Have you ever thought you were demonically possessed?

1 Answer

Answer :

Uh, no.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Yea, but I’m not going to say because it’ll more than likely be misconstrued, then I’ll have to spend the whole day explaining and backpedaling lol.

Description : Have you ever had a thought you cannot form from words? How do you deal with it?

Last Answer : That happens a lot, especially here. I will often think of a point that I want to put across but not know how to do so. It’s very frustrating. I usually just sit and wait until the inspiration comes to me.

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Last Answer : In fourth grade I invented this, only mine was cooler. I did a science fair project on the best way to keep bananas fresh (my mom even took me to visit the Chiquita factory!). It's actually best to ... everyone I know now) kept bananas out in the open. So I'm pretty sure it was an original thought.

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Last Answer : answer:@LostInParadise: but I can't imagine that I can think of something and at the exact same time observe myself thinking. I'm not sure I have every experienced this either. But there have been ... to such a degree as to provide some sense of relief. I suspect it is different for everyone.

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Last Answer : It’s really very simple, the little guys working inside our heads file away all the “keepers” in terms of thoughts/memories, ready to recall them at a moments notice…or maybe that’s just me ;-}

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Last Answer : answer:Some humans are good (I suspect most of us) and some are evil. Some have morals and some have none. Morals codify the innate goodness of human beings and give us “rules” of conduct that allow us to live among one another.

Description : What constitutes a thought?

Last Answer : answer:My first thought was that your question was way out there. I then read your question over and over and finally came to this conclusion: A thought has to be generated or suggested. Example: I saw ... if the were all painted red, instead of yellow. Would Yellow Cabs then be called Red Cabs? .

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Last Answer : What does this have to do with the word ‘me’?

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Last Answer : I've always found apologizing face to face helps. If you genuinely feel you have nothing to apologize for then a little introspection to be certain you harbor no guilt for the bad feelings caused ... none, you should discover it'll pass pretty quickly now that you've acknowledged it to yourself.

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Last Answer : Nope, never.

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Last Answer : Google it.

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Last Answer : 63.883 years, ish.

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Last Answer : the ability to make a high quality comment.

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Last Answer : I think it’s senility or something chemical or biological. He wasn’t always this befuddled and malicious.

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Last Answer : Now, that's one I'll have to think about. I'll get back to you on that. I can tell you that it's not beauty, goodness, or pluckiness, although those may be additional traits in some appealing characters ... ). And it sure isn't flaws alone. Maybe there isn't a commonality? This could be a hard one.

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Last Answer : It would be rude. I’ve had one ex that didn’t like my long hair and the fact Thai wasn’t tall. Another guy, on a first date, asked me if he could call me another name because he didn’t like mine. I made him take me back home.

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Last Answer : yes

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Last Answer : I think I did a long time ago, but it doesn’t stand out in my mind as much as others of his. Sorry – not a very satisfactory answer.

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Last Answer : Good job on the question! I think the most logical reasons are for science, technology and if and when we run out of space here at home.

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Last Answer : Kinetic energy, wind mill.

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Last Answer : Given, Mass of object m=10kg. Height h=6m. Acceleration due to gravity g=9.8m/s2 Potential Energy of object P.E=m×g×h ⇒mgh=10×9.8×6=98×6 =588J Energy possessed by the object is 588Joule.

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Last Answer : Potential Energy is given by PE=mgHPE=mgH Given mg=100N and H=15 m PE=100 15=1500JPE=100 15=1500J If If the same object is raised half of its original height i.e H= 7.5 m PE=100 7.5=750JPE=100 ... same object is raised to three times of its original height i.e H=45 m PE=100 45=4500JPE=100 45=4500J

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Last Answer : I don't kow

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Last Answer : Ans. Knowledge

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Last Answer : (4) Iraq had not withdrawn from Kuwait complety Explanation: The question of withdrawal of Iraq from kuwait was an issue in 1991 Iraq war. This was not an issue during 2003 Iraq war.

