Breastfeeding your father, what do you think? Do breasts have to be sexual?

1 Answer

Answer :

Breasts are not necessarily sexual. However, some people have hangups. That’s why a number of jurisdictions have had to specify in law that breastfeeding in public is legal.

Related questions

Description : Why is breastfeeding in public frowned upon yet men will pay to see breasts in strip clubs?

Last Answer : Men who frequent strip clubs usually aren’t the ones who are likely to be offended by public breastfeeding. I think the cloth or napkin over the baby and breast is a good compromise. If people still have an issue with that, they need to order a nice tall glass of “chill the hell out”.

Description : Painful spots in breasts? Normal?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it's normal. No, you should not be worried.Here's some accurate info about normal discomfort in your breasts at your age. ... only wonderful erogenous zones, but also a complicated and miraculous milk production factory-in-the-making.

Description : Are my breasts leaking milk at 25 weeks pregnant?

Last Answer : It’s totally normal. I started at 12 weeks. Some people start real early and some don’t even start until after the baby is born.

Description : Can you be physically fit, yet still have big breasts/butt?

Last Answer : I know women who were athletes in college and were built like brick houses. Their husbands, however, married them for their personalities and intellect.

Description : Is it normal to have stretchmarks on your breasts?

Last Answer : It is quite common.

Description : What's the best way to enhance breasts without surgery?

Last Answer : The Le Mystere bra works wonder for small and large breasts alike. For small breasts it really makes them look larger while giving a nice rounded shape to them. For large breasts, it gives the nice ... not very fancy looking, but they look great underneath your clothing! I won't wear anything else!

Description : What do you think of the breastfeeding demonstrations at Target?

Last Answer : That’s awesome. It’s really easy for us to forget we’re actually human sometimes. And by “human”, I mean an animal. It’s not the fault of the mothers that society sexualized nudity. It’s just a mam gland, people.

Description : What do you think of breastfeeding in public places?

Last Answer : I get to eat in public, who says babies can’t eat too? But keep in mid that if a mom whips out her breast for the baby to suckle, chances are I will see it. And if me seeing it makes the mom uncomfortable, then she shouldn’t be breast feeding in public.

Description : Nipple changes after breastfeeding?

Last Answer : Breastfeeding changes your breasts. No question.

Description : Do you believe women breastfeeding their babies should be banned from doing so in public?

Last Answer : I thought this issue was resolved decades ago! No, baring a breast to feed ones infant is not a sexually provocative gesture. Babies need to eat when they need to eat and if that means they get hungry in ... deal with it. Good grief, you mean to tell me is still a controversial issue in 2014? Bah!

Description : What grosses people more, the fact of breastfeeding going past the age of diapers or the fact the kid that can stand has his mouth at a woman’s nipple?

Last Answer : Past the age of diapers for me. If the kid can verbalize the request, seems oddly sexual to me.

Description : With breastfeeding is there an official maximum age a mother should stop their child from doing it, and does it differ by nation?

Last Answer : (UK based) It is recommended, where possible, for the first 6 months of a child's life. I believe that some solids can be introduced as early as 4 months, though the child will dictate this to some extent. ... along the lines if they're old enough to ask for it, they shouldn't be still having it .

Description : Is there anything I can do to negate the colicky effect of cow's milk protein so I can have dairy while I'm breastfeeding?

Last Answer : There is a delicious soy milk called Silk. The chocolate is almost sinful! And almond milk, rice milk and ice cream, lots of soy cheese out there.

Description : What are some good breastfeeding books for a first-time mom?

Last Answer : I’m sure major baby product companies as Gerber / Johnson & Johnson make such books.

Description : What are your views on breastfeeding?guys..voice your opinion too?

Last Answer : I’d ask your obstetrician and pediatrician for advice before making any irrevocable decisions. Also, you’re about to have an infant. This is probably the worst possible time to be squeamish about bodily functions.

Description : Has ask-public had a "breastfeeding in public" debate yet?

