How do I upload photos from my iphone to my computer?

1 Answer

Answer :

iPhone may not have MMS (like SMS with pictures) but it does have email. You can always email them to yourself and then download them onto your computer from there. I know that sounds tedious, but it’s a good last resort. I’ll try to see if I can find a better solution. pst apple, this is why iPhoners need SD card slots!!!

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Last Answer : answer:You could email them to yourself, which works pretty much like sending any other text message. You may need to create a contact listing with your email address in it first. You could also use ... would be a simple matter to move the photos to your computer after they're on a USB drive.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : The question for you to figure out is: how did you have your phone set up when you started using it out of teh box? If set to back up to the iCloud, the data may be recoverable.

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Last Answer : answer:If you use Picasaweb, you can use the iOS Web Albums app to upload photos directly to Picasaweb from your iPhone. Then, when you view the photos using Web Albums on your iPad, the photos are ... roll. Another option would be to just use Dropbox. There is an iPhone and iPad app for this.

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Last Answer : answer:Plug in your iPhone. Then click on it within iTunes. Under the Photo's tab, uncheck all photos (to prevent them from being synced to the iPhone. Now sync the iPhone. It should now have no pictures ... your images & update them to work with ios4. This should work. Let me know if it doesn't.

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Last Answer : Yes. With the iPhone app, click the little camera next to your status update line. It will ask if you want to take a new photo or choose from an existing one.

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Last Answer : It’s not a rumor, you should be able to if you have the latest update.

Description : IPhone photos question...

Last Answer : Good question. I don’t see how I can add anymore than “Camera Roll” and “Photo Library.”

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Last Answer : ask the people who made the app….

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Last Answer : You cannot do this…. Yet. We might be able to soon.