At what age do you think you stopped liking the good, simple toys?

1 Answer

Answer :

I still like making forts out of couch cushions. I’m 32 years old.

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Last Answer : answer:Every year we would take the toys we outgrew and donate them to Good Will or the Salvation Army when we were children. My mother insisted. Maybe you can have your daughter help you ... to Toys for Tots or some other local charity that repairs and redistributes toys for the less fortunate.

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Last Answer : Duplo blocks (big legos), wooden blocks for building, balls, toy xylophone… okay I am kinda old school.

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Last Answer : Erm…

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Last Answer : answer:I called my children by name from three months before they were born and kept the baby phase as short as possible ( Where's the baby? I thought you had him. ), ending well before they reached ... does any harm, but I didn't want them to think of themselves that way: The baby means me.

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Last Answer : 14

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Last Answer : My three year old granddaughter is the same way. The only way I have found to stop the chain of whys is 1. Put the question back to them by asking why do You think? 2. Be sure not to answer ... answer, not the full text book answer. When you answer too specificly that leads to more whys. Good luck!

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Last Answer : 3–4. My granddaughter, who was just 4, has been saying “please” and “thank you” for a year,

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Last Answer : In a similar example to yours, I was hurrying my son who was less than two out the door for his swimming lesson and noticed he had stopped to straighten the door mat. He has continued to be extremely neat and organized.

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Last Answer : answer:I went to a conference earlier this year about education and new technology. One of the presenters showed a video of a very young child playing with a phone. Looking at photos and I think the ... . I am sure we will manage this. It will take time though and technological change moves quickly.

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Last Answer : If it was completely anonymous, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. However, if everyone knows who the writer is… I have to agree with you, there. I wouldn’t want to expose my childrens’ lives in such detail.

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Last Answer : A bleach solution will kill the mold. Check on how to safely rinse it off and mix it (strength) to make it safe.

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Last Answer : Before I left, I wound the wall clock. When I returned, the change in time equaled how long it took to go to my friends house and return, plus the time I spent there. But I knew the latter because I ... I added this time to what my friend watch showed when I left, and set the sum on my wall clock.

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Last Answer : Thank you for apologizing or I forgive you . They can also add, I hope that you do not [fill in with specifics] to me again. That was very hurtful. I also coach children (and ... say that's OK . Some self reflection and her own apology may be appropriate, depending on the circumstances.

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Last Answer : 8–10.

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Last Answer : If you think they would both like the toy, then no, of course not.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope! I only encouraged my children to participate in (a) things I thought they would enjoy, or (b) things I really enjoyed that I thought they would enjoy. I would never encourage them to do something I didn’t like unless they were interested.

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Last Answer : Everyone, thank you but please go back and reread the OP because I don’t know how it happened but I was editing it while the 2 or 3 of you answered already. If I clicked on Ask ask-public, it must have been for a second or 2, or so. That’s not enough time to read the detail part for sure.

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Last Answer : I would guess around 6, but the trick of distinguishing one from the other, or the capacity to define any of them is almost certainly not as common a talent as you might suppose in a class of high school sophomores.

Description : Home Alone - Age 10 and 13?

Last Answer : answer:All day every day? I don't think it's good for kids to be home unsupervised for long stretches of time. I think it would be better for them to be in camp or something where they're doing more ... Too much can happen. They'd try to cook and forget to turn the stove off or something like that.

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Last Answer : No, absolutely not. I think about my kids often, and when they are ill or injured I am more concerned than if they are not, but I certainly don't panic or let worry consume me. I love them ... for them, but to be as you describe in your details would be pathological and unhealthy for all of us.

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Last Answer : When you’re mature and settled enough to be a responsible parent and provide a stable, nurturing home, but when you’re still young enough to have the energy needed to care for children.

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Last Answer : It all depends on your child and their relationship with the grandparents. I saw my grandchild every day from the day she was born. So when her folks wanted to leave her with me overnight it was just fine (in fact, better than fine) as far as she was concerned. Do it when the child is ready.

Description : At what age do you believe it is acceptable to leave a child home alone?

Last Answer : 35 or never… I was left alone at 18 for one month and I almost died from loneliness, I missed college and ran out of money.

Description : At what age range would a child be best acclimated to being a nudist?

Last Answer : answer:My mom was a hippy and went through some phases, but I clearly remember something disturbing at age 4 involving nudity, but then again, I'm from the repressed Midwest, so what do I know. As ... room. Although with all of that, I have to admit, I have some issues with clothes myself lol

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Last Answer : When they go to school on their own. 6.

Description : Do you know of kids who have had to grow up with older parents who obviously had them at a much older age than usual?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I worked with two guys. One his parents had him when they were in their 40s. He seems to have suffered childhood fine,. He grew up on an island though, kind of cut off, The other, an ... at nursery school, but it did not matter in the greater scheme of things. She did not suffer from it.

Description : Is having children at an older age (thirties into forties) a feminist triumph?