Last Answer : If they are covered and discrete, I don’t care.

Description : can you eat honey if you are breastfeeding?

Last Answer : Yes, the honey that you consume won't affect the milk your baby ingests.

Description : What is the name of the tablet that stops breastfeeding ?

Last Answer : To stop breastfeeding, you should take criptine tablet 2 times a day for 7 days. Breast milk will stop within seven days.

Description : Can Sinkara be eaten to make the baby fat while breastfeeding ?

Last Answer : Didn't say how old your baby is. No problem to eat. It will not have much effect on the child. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning and at night. And yes it will increase appetite and make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. It is not a medicine for health.

Last Answer : World Breastfeeding Day is 1st August.

Description : I don't have many children.

Last Answer : only for 3 months because I didn't have more milk

Description : Do you disagree that it is not appropriate to breastfeed in public? just as many people eat on the road so the baby can eat something in a telephone or in a public toilet, maybe he covered his head ... in the summer? because how many moms make this a hiding place to breastfeed ... what about you? 

Last Answer : I usually cover it in a public place, I watch the baby if it feels uncomfortable or hot, I don't cover it, I try to make it feel less conspicuous.

Description : Who do you think has experience in this?

Last Answer : Well I've been to breastfeeding like this. I get pregnant anytime. Only the defense of the fuse does not fall pregnant.

Description : How big is it to breastfeed in a public place?

Last Answer : Not at all, but many people feel ashamed and distasteful

Description : I would like to know how old the baby started feeding. And what is the baby's reaction to the new food.

Last Answer : You can start at 6 months old. I used a stick mixer to puree and gave my son an apple.

Description : Hi. I would like to ask how long you have been breastfeeding your children? Is it true that it is no longer recommended over the age of 2? 

Last Answer : My little son is still 10 months old but one of my relatives was breastfeeding until he was 3.5 years old and there was nothing. Some don't recommend it but some do. You feel this for how long you want it. :)

Description : Would you undertake extreme breastfeeding, ie be a boy or a little girl until you are 8-10 years old ? 

Last Answer : I certainly wouldn't. I don't even understand those who do. Isn't it uncomfortable for them? 

Description : What are your thoughts on this topic? What is the amount you may have allowed during breastfeeding? For example, if someone drinks two dl of red wine in the evening and milks it once a night, can you breastfeed in the morning?

Last Answer : It is good to know that alcohol is present in breast milk in exactly the same amount as in mother's blood. It's also worth keeping in mind that the liver of tiny babies isn't yet able to ... milk the milk completely and only breastfeed afterwards, but if possible, I would milk it twice for safety.

Description : Do you have any tips?

Last Answer : I would probably wear a sports bra. It is comfortable and if you have it and a larger number, the diaper will fit in there. You can conveniently buy it from Vietnamese in various colors and designs. But I ... my breasts. I like to wear it in the garden, it is comfortable and the straps do not fall.

Description : Is it safe to drink black coffee while breastfeeding?

Last Answer : In moderation, a small amount of caffeine will not harm your breastfed baby. Keep in mind that the concentration of caffeine in your breast milk will peak about two hours after breastfeeding. We recommend limiting your daily caffeine intake to less than 300 milligrams.

Description : How would you react if you see a mom breastfeeding her baby in public?

Last Answer : To me, this is perfectly normal and it happens here on the islands every day. Where I live all mom's nurse their children and when out in public you can see a baby nursing on their mom. There ... feed her baby. Normally you won't see her breasts exposed but you know that she is feeding her child.

Description : Is it safe to take neozep while breastfeeding?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Breastfeeding?

Last Answer : DefinitionBreastfeeding is giving human breast milk to infants to meet their nutritional needs.See also:Age-appropriate diet for childrenBreastfeeding - self-careBreastfeeding tipsFormula feedingOvercoming breastfeeding ... for the first 6 months of life. It contains appropriate amounts of ca

Description : How can I lose weight while breastfeeding?

