How are the Chileans better off than the Haitians in their recent earthquakes?

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Last Answer : answer:Fracking USGS Paper on the relationship between Fracking and Induced Earthquakes Yes I do.

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Last Answer : Obviously there is a fault line somewhere that is experiencing seismic activity. Can you research the fault lines in your state and the geological explanations for the recent activity? Surely there are some ... of the current action. Good luck, be safe! All's quiet in california tonight. lol

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Last Answer : The US has been blamed for having the ability to create tsunamis and hurricanes, and also control the direction they go and the level of devistation they create. Can’t see why the US can’t also create earthquakes. Or, at least be accused of creating them.

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Last Answer : As far as I can tell 0%

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Last Answer : As a “religious” person, I wouldn’t say that the earthquakes would be a punishment, but rather a sign of the end times. Just my 2 cents, because I don’t want to open up a can of worms.

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Last Answer : answer:Here s an article about the aftermath of the tsunami in Sumatra. Apparently toads are among the animals that can predict earthquakes! I would think that there would be some pretty ... greatly depending on the magnitude, which in turn would change the underwater ecosystem at least somewhat.

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Last Answer : Devastating earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and tsunamis are constant. Look into any period and you will find them.

Description : Why has there been an increase in Earthquakes recently?

Last Answer : Because mother nature is coming to get you. Either that or plate tectonics.

Description : Cuba just had a 5.6 earthquake. Why are there so many earthquakes this year? Are we heading for the end?

Last Answer : Normal earthquake activity is what is going on. We are are on large plates. They move on the plastic-like athenosphere. Plates get subducted. This causes earthquakes. It happens all the time.

Description : Haiti, Japan and now Chile. Why do you think earthquakes are happening so often and randomly lately?

Last Answer : Plate-tectonics must be having a race.

Description : Are earthquakes common in the Caribbean?

Last Answer : They said this is the largest quake ever recorded in the region, so I guess not.

Description : Is there anything unusual about this latest seismic activity with the earthquakes?

Last Answer : Earthquakes don’t get much TV news coverage unless they strike a major city. However, geological study groups have a lot of new information to process and they are likely not sitting idle.

Description : Do lots of small earthquakes mean a big earthquake is coming?

Last Answer : It means you live in one of the most tectonically active parts of the country and should expect to feel an earthquake or two every once in awhile. Over time, pressure builds up at the bend in the ... 've lived there for about 3 years. Well, statistically, San Fran is about due for some earthquakes.

Description : which of the following statements about earthquakes is false? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : Mostly in which region do Earthquakes and volcanoes occur? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Folded and faulted region'

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Last Answer : The answer is 'Brazil'

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Mostly in which region do Earthquakes and volcanoes occur? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : The Bay Area of California was shaken by a earthquake. The epicenter was located at Alina Prieta. The diameter of the earthquakes horizontal waves that shocked the area measured about 129 miles. How many square miles were affected by this earthquake?

Last Answer : A = πr^2A = π(64.5 miles)^2A = 13,069.80 miles^2

Description : How do seismologist measure earthquakes?

Last Answer : Seismologists use instruments known as seismometers (sometimesalso called geophones) which measure the frequency and amplitude ofseismic waves released during an earthquake.Seismologists will also attempt to measure ... radar to create a series of veryaccurate relief maps of the ground surface over

Description : What causes earthquakes ?

Last Answer : In view of the recent mild to moderate earthquakes in our country and the catastrophic earthquakes in Indonesia , Haiti, etc., the curiosity of the people is increasing. In researching the causes of ... , water evaporation , landslides, etc., the earth moves under the skin and earthquakes are held.

Last Answer : Japan is called the land of earthquakes.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Does heavy rainfall cause huge earthquakes?

Last Answer : Earth quake occur as a result of shakes with the earth crust which is usually accompany by the release of large amount of energy.Heavy rain fall could cause earth quake but this is ... and other extractive activities that causes uneven expansion and contractions in the layers of the earth crust