What is the easiest sure-fire way to access your own unconscious mind?

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Last Answer : Go to sleep. Dreaming is one way. Or read Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams.

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Last Answer : We have an innate capacity to resonate with each other. Our nervous systems are wired for that. There seem to be psychological archetypes that manifest in different guises in different cultures. ... not include in their morality. Social morality and its basis could deserve their own questions hmmm

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Last Answer : Oh geez It depends on what the dream is. I get some really weird ones occasionally, like once I dreamed that I was from some sort of fantasy thing and all I ever had to do was touch a certain ... what's going on in life, and what is going on in my dreams. I guess dreams are less predictable.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's a pretty clear line. When someone is confident and comfortable with who they are and what they're capable of, they are sure of their self. If they believe their capabilities ... full of their self. The difference to me is simply how they perceive their own self within society.

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Last Answer : answer:i have heard iptables is the way to go…. i’ll see if i can’t find some resources…. http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html looks to be a pretty long resource, if you need more help, let me know….

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Description : Advertising and Mind Control: Participate in my Study?

Last Answer : answer:45 Female 1. No 2. To some extent yes. At minimum the ad makes me aware of the product. I would not include pain killers, but other meds possibly yes. 3. A

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Last Answer : answer:Good question Well it really is simplified into personality trait, one with the mind of a child is mentally immature whereas a mature individual or normal person is more settled in ... is more conditioned to respond to the responsibilities and events involved at that certain stage in life

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Last Answer : There is so much unknown yet, there is no way to speculate. One thought that has occurred to me was if he may have intended to only harm adults, but upon realizing the psychological trauma he'd inflicted ... off dead, and then turned on the kids and took his own life. We will probably never know.

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Last Answer : answer:1. Kill your tv. Right now. If you don't want to disconnect the service, unplug the cable from the back of the tv and put it in a box that difficult to get to. ... distraction and anxiety are closely related. Reducing anxiety has the great side-effect of increasing concentration and focus.

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Last Answer : This link should help

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Last Answer : Maybe take a trip to a museum with some friends. Visit a park and have a relaxing lunch. Do some writing or painting. Spend all day baking cupcakes and muffins. Do some gardening outside. There’s lots of things you can do, but those are just a few.

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Last Answer : What an interesting question - I think these are not one and the same but either can help the other along - in that if your heart feels for someone, it is easier to open your mind to their ... with people others consider to be the fray of society and my heart has been all the better for it.

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Last Answer : It just takes time .Alot of exercise helps me :)

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Last Answer : It’s always with music. Here is the latest calming influence. @Fred Settle down buddy – I said calming influence, not terrible emo shit.

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Last Answer : It depends 100% on which disabilities you acquire in the incident. There are many cases in which you wouldn’t know, and many cases in which you would. Almost all of these are documented in medical journals and textbooks.

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Last Answer : Keep a journal. If this is a recurring feeling then giving words to it can help you work it out.

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Last Answer : answer:You'll notice there's a lot of looting going on. A lot of the anger and arson and destruction goes together with the looting - so it might be distract the police. But in general, angry ... I do not understand violent protests - never have. But then I don't get grafitti and littering either.

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Last Answer : Do you have the patience to read 431 pages?

Description : I don't care what influences our unconscious brain, but why would we evolve to act seemingly irrational?

Last Answer : “In the light of evolution” and “rational” do not mean the same thing. The idea and process of “rational thought” as a desirable goal had to be invented by humans.

Description : How does role of the unconscious relate to sense of perception?

Last Answer : answer:One is Chaos the other is Order One extreme is complete imperfection the other extreme is complete perferction. One is ignorance the other is knowledge One is Light the other is darkness One is ... self and all others The other other uses both to the perfecting of it ownself and all others.

Description : How can I revive my dogs if wounded / unconscious / not breathing / etc. .. ?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.seefido.com/hunting-dogs/html/resuscitating_a_dog.htm I found this site for Dog CPR scroll down to the bottom of the page. The second site may be a little clearer. http://marylandpet.com/pet- ... up. If I wait till my dog needs it, it will be too late to look for instructions then.

Description : Can one really become unconscious at his/her will?

Last Answer : I doubt it, but if it is possible I’d give it a go.

Description : How much of your life do you feel is driven by unconscious motivations?

Last Answer : 90% of yours, mine, and everyone else’s.

Description : Do you think there's a shared sub- or unconscious at work?

Last Answer : If you think about it, every human is similar in some way to every other. Our lives have differences, and maybe even be unrelatable in extreme circumstances, but I like to think that everyone has the same goal ... lot of room for variance. Sorry if my logic is a bit convoluted, I'm in a hurry =)

Description : Are you guilty of unconscious overclaiming?

Last Answer : I probably am, though I generally try to use standards that have evidence to back them up. That way if I say, Oh, I've done 75% of the work on this paper , I can point to where I ... slacked off and added that to people who'd gone above and beyond, but generally kept myself at the starting point.

Description : If a person is knocked unconscious, can they be revived by sound?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard of sound rousing a person that is knocked unconscious. rachel ray??

Description : A man walks into a bar and immediately falls unconscious.Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : It was an iron bar!

Description : What should a person do if he suddenly becomes unconscious ?

Last Answer : Anyone can faint at any moment while walking back on the road. Even many of your relatives. In this situation, if you take some initial steps without panicking, many unwanted situations can be ... . And if breathing is stopped, it should be taken to the nearest good medical center immediately.

Description : What to do if someone is unconscious ?

Last Answer : First of all the patient should try to find out from a friend or relative whether the patient has any disease or not. Such as diabetes , high blood pressure , epilepsy etc. and whether the patient ... apply a tight bandage to the wound to stop the bleeding. Do not intervene excessively in the wound.

Description : What makes people unconscious ?

Last Answer : People become unconscious due to the smell of a type of scent called chloroform.

Description : If an infant is choking and unconscious and you are alone what should you do first?

Last Answer : star

Description : The vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful ideal and has a poetic appeal, but looking into the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the two communities appears incapable of fulfilment. ... by A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah B. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan C. Allama Iqbal D. None of them

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : The vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful ideal and has a poetic appeal, but looking into the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the two communities appears incapable of fulfilment. ... by A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah B. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan C. Allama Iqbal D. None of them

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : The vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful ideal and has a poetic appeal, but looking into the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the two communities appears incapable of fulfilment. ... 7 A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah B. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan C. Allama Iqbal D. None of them

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : You received a call from a father how has a son diagnosed recently with DM-I for six months, he said that he found his son lying down unconscious in his bedroom, What you will tell him if he is ... Give him his usual dose of insulin d. Give him IM Glucagone e. Give him Sugar in Fluid per oral

Last Answer : Give him IM Glucagone

Description : A 92-year-old woman is an inpatient in the geriatric unit. She has multivascular dementia. She is more confused and agitated. She has been given lorazepam 4 mg intramuscularly. She is now unconscious ... A. Activated charcoal B. Flumazenil C. N-acetyl cysteine D. Naloxone E. Protamine sulphate 

Last Answer : B. Flumazenil