If everyday could be like *********, would this be a better World?

1 Answer

Answer :

When you see ********* decorations out before Thanksgiving, it seems to me someone is pushing the holidays. This year I even saw stuff out at Halloween time.

Related questions

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I've never been rich but I have been poor in monetary terms. Never poor in spirit or joy. So I will bet on the poor. The one good thing about being poor is everyone who is in the ... as everyone I love is healthy and happy too. You learn to live in the moments that are big or small.

Description : Parents: Christmas time was better for you as a child or as a parent?

Last Answer : answer:The excitement and joy I see in my daughters eyes at Christmas outweighs any of the presents I received when I was their age. Even watching them decorate the tree puts a big smile on my face.

Description : For those of you who have had a rough past Christmas (one or many), what is one Christmassy thing that reminds you of a better time?

Last Answer : Listening to the yearly “discussion” about putting up the tree between Grandma H and Grandpa “Bonehead”! XD The tree “spun” too,adding to the drama… My sister and I still bust up thinking about it :)))

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Last Answer : answer:There's a small store in Proctor's theatre mall in Synecdoche that sells sheet music (the same place where writers get their story ideas ). As for PDFs, something like that has such limited ... re going to have to go to a brick-and-mortar old-school music store for something like that.

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Last Answer : Myself and forever how damn much it would cost me to buy a completely souped up Shelby GT 500, or a nuke (or a dozen), or a Saleen S7, or an island, etc.

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Last Answer : I love ALL of them! Ridiculous light displays, inflated scenes, EVERYTHING! I turn into a raving tacky nut-job in December.

Description : Man I fail at christmas... could anyone help me with present suggestions for my family?

Last Answer : Mom - Candles? Potpourri? Matching scarf and gloves? If you're considering a candle, look into Woodwick Candles. They have real wood wicks so when they burn they crackle. Sounds pretty. Brother - ... up under while she watches TV? Harry and David has some nice chocolates, jams, and jellies also.

Description : Could you help me with my Christmas shopping?

Last Answer : fredflare.com for the ‘clever’ and sundancecatalog.com for the ‘original’. I know I have more floating around in the old brain, but can’t quite catch them at the moment!

Description : How many lights light up the world for Christmas?

Last Answer : Wait a minute. I’ll run outside and count.

Description : Do you like Christmas, or dislike it? Why?

Last Answer : I like it. I celebrate it with joy in my heart. Geez, @josie, you;re making me teary and it is still November. The Christmas story, a tale of common people overcoming poverty and forced travel to bring a ... the point my kids check to see if I am weepy. That's what Christmas is about, @josie Brown .

Description : What is your favorite (preferably free) site for sending e-cards, like electronic Christmas greetings?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Would any of you jellies like to take the opportunity to wish others a Merry Christmas?

Last Answer : answer:Oops the link did not work. Here it is again. Merry Christmas! http://thechive.com/2013/04/10/jellfish-jellyfish-everywhere-50-photos/

Description : Care to share any unconventional Christmas songs you like?

Last Answer : How ‘bout the good old reliable Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer ?

Description : Does anyone have a special story they like to read to their kids as a holiday tradition for Christmas, Hannukah, Kawanza?

Last Answer : We have always read The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg and this great little Scholastic book called Moosletoe ( judging by the price they are asking for this first edition, we’re not the only ones who think it is great). We also always enjoyed Arthur’s Christmas.

Description : It's Christmas! Would you like to wish your fellow jellies a Merry Christmas?

Last Answer : I wish you a speedy, complete, and permanent recovery for Christmas and the rest of your life. :-)

Description : Would you like to add your own nominations to the best and worst of Christmas music?

Last Answer : answer:Best Christmas Song: “Angels We Have Heard on High” Worst Christmas Song: “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”

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Last Answer : answer:A car, to be rich, to be discovered by Hollywood agents, the most awesome tech gadgets, a round the world trip. But world peace, love for everyone and a bright future will also do.

Description : What makes Christmas feel like Christmas for you- if you celebrate it?

Last Answer : For me personally, I have to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” every year around christmas time. It’s just one of those things that signifies christmas for me.

Description : Have you ever been away from your family for the holidays (Christmas). If so, what was it like?

Last Answer : answer:Last Christmas was my first Christmas without my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. My husband and son were with me. It was different and I missed the big family dinner that we always ... husband got home. I really miss the big family dinners and can't wait to have one again sometime.

Description : What is/was your Christmas morning like? Organized, or a free-for-all?

Last Answer : I do it the same way that my mother did it. My kids get up and come and get mom and dad out of bed. Then while my husband gets the coffee ready, the kids get to rip through their stockings. After ... have two kids, so it is easy to keep track of which gift goes with which gift and to which child.

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Last Answer : Neither. Savings bond.

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Last Answer : I have one type of perfume that I love to wear that’s hard to find, and I love getting it for Christmas. I sometimes give aftershave/perfume as gifts, but only to family members, only expensive stuff, and only when I know they like how it smells on themselves. Good perfurme/aftershave is a treat.

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Last Answer : No. There are laws here that you can’t fire guns within a certain distance from residences.

Description : Are there any Christmas songs that make you cry?