Last Answer : You should wait until your baby is at least 2 months to try and burn any calories. But luckily you should know that breastfeeding does allow you to burn calories. Your intake ... weight effectively without losing your milk supply. Always consult a doctor before starting any weightloss program.

Description : What is your opinion of breastfeeding in public?

Last Answer : Breast feeding ins public can often lead to many different opinions from people. In my opinion, as long as breast feeding is kept appropriate, and not wherever or whenever, it is perfectly fine.

Description : Breastfeeding Problems?

Last Answer : DefinitionCommon problems may occur during breastfeeding. Fortunately, most problems can be easily managed with a variety of strategies. Lactation consultants are an excellent resource for additional help. Even most ... most illnesses, and the baby is likely to benefit from the mother's antibodies.

Description : What is the best weight loss for breastfeeding?

Last Answer : Since you are breastfeeding, and two children at that (wow- what ages?), you should know that the feeding itself is helping your body drop the weight from the pregnancy. This along with you running after ... eat healthy while you are doing it. Give it a few months, and you will see huge results.

Description : What are the benefits of breastfeeding? 

Last Answer : Breastfeeding provides benefits to both the baby and the mother. A major benefit to the baby is that breast milk supplies the correct amount of nutrients as the baby grows from an infant to a ... and the white comes from the fat. There are approximately 750 calories per liter of breast milk. 

Description : What are the benefits of breastfeeding? 

Last Answer : Breastfeeding provides benefits to both the baby and the mother. A major benefit to the baby is that breast milk supplies the correct amount of nutrients as the baby grows from an infant to a ... and the white comes from the fat. There are approximately 750 calories per liter of breast milk.

Description : Choose the correct statement about iron therapy: A. Haemoglobin response to intramuscular iron is faster than with oral iron therapy B. Iron must be given orally except in pernicious anaemia C. ... iron therapy must be given during pregnancy D. Infants on breastfeeding do not require medicinal iron

Last Answer : C. Prophylactic iron therapy must be given during pregnancy

Description : ___________ drug is usually avoided with breastfeeding. a) Ibuprofen b) propranalol c) Methotrexate d) Naproxe

Last Answer : c) Methotrexate  

Description : Was this covert sexual abuse from my father?

Last Answer : There could have been sexual abuse and you blanked it out, but what you describe sounds more like gender abuse. He seems to have hated you for being female, and as you grew closer to being a woman, resented ... living with such a mess of a man, but survive you did. A toast, to your inner strength!

Description : Do you think it would be unhealthy to eat Tyson's Boneless Chicken Breasts twice a week?

Last Answer : answer:I've had a lot of their products. I rather like their General Tso's Chicken. ^_^ The Grilled and Ready stuff is pretty awesome, if you're looking for something to throw on your salads. I'm sure ... 's processed and evil and you'll start glowing in the dark or something, but I'm not dead yet.

Description : Should I report him for sexual harassment?

Last Answer : I’d tell the manager, short staffed or not you have to show your not a pushover! By the way, I love your username. If the company has to cut him that’s their problem not yours.

Description : What are good resources for learning about sexual health?

Last Answer : Planned Parenthood health topics.

Description : Should fake breasts be more common than circumcisions?

Last Answer : Should they be? No. Could they be? Yes. 2 to 1. Circumcisions have some health benefits I’ve heard. Saggy (not just saggy) boobs, not so much.

Description : How do you exam your breasts correctly?

Last Answer :

Description : How do you feel when someone hug and nudge you with her breasts?

Last Answer : If you don’t like it, would you prefer I detach them first?

Description : Men, how big are your breasts, and how do you feel about it?

Last Answer : I am flat chested. If I were a woman I would not qualify for an A cup or even a training bra.

Description : Do all cultures have the obsession with breasts like we do?

Last Answer : I remember hearing about a westerner telling a group of women in a tribe that customarily goes topless that breasts are considered sexual objects by western men. The women thought that was hilarious.