Is Wordpress the superior alternative to Google Blogger?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have no experience with Google Blogger, but I love wordpress. I have a wordpress blog actually.

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Description : How can you queue blog posts to Blogger?

Last Answer : When you’re writing a blog post, on the right-hand side you’ll see a “schedule” tab. Set the day/time there.

Description : Are you a blogger?

Last Answer : I have a writing blog (sadly neglected as of late). I basically write slice-of-life essays, about anything that strikes my fance. If anyone wants to share links to their blogs, you can add them to your profile page. That’s where you’ll find a link to mine. :)

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Last Answer : Take a look at blogs that you subscribe to or enjoy. What makes them great? Think about what makes those blogs so great. Many times it is the passion that is behind a certain blog or issue ... re truly passionate about what you're writing about, you'll never have a problem writing that next post.

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Last Answer : I like Tumblr, but I like the picture blogging much more than the word blogging.

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Last Answer : Why not use the server install version of wordpress? You can rent server space dirt cheap, and most hosts will auto-install WP. Then you can use all the plugins at (not .com)

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Last Answer : I don't know if this is what you are after but I believe that you may find a good solution by using some sort of 3rd party blog publishing application. Many of these applications support synchronized ... other), but it will let you read and respond to the comments in one place. hope this helps

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Last Answer : Never mind. After 45 minutes of googling, I found a solution.

Description : WordPress VS Blogger?

Last Answer : I like Blogger, but have used both.

Last Answer : mine According to Blogg Can Because Them All have configration Google Ad To get Can Easily And in wordpress, Good A little That's right To do Is However Now Almost website wordpress

Last Answer : You If For free To do Want However Blogger And Money Cost Where If you can WordPress

Description : Why Blogger is better than Wordpress?

Last Answer : The best blogging platform is blogger only when it compared to WordPress, whether it be selhosted or If you are into a multiuser or multiauthor blog or website WordPress may be ... a CDN or caching service in a blog. SEO is perfect in a blogspot blog.

Description : Paragraph indents in a Wordpress Theme?

Last Answer : Sounds like you want the text-indent property, e.g. p {text-indent: 1.5em;} Edit: Should have read your description thoroughly. You can’t edit the CSS? Don’t know of a theme, but I’ll leave my answer for people who can edit their themes.

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Last Answer : If someone tries to get a file on your blog and the file isn’t on the regular server, this server (the “missing files host”) is where your main server will look next for the file. Here is a link to a help file that explains it for Blogger.

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Last Answer : Alerts

Description : Which of the following google product sends you periodic email alerts based on your search term? a) Alerts b) Blogger c) Calendar d) All of the mentioned

Last Answer : Alerts

Description : Bloggers and Google Gurus - How is your Authoring for SEO Set up?

Last Answer : answer:Here's a great video regarding SEO in a post Panda world. I pass it on along with commiserations. If you take it to heart and care about page rank, you'll have many, many hours of ... site owners who have fallen from Google grace or never made it into that rarefied circle to begin with.

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Last Answer : answer:I know you're on Blogger but if all you're trying to do is learn from some existing templates on a well-known blogging platform, then perhaps you should try Tumblr instead. They offer ... started with selecting the template you want. All of the HTML/CSS/JS is completely editable by you.

Description : How to add meta tags to Blogger?

Last Answer : answer:If you look at some of your blog post in Blogger (View Source trough righ click menu in Firefox), you will see that meta tags are already partialy filled. Blogger automaticly writes ... blogging platforms like wordpress, some plugins will allow you to have complete control of your meta tags.

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Last Answer : answer:You can add searchability by tags rather than by date… let me see how I did it on mine. Design>Add A Gadget>Basic>Labels This creates a listing for searching posts by how you tag each article

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Last Answer : This could turn into a CSS mess. And from a usability standpoint I would never do it. There is a reason why sidebars are on the right. We read left to right and something on the left makes it easy to ... on? Multiply that by ten and that is what happens when content is on the left of the main text.

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Last Answer : I've seen it (even bought an issue, a while back) and it's definitely called Blogger . Of course this makes it impossible to find in a google search and I can't remember the name of the publisher. It ... their blog. I wasn't aware it was still running - last time I saw it was about 2 years ago.

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Last Answer :

Description : How do you track visits to your blog on Blogger/Blogspot?

Last Answer : You could use Google Analytics. It’s a bit of work to set up, but it’s free and incredibly powerful.

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Last Answer : answer:Decide on some objectives: is the blog for you, your friends and family, or the public at large? How will you reach the intended audience? What will be the subject of the blog? How frequently do you ... up with a list of post ideas before you start, so you don't run into a wall right away.

