[Fiction question] Is there anything unusual about the dreams of twins?

1 Answer

Answer :

Looking around on the internet, the answer – at least according to a lot of twins that took the time to post something about their dreams – said yes, they frequently have the same dreams. What seems to be extremely common among twins, however, is that parents and twins themselves report things about twins having some kind of secret “twin language”. It’s so common, in fact, that they have a name for it: idioglossia or cryptophasia. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/159485/twins_an_unspoken_bond.html?cat=9 http://multiples.about.com/b/2007/10/19/twin-talk-do-twins-have-a-secret-language.htm http://www.twinstuff.com/index.php/component/content/article/26-twin-facts/43-being-a-twin?directory=27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioglossia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptophasia

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Last Answer : All the time https://www.livescience.com/21653-brain-chemicals-sleep-paralysis.html

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Last Answer : What did you do in that dream?

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Last Answer : Examine the emotions you felt on awakening and not the vusuals, which could have been triggered by almost anything.

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Last Answer : answer:I think dreams usually represent what I am worried about in real life, what I need to work through. I usually don't remember my dreams. When I do, it is usually a bad dream, a nightmare. My ... it represents a couple regrets I had last time I visited my MIL. Things I wish I had not said.

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Last Answer : answer:I think they are images, emotions, and thoughts that are in our brain and occur during sleep. That’s it. If someone wants to add meaning to them, that’s fine, but you better have evidence if you’re going to ascribe that belief to everyone else and dreams as a whole.

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Last Answer : Happy music?

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Last Answer : Sometimes, but not often.

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Last Answer : Surely you know that dreams don’t have any actual meaning, and if anything, it may mean you should deal with some problems in your life that you may or may not have.

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Last Answer : answer:In general, I don't dream. Every now and then I will have a brief vision when I am on the edge of sleep, but it never lasts long enough to develop coherence or a plot. However I can ... the dream, the more likely it is to penetrate your mind to the depth required to manifest itself in dreams.

Description : Do dreams really symbolize what's going on in your real life?

Last Answer : Dreams are your subconscious mind going where you cannot, they symbolize a part of your hidden desires, and not what’s going on in your life. That’s not to say you wish anything bad upon your friends, but it’s expressing some curiosity or fear. Do you or any of your friends fear rollercoasters?

Description : What importance do you give dreams? Are they random, or do they have meaning?

Last Answer : Dreams don’t “mean” anything. You’re dreaming about him because you’re thinking about him a lot and because he stirs emotions in you.

Description : How is it possible that I can dream the future? Can dreams become reality?

Last Answer : Here's one explanation, though probably less interesting than you would like: confirmation bias. That is, 99% of the time, you dream about things that don't end up happening, which you forget ... occur. This seems very interesting so those are the dreams you then remember. That's confirmation bias.

Description : How to stop these dreams I'm having about my ex boyfriend?

Last Answer : It sounds like closure issues, and I am so sorry you went thru all this. Because he is such an ass, I am not suggesting you meet with him, and I don’t know how to advise you on how to get closure, except your going to get counseling.

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Last Answer : when i find out, I’ll make sure i tell you.

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Last Answer : Pregnancy could be an symbol for feelings of creative fecundity or ideas which are literally germinating within you. Do you feel like you are at a creative high point in your life? Are you working ... block it out, but in your dreams it makes itself heard because your mental filters are offguard.

Description : Shared dreams?

Last Answer : answer:Yes it is!!! I’ve done it before, it’s called Siamese dreams, or Siamese dreaming. You can also have lucid dreams which are really cool—I recommend them. =) I spent way too much time reading and learning about dreams.

Description : Do dreams happen in reality, like, real life?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Can dreams possibly show you the future?

Last Answer : No. If you type dreams into the top right search, you will find lots of dream Q&A’s.

Description : Do you have "containment" dreams (see details)

Last Answer : This is not one I have had even once that I can remember. I have had the chasing being chased dreams of a somewhat regular basis.

Description : When you dream when you're asleep, do those dreams (almost) always have people that you personally know?

Last Answer : answer:25/75 Usually when I have dreams involving people I know the dream takes place at my school. They usally have classmates and rarely have any family members/adults. These dreams are pretty boring ... . They involve death, games, love, all sorts of stuff I probably don't remember too.

Description : What do these recurring dreams mean?

Last Answer : Become a horror writer! I get my best inspiration for stories from dreams like that :-)

Description : Why do I keep having different dreams revolving around the same person?

Last Answer : All the characters in your dreams area aspects of yourself. It means you are thinking about some part of your personality or something you want to do. You're thinking about it a lot. If you were a ... wants to be good or bad, or adventuresome or whatever. Can't tell you because you have no details.

Description : Why does my ex wife keep popping into my dreams now and then?

Last Answer : Do you think there are issues unresolved? What is she doing in your dream specifically?

Description : If all your dreams came true... What then would there be left to dream for?

Last Answer : Ah but all your dreams cant come true, because if you did get everything you were dreaming about you would become complacent and start wishing/dreaming of something new. And once you did you wouldnt have everything you dreamed for.

Description : Why do I keep having dreams of Dr Mehmet Oz when I don't care that much for him?

Last Answer : When I figure out why I dreamt that I slept with John Goodman,I’ll help you figure out yours. ;)