Preliminary data published by the USGS show that the largest of the series of the tremors, which occurred 21 miles from the town of Shawnee, had a magnitude of 5.6. It had been ... a low frequency sound. These sounds are often described as a boom or rumble. Leonard Geophysical Observatory

Description : It's Saturday! Post something funny so we can lighten up the spirits around this place!

Last Answer : Let’s have pancakes!!!!!

Description : How do you spend your Saturday night?

Last Answer : Fluthering it up

Description : How much should I charge for a family of 4 kids that I would have to take to and from school and also all day Saturday?

Last Answer : I guess charge whatever you want per hour. $20—$60/hour. Up to you. You might want to charge more for 4 kids, that’s a lot.

Description : It's 2 :30 am Saturday. What informercial is on your TV right now?

Last Answer : answer:The Wen hair care system. And holy shit, it looks great.

Description : How early do I need to leave (by cab) for a Saturday morning flight from Greenwich Village in NYC to LaGuardia airport?

Last Answer : answer:“My yellow cab got me from 42nd Street & Vanderbilt to LaGuardia in just under 40 minutes, and the fare was $27, plus $4.50 for the Triboro Bridge toll, and a gratuity.” Source

Description : What is supposed to happen Saturday May 21 2011?

Last Answer : Well supposedly Saturday is “Judgement Day.” That is the day that God takes the people who committed sins to hell and the people who did not to heaven. I personally do not believe that will happen. So we are all supposed to die and go to hell…

Description : Who is your favorite host of Saturday Night Live?

Last Answer : Steve Martin. Two wild and crazy guys was classic.

Description : For those who watch Saturday Night Live: What are some of the most memorable skits on SNL?

Last Answer : This!

Description : It's a cold Saturday morning. What is your delicious hot drink with no caffeine?

Last Answer : I love hot peppermint tea with just a touch of sugar to really bring out the minty flavor.