Is it possible to train for a half marathon in 5 weeks?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is your general fitness level now? How much running and other athletic experience do you have?

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Description : Has anyone run either the LA Marathon or the San Fransisco Marathon?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : How can a n00b train for a marathon? Is it realistic to train over the summer and run a marathon in the Fall?

Last Answer : Team in Training has a great program and benefits a great cause. Google it! I did it and I am no athlete.

Description : How can I train for a marathon?

Last Answer : You can train for a marathon by jogging or running several miles a day. You would also exercise and eat the right foods as well as drink plenty of fluids to run.

Description : How to Train for a Marathon

Last Answer : How to Train for a Marathon Many people go the distance to test the limits of heart, mind, body, and soul. Every year, people all over the world participate in competitive running events to go ... run in just about any marathon and prove yourself to be faster, higher, and stronger than ever before.

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Description : Is training solely on the treadmill a bad method in preparation to run a half marathon?

Last Answer : Yes, it is. Running on a treadmill will certainly help, but treadmills don't have the incline variability of natural terrain, so your body won't be prepared to run the half-marathon. Training on a ... a mini marathon. It would also be a good idea to get some actual track time in if possible.

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Description : How do I train for a 5K race in three weeks?

Last Answer : I would focus on speed AND stamina. Perhaps 3–5 days a week alternate sprints with distance running. There’s really no magic secret to running. Either you HAVE been running and are therefore ready.. or you haven’t.

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Last Answer : Ramon trained 9 hours per week, totaling 54 hours of training for the full 6-week period.

Description : There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? 1. Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. 2. Mike ... last computers together. 9. The murderer is Jack's brother; they grew up together in Seattle. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't ... must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.

Description : if john ran a 5-kilometer marathon, how long was that in meters? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : 1 km = 1000 meters, so if John ran a 5-kilometer marathon, it was 5 x 1000 = 5,000 meters.

Description : Why did some men try to stop Katherine Switzer from running the Boston Marathon in 1967?

Last Answer : answer:At that point, women weren’t sanctioned to run in the marathon – rules of the race sponsor and the Amateur Athletic Union (or some such body). It was thought (in 1967) that women were too weak and delicate to run in such a long race.

Description : Boston marathon bomber sentenced to death: Your thoughts?

Last Answer : I don’t believe in the death penalty. It makes the state no better than the murderers.

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Last Answer : My husband and I do this pretty often. I don’t believe either of us have had any trouble with it at all.

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Last Answer : answer:Diet Favorite/least favorite courses Runner’s high and hitting ‘The Wall’

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Last Answer : Here’s some more info on both. . . . . . . ...

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Last Answer : Probably because it was scary shit for people who run marathons.

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Last Answer : Taxpayers.

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Last Answer : Jihadists are self proclaimed enemies of the West. They want us to die and go away. The US is an iconic figure of the Western world. The Boston bombers were, by currently available information, jihadists. ... in meeting their goals, and we (The West) lived another day. That is worth cheering about.

Description : Has anyone here ever run a marathon? If so, how did you go about training?

Last Answer : I’ve ran half marathon’s, 26 miles…get right outta town, literally. The best way to train is to work on your endurance/stamina, pound the streets & keep yourself in shape.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, with any luck, the why will be something we have in our power to affect in order to prevent such tragedies in the future. Most likely, however, this is the work of someone who ... be one of THOSE guys! Unfortunately, it's really hard to prevent narcissism and random acts of crazy.

Description : Have you ever begun watching a television show faithfully after watching a bunch of episodes on a marathon?

Last Answer : Yes—M*A*S*H and West Wing, and more recently, CSI.

Description : What's your take on Bloomberg finally canceling the NYC marathon an hour ago?

Last Answer : I didn’t realize the resources they were putting into it. The generators alone were enough to relieve a lot of misery. He should have done it sooner.

Description : A friend of mine did the ING NYC Marathon last year, is it too late for me to enter this years?

Last Answer : answer:Actually you can still enter the race. An organization named Team Continuum still has tickets. I'm here on behalf of Team Continuum to spread the word. Team Continuum helps raise ... everyday lives. Check out the website for more details:

Description : Are there any marathons in Boston that are NOT the Boston Marathon?

