Are their still Boatswains in the Navy?

1 Answer

Answer :

I found this article, it appears it might still be an active position: boatswain mate Edited to add: Also, check out this link – on the US Navy website: boatswain Looks like an interesting job. It is under the enlisted jobs, on the main page – Emergency Services, I think.

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Description : Anyone have experience with family or yourself being a Navy SEAL?

Last Answer : You can't enlist in the SEALs. You enlist in the Navy and then try to pass selection as a SEAL candidate. If you make it, you're in for some of the toughest training in the world. If you wash out, ... job. I'm retired Army, but my father had SEAL units in his command, so I know how the drill works.

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Last Answer : I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any special forces units within the United States Government.

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Last Answer : answer:My Army vet husband says, If you don't tell them, that's falsifying a government document which is a felony. If you manage to get in successfully without telling them, you also run the ... exploding at altitude, which is why the Army would want to know something like that. More info.

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Last Answer : Since you are voluntarily joining the Navy, you should have your choice of any educational field the Navy is offering. ask this question, BEFORE you sign on the dotted line.

Description : What is the navy like for women?

Last Answer : You're going to be a minority of course. A considerable amount of men will just try to get in your pants. Don't turn into a slut or no one will take you seriously, just concentrate on your job and ... on you because you're a woman and think women should do the same workload as men (which is true).

Description : I just recently heard that dogs that are used in the Army, Navy, etc., are brought back to the US, and then are put to sleep after they are done being used as a service dog. Does anyone know anything about this?

Last Answer : Where do you hear this? Service animals are usually treated in high regard after their service.

Description : Is it true that Navy men hook up with a lot of gals at international sea ports when they dock there for some time?

Last Answer : This sounds like the plot to a very bad military thriller.

Description : Is there a specific number of pull-ups / chin-ups in Navy Seals training?

Last Answer : They probably do many workouts until muscle failure. 60 pullups is a lot. It took me at least 6 months to get over 30, and that’s barely making it.

Description : What is the navy like?

Last Answer : ask them yourself ships have websites and on them you can contact the webmaster or command master chief (cmc) of that ship. just go to google and search for ddg number starting around 60 for example ddg ... mil for the army: mil stands for military if you are wondering. hope this helps.

Description : How do you feel about wearing black and navy together?

Last Answer : Now that I am retired, I don’t give it much thought. Today, for example, I am wearing blue jears, black sandals (and a T shirt that my daughter decorated 15 years ago). I consider myself the glass of fashion. I do think navy clothing with black shoes is fine. I would forget navy shoes.