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Last Answer : This is pretty simple to do. I actually already have the code for it. The server just needs to have PHP installed. It will output something like this. You can stick that anywhere and style it how you ... line to your RSS feed. $rss = fetch_rss(' );

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Last Answer : i have never used blogger, so this is just a shot in the dark here. but if you can add code to the source you could always embed google analytics to get a full report you can check.

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Last Answer : I do it! I co-author on Blogger. Create the blog. Then from your dashboard, edit the settings. In Settings go to permissions . It is all the way on the right. Click add authors . You ... your gmail account. Then in the same browser window, go to It takes you into the dashboard.

Description : How to embed Blogger into index of domain?

Last Answer : You did the redirect from Blogger? I've never done this so I'm just throwing ideas out there. In your domain control panel did you add the Blogger URL as a parked or add on domain? ... switch to b2evolution and just import your blogger posts or does blogger not allow you to export your database?

Description : Can a blogger blogging personally maintain anonymity with any degree of assurance?

Last Answer : Create a separate mail account for the blog, possibly using a false name and address if required for registration. On the blog, I would be careful about what names I mention (I would probably create aliases for ... country. I have an anonymous blog, myself, and no one has yet to figure out it's me.

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Last Answer : No clue how this could have happened, but to recover them, has she tried the Wayback Machine?

Description : Anybody know where I can find unusual (clean) blogger templates?

Last Answer : The best source I’ve found is

Description : How to add site map to Blogger ? What is a sitemap ?

Last Answer : How to submit a Sitemap for Blogspot Blog: For this you will need a Gmail account and sign up for Google Webmaster Tools. First visit . Log in with your Gmail ... -index = 1001 & max-results = 1500 Submit. You can also submit your sitemap to Bing Webmaster.

Last Answer : Online Website Use By Private Opinions , no Articles , information News Revealed Karake Blogging Says. Who On the blog Post Does Him Blogger Says. Bloggers Them On the website Content Added Does And Use Carriers There Them Comments Submitted Does.

Last Answer : Get Addsence on Blogger If To you Enough Post It takes Good Container It takes Copy Right To be Will go No. And Domain It takes Then Getting Go

Description : start In Blogger . Less With The beginning If you do No Problem There is What ?

Last Answer : no Problem No. However Mine Recommend WordPress. In this By Yours SEO To do A lot Easy Will be

Description : Content Of dependent blogging The future Good No , apps download national blogging The future Good One Professional Blogger Of For ?

Last Answer : It Constant True That Content Depending Blogging Of The future All Than Good. And You That Topics Of Talk Says (Apps Download), that So AdSense Problem Will. Of the blog The beginning Towards ... Keywords Target By Content Based Blog Please. Bye The Way , apps Review But Excellent One Keywords.

Description : Please help, I'm probably an anti-technical genius. I've been trying for some time to figure out how to have a blog title in the middle of a blogger domain. I searched the internet but I can't do anything. I don't understand the css or the html .. Thank you in advance.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How can I became a good blogger?

Last Answer : if you want to get a blog off the ground, the best thing and the only thing that you can really do is just get going i know a lot of people like what things to be just ... tips which will benefit in future: Good and unique skill learn about CMS Writing Skills Honesty Updated Yourself Dedication

Description : How to create a blog on blogger?

Last Answer : Sign in to Blogger. On the left, click the Down arrow . Click New blog. Enter a name for your blog. Click Next. Choose a blog address or URL. Click Save.

Description : How To Design A Free Blog in Blogger?

Last Answer : I have a free blog on blogger and I did not do anything in terms of design aside from choosing from the free templates that Blogger offers. You have a variety of premade templates that you can choose ... choose any theme and you can replace it with a different one if you change your mind later on.

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Last Answer : You could, but there is not much money out there for people with a media arts degree. If you are really good at blogging you can make a good living, but most do not.

Description : Google is shuttering its RSS reader. Can you recommend an alternative?

Last Answer : answer:I am furious. This is how I consume the web - and how I've done it for years. What is the alternative? Browse individual websites? What is this, 1999? Does anyone have a link to the latest ... so would many people I know. I'm really curious - what the hell is the alternative? F*cking Google.

Description : Is there an alternative to Google as a homepage?

Last Answer : Are you actually looking for a new search engine rather than a new home page?

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Last Answer : Try this

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Last Answer : That's part of the job of a writer. They have to devise all sorts of scenarios and envionments in which their plot will fit. A lot of it is imagination, probably with some research thrown in. ... invented the grammar and syntax of an entire make-believe language as well. Bottom line: It takes work!

Description : How can I copyright my story when I haven't written it yet?

Last Answer : You have a copyright to your outline, as written. No one gets to own story ideas, though. What you do, is don't share story outlines with people you think are going to use your ideas ... them for stealing your story line (and for being crazy maniac story-outline bandits, which is ridiculous).