Do you think the fact that we always "google" things when we can't remember them, as opposed to waking up with the answer at 3 a.m., is somehow not exercising a part of our brain? Maybe we're supposed to work on it for a while...

1 Answer

Answer :

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

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Last Answer : They would change the engine so that the best results started on page seven, while the first six pages are just filled with enough junk for the best results to be bumped to page seven. The algorithm wouldn’t change, just how they display the results.

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Last Answer : Have some hot milk. If you don’t like it plain then add honey to it, or some kind of drinking chocolate. Milk is proven to help you sleep. You can try listening to some very soft music, and reading makes you sleepy too.

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Last Answer : As I have gotten older, this kind of thing is not at all unusual. The strangest thing is when the memory does not come soon after but later in the day when I am not even trying to recall it. Here is ... came from I could not tell you. I did a Web search for McKeon and found the name of the show.

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Last Answer : I must have seen the same thing somewhere before 1985 because I painted those exact words (even with the ö ) on the bell of my Sousaphone (playing in the Stanford Band.) I have been going to Jazz Fest ... about it - I thought I had seen it in some underground comic book, but I may have been wrong.

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Last Answer : No. We just answer the questions. Sometimes, if it is very obvious and it’s not a new user, we may gently suggest that search engines are your friends along with providing the answer.

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Last Answer : Yes but the real problem is convincing yourself to start doing it. We used to play soccer on Sundays after a bunch of us would go out on benders the night before. After the game I always felt better. Just be ... you don't overdo it and drink a lot of water. I am so feeling your pain today as well.

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Last Answer : A bad idea, I think. You need rest to heal up and get well. Exercising probably won’t help too much, you’ll end up feeling worse. This said, if it’s only a mild sore throat, what’s the worst that can happen? (Professional opinion required.)

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Last Answer : answer:Have you put your resume on sites like monster? If not, do so. See what kind of hits you get. That will open your eyes to what's available. I can tell you from my own ... hits from companies looking to hire salespersons. Be very careful of them and make sure they are reputable companies.

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Last Answer : (C) servant leadership

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Description : I have been experiencing sharp stabbing pain in my left upper inner thigh. It started out as kind of random but now I can hardly walk. I thought maybe a hernia, but can't find any bulges, and I have no pain ... 53, healthy, I think, and active. I'm home, in pain, wondering, should I go to the ER?

Last Answer : I’d go to the hospital, there’s no harm to check out a bit of professional advice

Description : Three gods, A, B, and C, are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is completely random. ... a trick question. As a matter of fact, there are multiple ways to get the correct answer. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. To god A: Does da' mean yes' if and only if you are True and if and only if B is Random? (We supposed A said, ja, making B True or False). 2. To god B: Does da mean yes' if and ... only if A is Random? Since B's True, he must say da, which means A is Random, leaving C to be False.

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Last Answer : answer:No, but I like my number because it starts and ends with the same three numbers. for example: 543–234-1543

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Last Answer : The man and his wife had taken their two children to an amusement park. The parents were in one bumper car, and their two children were in another bumper car.

Description : Can you recommend any (maybe electronic) cat toys that would work while I'm gone?

Last Answer : Cats like boxes, especially if they have to squeeze into them. My cat loved this wire doo-hickey that had a ball tied on one end of it. I would tie the other end onto something sturdy and she just went to town.

Description : Does exercising daily help people who have diabetes, or does it have no effect on them?

Last Answer : I think exercise has effect on everyone whether they have Diabetes or not. It is good to exercise and eat less sugar. It is good to consume a healthy diet.

Description : The problem is that I am employed on a Job Agreement and I want to arrange a temporary stay. Is it enough to get comprehensive health insurance ?? The insurance company claimed that yes, but they do not write anything about the temporary stay on the Internet: / Thanks

Last Answer : You may or may not apply for a temporary stay.

Description : Should one exercise / work out in the morning (soon after waking up) or in the evening?

Last Answer : answer:Do what your body likes. I like using the treadmill between 7:00 and 8:00 PM, which is a peculiar time. However, I can go faster and farther then because I feel energized and strong.