Last Answer : answer:I think that a person can have babies whenever age and be feminist or unfeminist. There is pressure in the US to give birth if you are a woman but say, when compared to Russia, the age is ... 's not feminism but I often fight with other feminists on things that I perceive to be anti-men).

Description : Gentlemen: have you or anyone you become a father at the age of 50 and over?

Last Answer : I always feel bad for the kids. They miss out on so much stuff with their parents because of their age and inability to do those things anymore. They also have to deal with their parents getting old and dying a lot sooner than the rest of us.

Description : What would be (have been) the best age for you to have your first child?

Last Answer : I was 22. My doctor told me I was at the peak age for a first child.

Description : Why do some products state, “Not recommended for children over 12 years of age”?

Last Answer : You are a child until you hit the age of consent in your respective country.

Description : What age group of children do you have the lowest tolerance for?

Last Answer : 8–13

Description : What is a good age for a child to get his/her first gun [ pistol ]?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t ever buy my child a pistol.

Description : At what age is it no longer appropriate for a child to hang around the house naked?

Last Answer : answer:This is a tough question. In a perfect world – never. There’s no shame in the human body. But – in the real world…I’d probably go with school age. As a proxy. But for me, that would only be when guests were around.

Description : At what age did you become an expert?

Last Answer : Same here, around 13 with my Mum, around 11 with my dad. What did it cost me? a lot of rent… I was encouraged to move out and enter the big bad world at 17–18yrs old. (Damn it! If I was as smart as I thought I was, I could have gotten another couple of years cheap rent.)

Description : Is it legal for a child under the age of 10 to ride his bike without a helmet in virginia?

Last Answer : CPS?? That might be a little drastic, but that is extremely dangerous and sounds neglectful to me. You might just call the local PD and ask if it’s illegal. I really hope it is.

Description : At what age do you start potty training your child?

Last Answer : I started with my son shortly after he turned 2. He was telling me that he had to go potty before he actually went, so I figured it was a good time to start.

Description : At what age should one stop having kids?

Last Answer : Dude, did you knock someone up?

Description : Parents: Did you send your children to daycare/preschool (something other than an informal babysitter) and if so, at what age did they start?

Last Answer : I went back to work PT when my daughter was 18 mos old. She was at an in home daycare 3 days a week and loved it. (She's always been very sociable). When she was 3 she went to preschool 2 ... think it made the transition to K very smooth for her. We were both really happy with how that worked out.

Description : Can you see the future for some kids at a very young age?

Last Answer : And then there’s this girl who turned her lemonade stand into a franchise for charity.

Description : Do most autistic children know they are, and at what age do they find out - or are told - they are different - if at all?

Last Answer : answer:If they have a condition from birth, no matter what it is, it will be normal to them. The one born with the condition (whatever it is) will not fully understand it because they have ... never experienced it, they may have learned about it, but cannot truly relate as a sighted person would.

Description : On what age you will let your kids talk dirty(impolite)?

Last Answer : when they pay half the rent

Description : What is a good minimum age for children or young adults trying to walk to the south pole?

Last Answer : Being female, and therefore having higher fat reserves, she statistically has better odds than Ernest Shackleton did. I think if her parents allow her to do this at 17, they might be a ... adventure right now. It depends a lot on her conditioning, preparation, and safety precautions in place.

Description : Between the ages of 0 and 10, at what age are Christmas and Birthday presents the least important to the child?

Last Answer : Why not give each kid 3 gifts? Tee hee. Sorry. I’d give the 1 year old 1 gift and the 9 year old 5. The 1 year old doesn’t give a toss just yet.

Description : Should there be an age limit on energy drinks?

Last Answer : Yes, there should. No one under one hundred and fifty years of age would be a good starting point.

Description : Is getting married at a young age so bad?

Last Answer : Based on stats, yes. But if you really think this is the guy for you then go for it. I would still recommend living with him for at least a year before you get married. You never really know a person until you live with them.

Description : At what age do you feel children should be made to forced to wear clothes, at home, in a variety of situations?

Last Answer : Unless your family practices nudity, it is best to get children accustomed to society’s norms. That includes wearing clothes. If a child balks, you can offer them the chance to choose between a couple of different outfits.

Description : What is an appropriate age to let a child play outside alone?

Last Answer : I think she’s ready. (But that doesn’t make me liable if she’s not, right?)

Description : Smokers: at what age did it become acceptable to smoke in front of your parents?

Last Answer : I'm 28. I smoke in front of my mom on occasion, as she is also a smoker. I still get grief from her about it though. My health-nut dad knows I smoke, and is very vocal about how terrible it is ... of respect in that situation. I know it really bothers him, why would I do it right in front of him?

Description : Moms w/ kids close in age (current or in the past)....Or kids close in age?

Last Answer : Ahh I love the holidays. My brother and I never fought over toys because we really didn't have overlapping interests. I was really into nature and animals, and my brother was really into tech and ... I'm sure the other jellies will swoop in with a miraculous solution. Any kid whisperers in here?

Description : Should children be in piano lessons at age three?

Last Answer : I was. As long as the material is age appropriate, it should be fine. My practice books were practically half coloring book. But educational.