How should i start a letter to a customer service?

1 Answer

Answer :

“To Whom It May Concern:” is probably the best way to do it without knowing exactly who it would be going to.

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Last Answer : long as it’s in your head the rough draft is already saved. lol

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Last Answer : So you want to use a Bowdlerization app? Seems like a waste of time. It means you aren’t open minded enough to evaluate a book on its own merits. And that form of expurgation generally makes a book weak and ineffective.

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Last Answer : First, I want to say that I would read this book. You had me interested in the first paragraph of explaining the premise of the book. Remember that all stories are told from different perspectives. No one ... telling a work of fiction. And it will be from your point of view. Please finish this book.

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Last Answer : One of the things that made Game of Thrones so engaging (The Expanse too) is that they begin the story in a world that had a rich history and we learn more about what has happened in ... other people/groups of people and often have to make morally gray choices. That keeps things more believable.

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Last Answer : Asimov did it with his Foundation series. Heinlein did it in some of his longer novels. And of course JK Rowling did it in all of the Harry Potter books. It’s certainly possible to do, but you have to spend an enormous amount of time on consistency and detail, or it all falls apart.

Description : Why. Do. People. Sometimes. Write. Like. This?

Last Answer : To be annoying and/or make a statement.

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Last Answer : Um, yeah.

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Last Answer : National Novel Writing Month One write for oneself not for others. If you enjoy writing then go for it and the continuous writing is the goal of not stopping as ... after someone made his books into movies ( Michael Crichton..wrote Jurassic Park, Westworld and more).

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Last Answer : Pawn broker.

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Last Answer : I'm a little confused. Are we talking about a place that is not English speaking? I think you take some risk writing about a place you have never been, but I do think you can probably get quite ... editor can help you once you have the work done. Maybe I don't fully understand the question though.

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Last Answer : That depends – how much does it pay?

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Last Answer : My sister’s birthday. About a month ago.

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Last Answer : Sometimes.

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Last Answer : No. I do have a closet of clones, though.

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Last Answer : Not that I have ever seen. But when I am writing, I write for speed and legibility. So my handwriting is sort of a mix of script and print - some elision between letters but some separation ... letters sometimes because there are connectors that don't make sense. What works for me is prursive'.

Description : How can I get better at writing?

Last Answer : Read, read, read. Read well-written books and magazines, and pay attention to their vocabulary, use of language, grammatical construction, and style. Get a notebook and record your responses and ... and intelligent instead of having your mistakes leap off the page ahead of your appearance in person.

Description : Help with publishing in Great Britain?

Last Answer : I mean, would need more details, what the subject matter is if you’re looking to release in any particular region? As for the frequent use of the word ”fairy” pretty much has the same meaning over here although can have homophobic undertones depending on context & of course, education.

Description : What is the best clean, quick and painless way to die?

Last Answer : Sleep In a hot tub.