Have you ever heard anyone from a different country use a ‘slang’ word or phrase and had no idea what they meant by it?

1 Answer

Answer :

We use bail and the sticks here in the US too. Hmm pretty much anyone that speaks Cockney- can’t understand a damn word of it. If it rhymes then I’m out.

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Last Answer : Inoculation?

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Last Answer : answer:I know what you mean, sometimes normal words just don't quite do the job. Here are a few of mine!! Which I think as we speak 11 different languages here, they are tainted with some dutch for ... denote an idiot. I also like sick, if its nice, and stoked which is widely used in the world.

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Last Answer : Cockney Rhyming Slang.

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Last Answer : Bling.

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Last Answer : answer:Subjugate. Maybe after answering this Q it will stick with me. There are others, I just can’t think of any more right now.

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Last Answer : answer:No, I have literally never used that word. I wasn't there, and I despise judgement-makers who haven't heard the whole (or both sides) of a story. But. The testimony that I've seen ... go unaddressed. And claiming that you're old and from the South as an excuse for racism is bullshit. 49

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Last Answer : “Faggot.”

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Last Answer : I have invented a word, but it isn’t in English. I was translating a famous Irish blessing into Tolkien’s Elvish, and didn’t have a translation for the word “until”. Had to create one.

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Last Answer : Almost all English words are in some way derived from other languages, and the transition was very gradual. There was no ‘first word’.

Description : A word or phrase that is not meant to be taken literally but figuratively is called a ____ of speech.?

Last Answer : c