Online Colleges/Classes, What's Your Opinion?

1 Answer

Answer :

I take online classes and I like it. I think you will find different opinions here, however.

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Last Answer : Gay [equal] Happy! :D

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Last Answer : All kinds of students take online college courses but my personal belief is that they serve best as a supplement to an on-campus experience. One has to be very self-motivated to get the most out of distance education but it does serve its purpose.

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Last Answer : You can find a list of accredited online bible colleges at Another excellent site is

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Last Answer : Yes, as far as I can find there are at least five Christian colleges in Washington. Their names are Northwest University, Puget Sound Christian College, Seattle Pacific University, Trinity Lutheran College and Whitworth College.

Description : Are online bible colleges accredited?

Last Answer : There are a number of accredited bible colleges which offer online courses. You can find a list at

Description : What are some good online bible colleges?

Last Answer : There are many great online bible college programs, but you'll also want to look for a school that is also accredited. This website shows some of the top ranking ... Links to more information about all of these schools can be found on this website as well.

Description : Where online can I find colleges for psychology?

Last Answer : For a list of the Top 10 Psychology Colleges in the US, try this site:

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Last Answer : While we generally think of online education schools being online colleges and institutes there are online education schools for primary and secondary grades. These are primarily used by home schoolers, ..., and

Description : How many colleges online offer a bachelors degree in psychology?

Last Answer : 1500 online colleges offer programs for bachelors degree in Psychology.

Description : Where can I find a list of accredited online colleges?

Last Answer : There are tons of colleges offering degrees online these days. You can find a list here:

Description : Where can I find good criminal justice colleges online?

Last Answer : walterbn323: is an excellent website to search for online criminal justice colleges. Many different schools are featured with in-depth analysis. There are many ... is; you simply enter the program and location, and hit search.

Description : Which colleges offer nursing courses online?

Last Answer : There are many colleges that offer online nursing courses. To find a school that offers a class that fits what you need you should first contact a local school.

Description : Where can I find online information about colleges in Rhode island?

Last Answer : is for online Colleges in Rhode Island is the government website with a list of colleges and universities in Rhode Island

Description : What online colleges offer programs in administration training.?

Last Answer : Yes there are online school that offers program in administration. You can look up online for more options and choices. It is more flexible for your schedule and more convenient.