Do you mourn the loss of the letter as a form of communication?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:In high school (ten years ago) my friends and I wrote letters back and forth instead of writing emails or IM-ing, or talking on the phone. We were all big Tolkien fans, and had a years-long roleplaying game going. My name was Nostariel Thranduilien, sister to Legolas Greenleaf. I wrote on tanned paper with green ink and my handmade goosefeather quill pen, sealed all my envelopes with stamped wax, and mailed the letters all the way to “Niadaen’s” house two miles away. The mailman LOVED us. We’d write letters to each other daily, in various forms, sometimes from different characters and in weird handwriting. Once she mailed me a plastic easter egg. Awesome. Oh, and for all his trouble we fattened him up well with Lembas and chocolate chip cookies around *********.

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