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Last Answer : Potential Energy [PE = mgh ] [m=mass; g = accel- eration due to gravity; h = height]

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Last Answer : Kinetic Energy

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Last Answer :  angular momentum

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Last Answer : A responsible party is the person who is responsible for the subject matter or the subject matter information

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Last Answer : Answer: A

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Last Answer : Ans: a) Mediocre 

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Last Answer : D. Correction of distortions of thought and perception occurring in psy

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Last Answer : (b) Structural unemployment ;

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Last Answer : C) Connoting

Description : Have you ever had phantom remote condition?

Last Answer : My TV channel has been changed when someone picks up a key chain with numerous keys on it. We also used to get conversations from next door on our intercom.

Description : Have you ever changed a delusional belief?

Last Answer : Dude.. People can believe all sorts of things. The great gift that Western civilization got from Aristotle is a method of proving your beliefs have some reasonable chance of being coincident with reality. A ... when it comes to Santa, I wish I had never heard of Aristotle. I loved that delusion!

Description : Is racism ever justifiable?

Last Answer : I don't think it would be justifiable (meaning right, or good, or correct) but it can be understandable. If a person grows up in a neighborhood where almost everyone he sees or knows is ... kind of crap happens in all kinds of communities in which the circumstances I just mentioned are similar.

Description : Have you ever known someone who did not know or comprehend something which you consider pretty BASIC and FUNDAMENTAL?

Last Answer : answer:By the way, the question itself isn’t currently showing for some stupid reason. Before you say “what is the question”—what I asked (and not showing) was: : Have you ever known someone who did not know or comprehend something which you consider pretty BASIC and FUNDAMENTAL?

Description : Have you ever been in a close relationship with a malignant narcissist or a sociopath?

Last Answer : I never met Donald Trump.

Description : Did you ever have symptoms that disappeared?

Last Answer : answer:I had a pain in my left shoulder and a pain in my back, about waist high and to the left. Both traveled down the adjacent limb and left my body. For instance I had weak shoulder, ... - curvature of the spine - and there was a compressed nerve, As the compression increased, the pain traveled.

Description : Have you ever experienced a life changing scenario that was quite unexpected?

Last Answer : I read the autobiography of Gandhi and became a lifelong vegetarian shortly after that. I met a friend at work who had been a vegetarian for many years, and he showed me how easy, or at least how ... do it in a healthy way, that can be researched very easily on the internet, it's pretty easy.

Description : Do you ever have one of those days when you're better off just keeping your mouth shut?

Last Answer : (Redacted )

Description : Have you ever heard of any adult whose skin is so dry (for whatever reason) that they need to take sponge baths on an ongoing basis, for long periods of time?

Last Answer : answer:I would assume she has had her thyroid checked since she has been to the doctor so much, but if not that would be my first suggestion. Also, iron levels. Bathing might be drying her skin. ... oils that would help. Is her water hard where she lives? NY generally has a nice level of softness.

Description : What's the strangest thing you've ever forgotten?

Last Answer : I’ve forgotten my alphabet in the middle of the work day. But knocks to the dome coupled with high levels of stress can have that effect. It was hilarious but also scary – as I was trying to file something I couldn’t place it alphabetically because I didn’t know which letter came next.

Description : Have you ever been bullied or are you a bully?

Last Answer : answer:I have never bullied anyone, but yes, I was seriously bullied in middle school. My father was an Architect for the BIA and built schools and hospitals all over the Southwest. We moved to ... show that racism is a multi-colored coat. Marcia Brady did not fit in on the reservation. haha

Description : Have you ever overcome a phobia?

Last Answer : I successfully overcame my fear of dentists. In the past going to the dentist's was a real nightmare to me. I would cry loudly and try to run away when taken to the dentists, despite being repeatedly told that ... my fear got numbed when I had to face it repeatedly. It's just like I got used to it.

Description : Does OCD ever leave?

Last Answer : At first you have to make yourself stop doing those things. This will be difficult. But after that, you will get used to it and OCD will leave. You have to be determined and work it. This will not happen in ... but if you try you will see results! When you are in a good mood, that helps a lot too.

Description : Do you ever get angry with yourself?

Last Answer : Most of my anger is directed at myself.