Is there a way to put multiple links in a single bookmark in Firefox?

1 Answer

Answer :

There’s an addon (use the search term favicon) that will provide a favicon for a link without one. If opening the folder works, you can give it a new icon. Other than that, Iike using Google Bookmarks, in which you can file one site under many different tags. Not the same, I know, but still useful. Also look for an addon called Smart Toolbar which removes the text but allows it to pop up when you hover, so you have an all-icon toolbar, but you can still have labels.

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Last Answer : I just tested this, and I can’t replicate the problem. It works just fine for me. Perhaps there’s some other variable at work?

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Last Answer : answer:I can't help you with an answer to your problem. But I can tell you I had a similar problem after installing FoxFire 3. Afterwards, my hyperlinks to email addresses would not bring up a black email. ... posted on tech boards, no one has come up with a fix to my problem. Good luck with yours!

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Last Answer : Download Firefox 3 again, drag the current Firefox 3 application into the trash, then drag the newly downloaded Firefox 3 application into your applications folder. That might do the trick. You wont loose your bookmarks, historys and settings as these are stored in a different place.

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Last Answer : answer:For Firefox: select the menu item Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks.You can browse the bookmark tree and delete items by right clicking on them and selecting delete or by selecting them and pressing the ... 4. As said, you will need to repeat the process for every site you would like to remove

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s a link to a video that shows you everything in action: iPhone 1.1.3 Walkthrough

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : answer:Finder>Home>Shared That should do the trick.

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Last Answer : Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard will accomplish this. There are also a few freeware applications out there as well but I would have to dig them up. But a few important questions: what kind of scanner are you using? ... your PDFs as you scan them, but you usually have to have a sheet fed scanner to do so.

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Last Answer : They (links and macros) are on your hard-drive and not part of the attachment, you emailed .

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Last Answer : answer:Hmmm Hangouts is via a plugin in Firefox, and there are quite a few available. I don't see anything with a quick search that says it's a problem with Google's service. Where are you ... browser, and Chrome doesn't need a plugin at all, so that's probably the easiest solution either way.

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Last Answer : answer:Will the other users have the same linked files on their computers, or on the CD or thumb drive? Also, this page might help. How to create absolute hyperlinks and relative hyperlinks in Word documents

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Last Answer : answer:Perhaps you accidentally pressed the F11 key. Press it once to see if you get those buttons back.

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Last Answer : answer:You could try to refresh Firefox. If you decide you really want to downgrade to an earlier version of Firefox, here they are. When you say that now your “computer runs terribly”, do you mean just Firefox or the whole computer?

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Last Answer : Did you re-start your PC?

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Last Answer : The Mozilla website has a whole page on restoring your bookmarks here