Have you ever been alarmed at a particular thought you had?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yea, but I’m not going to say because it’ll more than likely be misconstrued, then I’ll have to spend the whole day explaining and backpedaling lol.

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Last Answer : answer:Have you seen a good therapist, someone you feel safe with whose intellect and insights you trust? I dealt with an issue (a subtle one) of parental abuse in therapy.

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Last Answer : answer:I was 8 and labeled a problem child by my snooty private girls' school. I had social problems, mainly I was very sensitive and the kids picked on me a lot. I guess I got mad and pushed them and ... 4th as well, I can't remember. Anyway, I ended up going to a different school for 5th grade.

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Last Answer : You may want to consider weening off the drugs altogether. It doesn't sound like legal or illegal is helping at all. There's a huge community that's willing to help addicts. Might want to look into something like ... meds your way. That's all they know. Then again, I'm no doctor. What do I know?

Description : Have you ever been 'gripped/overcome/consumed with/by grief'?

Last Answer : Well….duh. Of course! Ever lost a parent you were really, really close to? No? Okay, then how about BOTH parents?! BUT….I moved on…I’m way past it and life goes on. My blitz of grief came and went and it sure as hell did not consume me.

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Last Answer : Can you be more specific about what you’re referring to with “this”? I’m not really sure I’m seeing what you’re seeing. Pictures of kids partying or someone in a luxurious apartment don’t seem all that wild to me, even if I couldn’t or wouldn’t spend my money that way.

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Last Answer : Um ...... yeah? It's possible. It could totally be a way in which more aggravated dissociative states present themselves (as could all voices - like, gruff and deep and male on a teeny, high ... various vernacular (eg baby talk, LOLspeak) than a soft voice, though they could easily combine the two.

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Last Answer : Not now, but as a child I wish I would have told someone the things that I had witnessed and experienced, so that I could have stopped the abuse of several children long before it actually ended.

Description : Have you had an experience that caused a phobia?

Last Answer : answer:I have always had arachnophobia. It did not stem from any incident that I recall. Your father (and, by extension, brother) sound very mean. I wish for them that someone causes them an equal fear someday.

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Last Answer : The original “Eureka!” man—Archimedes—was stepping into a bath.

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Last Answer : I would rather be “stupid” but to say that means that I am not. But this recalls a poem for me about a guy that has all the money in the world but is so lonely he comes home and puts a bullet in his head.

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Last Answer : No. As tempting as flying without the help of an airplane is…. I’m not sleeping with John Goodman and I am not fighting grizzly bears.Ever ;)

Description : What events in history that had remarkable effects over its flow get ignored, and more importantly why?

Last Answer : answer:@phoebusg burning of the library of Alexandria Are there any surviving examples from the Library of Alexandria at all, or even ruins where the structure once stood? Its description, to me, is ... if we don't know what kinds of thing human civilization lost in the library's destruction.

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Last Answer : No. Life is to short to be a hypochondriac.

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Last Answer : answer:Sometimes but not always. I do find that when it’s sunny I have a bit more energy and I’m a bit happier. Sometimes the gloomy weather does bring me down, but I try not to let it get to me. Smiles are cuter than frowns, you know.

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Last Answer : My mother was a concert pianist, although she (being a woman in the 50's) gave up whatever career she might have had to care for her children. I also have a neice who was an Olympia ... older and got a Ph.D. That took some doing-although granted not as much as the aforementioned achievements.

Description : My Mom thinks that my Panic Disorder is not caused from my past traumatic experience because she has had traumatic experiences as well but does not have panic disorder, is it possible that different people react differently?

Last Answer : 1. All people react differently, its natural. 2. Yes, its possible for one person to have a mental disorder, but the other to not. Individual person and personality naturally result in different ... realize about violation, and they realize that something needs to be done for the sake of recovery.

Description : What book have you read that's had a pronounced positive effect on your life?

Last Answer : I rarely read, but one book that impacted my life was The Painted Bird.

Description : Has anyone had any experience with hypnosis?

Last Answer : It’s a complex issue. What exactly would you like to know? I’ll try to answer as specifically as possible.

Description : Would you buy a house if you knew someone had died an untimely death inside that house?

Last Answer : Hmmm, I would buy it if it were cheap. I’d try to act super-sensitive to the super-natural so I could weasel a good deal out of the agent. :)

Description : If you had a chance to change or "fix" one thing that happened in your life... What would it be?

Last Answer : I’d like to fix it so that my bone marrow had been a perfect match for my mother, who died of Leukaemia in 1997.