How would you complete the phrase "Ignorance is...."?

1 Answer

Answer :

1. A lack of information and is curable. 2. Sometimes alright if you couldn’t do anything about it anyway. 3. Dangerous (sometimes.) 4.A coping mechanism. .......

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Last Answer : Racism.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not ignorance. It's getting rid of unrelated factors in evaluating people. To put it in simpler terms, it's lack of prejudice. Michael Sam's ability as a football player has absolutely ... And in your second example, being a Mexican is NOT the persons actual being. Their humanity IS!

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Last Answer : answer:As Mark Twain said, It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. The recognition that I don't know is a good ... you're not only stuck, you're stuck on the wrong course. We combat it by questioning, questioning, questioning

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Last Answer : No – I think it would be as bad or worse since some of the worst conflicts are between neighboring countries or tribes.

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Last Answer : “Another article here Another question: Is 3 days suspension adequate?

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Last Answer : There are some things we are probably better off not knowing. Like when I was crazy about this guy and found out from someone that he didn’t think I was pretty enough for him. I think I would have preferred not knowing that. It was hurtful.

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Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : answer:Where there is no Truth .all knowledge remain as ignorance .thus false The desire of ignorance is satisfied in the multitude. The desire of Truth can only be satisfied in Singularity . So we see ... . So as long as Truth is satisfied by the crowd, then they all stand in blissful ignorance .

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Last Answer : I don’t think either situation you provide is really about respecting ignorance – I’m not sure what it is, though…it’s just a good idea to not want to hear the dirty laundry because later your hands will be tied.

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Last Answer : What else should we associate it with?

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Last Answer : I’M UPSET ABOUT YOUR IGNORA… um, nevermind.

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Last Answer : Being naive means lacking experience while being ignorant means lacking knowledge.

Description : Is ignorance really bliss?

Last Answer : Of course. I wish I had no idea of the great injustices of the world. I’d be a much happier person. Is it beneficial to anyone but yourself, however? No.

Description : I am, in truth, a yellow fork From tables in the sky By inadvertent fingers dropped The awful cutlery. Of mansions never quite disclosed And never quite concealed The apparatus of the dark To ignorance revealed. -Riddles

Last Answer : lightning, Emily Dickinson

Description : I am, in truth, a yellow fork From tables in the sky By inadvertent fingers dropped The awful cutlery. Of mansions never quite disclosed And never quite concealed The apparatus of the dark To ignorance revealed. -Riddles

Last Answer : Lightning.

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Last Answer : Two ways in which consumer ignorance can be exploited: 1. Traders can practice unfair trade activities like weighing less by using faulty weights 2. Wrong information can be advertised through media.

Description : Which statement describes a person making Ricky health decision as a result of ignorance?

Last Answer : ChociesA.)A teenager ignores the speed limit when driving because she get a thrill out of speeding.B.)A student begins smoking cigarettes because many of her classmates smoke.C.) A student east ... delicious taste.D.)A teenager avoid exercise because he doesn't think it necessary for young people

Description : What is ignorance ?

Last Answer : Ignorance means ignorance.

Description : What is the opposite of ignorance ?

Last Answer : The opposite of ignorance.

Last Answer : first Patient Any Friend Or Of relatives Near From To know Try To do Should That Patient Any Disease There are What? No. E.g. Diabetes , high Blood pressure , epilepsy Etc. And Patient Any Of ... you like Bleeding Off To do In the wound Tough Bandages Tie. In the wound Extra Intervention Do No.

Description : I To know Would like People Ignorance To do For No Medicine Application To do Is.

Last Answer : Ignorance To do For Chloroform Use To do Is

Description : FIND THE PAIR OF WORDS FROM THE OPTION THAT EXPRESS A SIMILAR RELATIONSHIP AS IN THE GIVEN PAIR OF WORDS: Condemnation: Disapproval A. Ignorance: Patience B. Optimism: Insight C. Blasphemy: Irreverence D. Sorrow: Intention

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : FIND THE PAIR OF WORDS FROM THE OPTION THAT EXPRESS A SIMILAR RELATIONSHIP AS IN THE GIVEN PAIR OF WORDS: Condemnation: Disapproval A. Ignorance: Patience B. Optimism: Insight C. Blasphemy: Irreverence D. Sorrow: Intention

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : FIND THE PAIR OF WORDS FROM THE OPTION THAT EXPRESS A SIMILAR RELATIONSHIP AS IN THE GIVEN PAIR OF WORDS: Condemnation: Disapproval A. Ignorance: Patience B. Optimism: Insight C. Blasphemy: Irreverence D. Sorrow: Intention

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : The poem poses two causes of the end of the world? a) Love & hatred b) Desire & Ignorance c) Fire & Ice d) None of the above

Last Answer : c) Fire & Ice