Anyone have experience with family or yourself being a Navy SEAL?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can’t enlist in the SEALs. You enlist in the Navy and then try to pass selection as a SEAL candidate. If you make it, you’re in for some of the toughest training in the world. If you wash out, you face the rest of your enlistment doing some menial job. I’m retired Army, but my father had SEAL units in his command, so I know how the drill works.

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Last Answer : Just looked it up on wiki . When the group was founded, they chose the name Seal Team 6 in order to confuse Soviet Intelligence as to how many Seal Teams were actually in existence (at that point ... made of up many platoons whereas ST6 was much smaller and pulled from the best of those platoons).

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Last Answer : No, they pretty well just get fucked over.

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Last Answer : answer:Depends on the nation, service and era. The ribbons tend to represent types and places of service. For example, the Navy Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon . Here is a chart of current US military ribbons and medals .

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Last Answer : You probably will not. Ask a recruiter. They know all the exceptions and loopholes.

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Last Answer : No. They should be locked up once their killing spree is over.

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Last Answer : answer:Enlistees don't get to be pilots unless they are officer material, meaning they have a college degree. And the Military Academys are tough to get into. A third alternative is to go to ... in return for a five year military commitment after you graduate. You'll spend your summers in training.

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Last Answer : answer:The new F-35 has a much smaller weapons capacity than most previous fighters. This is because all weapons are stored internally (external weapons make a difference in the jet's radar signature. ) The ... to be the best plane, AND use all the best missiles, in the smartest most effective way.

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Last Answer : In school I couldn’t remember my combination lock so I put everything in a duffle bag. It worked

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Last Answer : No, I’m ridiculous. My empathy is so high that I can’t even do bad things in video games. Even there, I feel horrible about it. lol

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Last Answer : The 3 Rules of Robotics, as laid out by Asimov, are fiction. They have no bearing on reality.