Last Answer : White Wine in the Sun

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Last Answer : My girlfriend and her family were all going to Princeton NJ for a large family Christmas gathering. Tuesday her sister called and said that the town had been hit by omicron and no one was going ... Wednesday afternoon, he had a sore throat and congestion and had tested positive, so no visiting him.

Description : Do you have Christmas meal on the 24th or the 25th?

Last Answer : We do our not very fancy traditional meal on Christmas Day.

Description : What are some of your plans for christmas?

Last Answer : I will not be with family again this year. Instead, my friends and I will have a BBQ in the park. It will be good fun.

Description : DIY decoration ideas for Christmas?

Last Answer : If you're in an area with wild holly, you can get some cuttings and put them in vases, or even make a wreath or garland of them. Very festive, surpsisingly long-lasting (three weeks or so without ... you don't have pets or children that might eat the toxic berries, as they do fall off eventually.

Description : Will you be putting up a Christmas tree?

Last Answer : We had Christmas house lights up last year, figuring people will still drive by.

Description : If Christmas time is defined by when stores first start selling Christmas related products, when does Christmas start where you live?

Last Answer : Mid July. :-(

Description : Christmas: Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning usually?

Last Answer : Morning

Description : Anything exciting today? On Christmas Day 2018?

Last Answer : Let me illustrate the day with a song

Description : So, my Jelly pals, would you care to share your Christmas plans?

Last Answer : Scour the wasteland for scrap and canned dog food.

Description : Which Christmas present is the one thing you wait all year for?

Last Answer : My grandmother used to make cookies just for me for Christmas. When she died (2001), my aunt found the handwritten recipe she used and gave it to me. I have since made the cookies every year and thought ... though I'm making them, I feel as though they are still presents from her in a strange way.

Description : Have you ever been chastised for using, or not using, a particular greeting during the Christmas season?

Last Answer : No. It’s a made up crisis.

Description : Has anyone started their Christmas shopping?

Last Answer : Aye aye, I eyeballed a pair of prescription sun glasses and bought them for 2020.

Description : Does anyone else remember silver Christmas trees?

Last Answer : Grammy had one. I chewed her out for going commercial. I was like eight-ish.

Description : Have you ever known an adult who expected, almost to the point of demanding, a gift for Christmas?

Last Answer : That’s crazy. Christmas is for kiddos anyway. Some people are just shameless and self centered…

Description : Is it stressful when people tell you exactly what to get for a Christmas present?

Last Answer : Um, @Dutchess_III , it is pretty late in the game. You only have two more days. You could have looked on Amazon and had it delivered to your door, but it's probably too late now. There's ... kids since I don't have any and would have no idea what they would want. Get shopping @Dutchess_III !!

Description : In the Dickens story, A Christmas Carol, why does Jacob Marley have his head tied up as though he has a tooth ache?

Last Answer : No toothache. He’s dead. His jaw is tied up because it’s gone slack, as a corpse’s does. But he has to untie it to speak. (We won’t demand too much logic or fidelity to real life when it comes to ghosts.)

Description : Have you had a memorable Christmas tree disaster?

Last Answer : About 40 years ago a friend and I rented a little house in the woods east of Seattle, in the foothills of the Cascades. Being very hippy and self-sufficient (so we believed) we went ... about it all, and replaced the broken window and battered doorframe quickly and without too much fuss.

Description : How much, on average, do you spend on your kids and / or grandkids at Christmas?

Last Answer : I SO badly want to get the old book Look Our For Pirates for my 6 year old grand daughter but damn! They want $24 bucks for it on Amazon! And that’s the cheapest!

Description : Other than your spouse do you still Christmas shop for the adults in your life?

Last Answer : I make consumables for everybody, but yes, for many fewer than I used to.

Description : Is the "ugly Christmas sweaters" phenomenon contributing to the squandering of energy and resources?

Last Answer : Probably no more than the Teen Formalwear industry. 2-3 skanky nylon dresses per year, per kid, for 4 years of high school (assuming they didn't start going to high school formals in seventh grade ... certainly double as a 2nd or 3rd layer when gallivanting in the snow during not-Christmas, as well.

Description : Do those of you who live in areas where it snows think it’s odd or funny to see “fake” snow Christmas decorations?

Last Answer : When I lived in California, and then Nevada it felt out of place to me. Now that I have snow where I live, it just seems like extending the outdoors indoors. I laugh though, at those people who hang “icecicle” lights on their house, and they get frozen inside of enormous real ice spikes. Lol

Description : What should I get for my 52 year old mom's Christmas birthday?

Last Answer : How much do you want to spend?

Description : It's July, has anyone started their Christmas shopping?

Last Answer : Bah humbug. Over hyped, over commercialized, over priced. Now I’ll have nightmares of Christmas carols paying on the radio station before Labor Day.

Description : [Fluff time] Is a lousy Christmas gift with a possible use would be as worse as a lousy one with no plausible use?

Last Answer : A kayak? Dude where the hell do you come up with these examples lol.

Description : [Fluff time] What was the largest amount (as in numbers of bulbs) of Christmas lights you ever hung or arranged in any of the places you ever called home?

Last Answer : For me, personally, I think it’s 1000. Five 200 bulb strands. All inside.

Description : What is on your Christmas tree? (If you have one).

Last Answer : I’m not putting up a tree, but…I just hung some cool blue lights. :-) When my daughter was growing up we often went on excursions to cut our own tree, and decorated together.