Last Answer : answer:,+MA,+US&r=50&s=relevance&m=meta:startDate:daterange:today..+meta:channel%3DRunning+meta:splitMediaType%3DEvent I see a bunch of half-marathons. And I see the Manchester Marathon, which isn’t too far from Boston.

Description : Have you ever ran a Marathon & do you have the 411 on it's regulations/guidelines ?

Last Answer : The Boston Marathon’s time requirements are unique. For most marathons, you’re right—anyone who registers can run it. Just being able to run Boston is an accomplishment.

Description : Best Place To Watch The NYC Marathon?

Last Answer : Answering my own question here, but… Found some information here – Any other suggestions?

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Last Answer : If nothing else, you should have read the last chapter; Mollie Bloom’s famous soliloquoy before you die. A thirty-page stream-of-consciousness single sentence. Having read it will give you bragging rights in certain circles.

Description : I am running in a marathon. Got any tips?

Last Answer : Talc, vasaline and plenty fluids along with pace yourself .

Description : What are those aluminum foil-looking capes people wear after finishing a marathon?

Last Answer : They help to keep your body temperature from dropping too fast, I think. I can’t remember where I heard that, but I could be totally wrong.

Description : What are preferred apps for creating easy meal plans during marathon training (or meal delivery services)?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What are preferred apps for creating easy meal plans during marathon training (or meal delivery services)?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Three Brothers share a family sport, A nonstop marathon. The oldest one is fat and short And trudges slowly on. The middle brothers tall and slim, and keeps a steady pace The youngest runs just like the wind, ... say. 'Though he is surely number one, he's also second in a way. What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Hands on a Clock

Description : The marathon man timed himself and found out that if he wore a bright white outfit he ran 20 miles in 80 minutes, but when he wore a dark outfit, he ran 20 miles in one hour and twenty minutes. What does this mean for his next race? -Riddles

Last Answer : Absolutely nothing, as 80 minutes equals an hour and twenty minutes.

Description : Who ran the first marathon?

Last Answer : Phidipedes

Description : Who was responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings?

Last Answer : Answer: The Brothers Tsarnaev

Description : Can anyone tell me?

Last Answer : It was about HERE. Otherwise 42195 meters. Hard ... :)     

Description : How many kilometers do you have to run during a marathon?

Last Answer : The marathon distance today is 42195 meters. Incidentally, the marathon distance was first determined as a function of the distance between Marathon and Athens at the first modern Olympics held in ... be in front of the royal lodge, and that would have missed that 195 meters. ?                 

Last Answer : Undoubtedly the Feidippides River (sometimes referred to as Diomedon) / It was 12.9 490 BC that ran from the city of Marathon to Athens.

Description : Why would you like to take part marathon?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What happened at Marathon in the Persian War?

Last Answer : The Persians embarked their cavalry to go around to Athens andcapture it in the absence of the Athenian army at Marathon. TheAthenians saw this and ran down and defeat the inferior Persianinfantry no ... today's pampered athletes don't have to carry weapons,shields and armour and run in sandals.

Description : How were the Ionian rebellion and the battle of Marathon precursors for the battle of Thermopylae?

Last Answer : The Ionian rebellion brought in support from mainland Greekcity-states Eretria and Athens. After suppressing the revolt,Persia sent an expedition to capture those two city-states and putthem under ... to assemble their armies thefollowing year at Plataea, and won, so the invasion wasdefeated.

Description : Who was the Persian leader for the battle Marathon?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Why couldn't the entire spartan army march north to help Miltiades at marathon or Leonidas at Thermopylae?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What did they eat during the battle of Marathon?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How much does it cost to enter the New York marathon?

Last Answer : The NYC Marathon cost of entry can be broken down to a processing fee of $11 and a variety of entry fees depending on whether the entrant is a U.S resident and NYRR member or non-member ($216 and 255 respectively), or non-U.S resident which is priced at $347. These figures are for 2012.

Description : What is the route and distance of the nyc marathon?

Last Answer : The NYC marathon route starts on Staten Island close to the on ramp of the verrazano narrows bridge. Continueing thru Brooklyn for 11 miles, having to cross the pulaski bridge next. After the ... and central park finally finsihing at Colombus Circlem. In total the marathon covers close to 27 miles.