Description : Do you think maybe it's time to take a more serious look at AI and its possible implications for our lives in the future?

Last Answer : answer:While I don't have a bug-out house (this reminds me some of the folks who built Y2K basements with all sorts of extra food and water in anticipation of 1/½000), I do believe that AI is horribly ... appeal of AI, and it's mostly right, but I wouldn't trust my life or my livelihood to it.

Description : What is one or maybe more sports that for whatever reason you can't or won't wrap your head around?

Last Answer : Rugby…everyone has so much brain damage anyways- hey! Thery’re passing the ball the wrong way!

Description : My Best Buy credit card is out of control can I negotiate with them somehow for a reduction?

Last Answer : answer:Best bet is to pay off higher balances first. If you can throw more money into the best buy card, you should. You can negotiate to lower the premium, but you will likely have to close the ... . Matter of fact, if your bb account has been in good standing, they may negotiate interest, too.

Description : Has this happened to you: your partner changed somehow, physically (say, gained a bunch of weight), and you lost the desire to be with them sexually?

Last Answer : As far as physical changes that have made me lose desire, it has never happened to me. Changes in personality or behavior have had that effect, though.

Description : Are cashiers required to stand, as opposed to sitting, while ringing customers up?

Last Answer : answer:Sitting for hours is worse for you than standing for hours. When you are standing you are more active, and many cashiers do more than just punch keys and take your money. Here are some dangers for ... rather they sit during the day to rest their feet? They wouldn't get much done, would they?

Description : If you fall in love with someone that you should not have, should you feel bad about the fact that you can't stop loving them?

Last Answer : It sounds like you don’t know this person well enough to know if he is married or not, so I’m not sure how you would know if you were in love. But to answer the question, the best thing to do, if you find he is married, is to stay away from him.

Description : How could you accommodate with your age-old parents, inspite of the fact that they always complain for their difficulties for no apparent reasons Options: A) You will feel sorry but not ... the genuine problems due to senility D) Do favourable efforts to find out remedies for their troubles

Last Answer : C) You will focus your attention on the genuine problems due to senility 

Description : How productive are you, on non-work days, with doing stuff around your house, car, yard, or working out/exercising?

Last Answer : If I have a day with nothing planned, then I will do absolutely nothing.

Description : I wear striped sweaters and have a real green thumb. My favorite things are flowers and the taste of ripe plums. My home is shared with family and we all work together. We live beneath our queens decree, ... and leaves a stinging pain. Everything I say is true: now tell me, what's my name? -Riddles

Last Answer : Bee.

Description : Why are we not supposed to remove the tags from our mattresses or pillows?

Last Answer : answer:Those warnings are for retails - not for you, the end consumer. Apparently at some point in history some mattress manufacturers were dishonest (!) and sold old mattresses as new, or had fake stuff inside. ... you may feel free to rip off those tags. (By the way, pillows have the same tags)

Description : Is it true that our teeth and body are made in such a way that we are supposed to eat meat?

Last Answer : I think we are meant for both. We have sharp canine teeth for ripping meat, but we also have molars in the back of our mouth, which are ideal for mashing and grinding up plants. They are flat and ... a dog's mouth his molars are very sharp and pointy, not ideal for grinding. We humans are omnivores.

Description : Do you think the legal drinking age in the U.S. should be 18, given the fact that we are considered adults and are legally responsible for our actions at 18 years of age?

Last Answer : answer:Experiments by various states in the 70s to have a lower drinking age was considered by many to not lead to any responsible drinking by 18 to 21 year olds, and encouraged drinking by those ... age limit was driven by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); the law was signed by Ronald Reagan.

Description : How do you feel about people who describe things as "very very very" as opposed to just "very?"?

Last Answer : I really, really couldn’t care less.

Description : Match List- I and List -II and select the correct answer using code given below lists List-I  a) Facts as effect of fact in issue 1) Section9 b) Facts forming part of same transaction 2) Section 8 c) Fact which constitute preparation for any ... d) A) 1 2 3 4 B) 4 3 2 1 C) 3 4 2 1 D) 2 3 1 4

Last Answer : c) Fact which constitute preparation for any fact in issue