Experienced dog owners: how to potty train my almost 8 weeks puppies?

1 Answer

Answer :

Crate training is usually the best way. Have you tried that? I think it is always harder with 2. Do you put them in separate crates? You can google crate training and get heaps of info.

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Description : How do I re-potty train my dogs?

Last Answer : well. when we needed to potty train my dog, i would show her how to do it. which means, go outside in the backyard and do it like she should. To Clarify, My family owns a ... (this method may not be suitable for everyone please check with your local law enforcement regarding public urination)

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Last Answer : well im not sure about being traumatized but some dogs have a quiet personality so you could just buy one of those but i suggest you go to a animal shelter because they tend to be more scared or just quit. and it helps those poor dogs.

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Last Answer : There is no set amount of time for training. The end result will also depend on the individual dog. I have a 13 year old dog I raised from 4 weeks of age who spent her first year in a ... To date it's been a success. No destructive behavior, no separation anxiety, and no lapses in her housebreaking.

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Last Answer : Does she not walk at all, or does she pull? If she pulls, practice be a tree. The instant she puts tension on the lead, stop. Don't move until she relaxes the lead herself. She'll learn that ... will catch on. The important thing is to be consistent- if she pulls, she doesn't get what she wants.

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Last Answer : They put it around/are born from other dogs like this, basically rough it up themselves by just playing rough with it, then eventually teaching it to hurt things, and it's said that when animals get the ... that way but they obviously aren't meant to be if we have to physically make them like that.

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Last Answer : I congratulate you on keeping this pup and would guess that you might need a professional animal trainer. Good luck.

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Last Answer : What about asking someone to offer her food, and you sharply say NO? Then give her some food and some praise when she does as you ask. Or you could try putting something bitter on the food your friend ... the idea only to take food from you, and doesn't think the food is only bad from one person.

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Last Answer : answer:I tried everything to keep my dog out of the trash, too! I had basically given up, and then I adopted a dog who's owner had passed away. My first dog was so busy minding the new dog's ... to think he could get away with it alone, and not to bother when there are two possible suspects? Hmmmm.

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Last Answer : What have you tried to get him to the potty

Description : Very small dogs (ankle-biters) roaming loose; is that a case of very smart dogs or inattentive owners?

Last Answer : Small dogs are like cats, they can slink through any fence, makes it tough. In those cases, after once or twice being scared too death you've lost your pet, people should think about leashing or at ... . So inattentive owners is always the final verdict for me, you got to be smarter than your dog.

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Last Answer : Don’t know if he looks like me. But sure acts like me. Totally off the wall but all business when needs to be.

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Last Answer : Fellow flutherer syz will probably be able to answer your question. If she doesn’t see this, you might want to send her a private comment.