What is an online bookmark is?

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Related questions

Description : How do you bookmark sites online?

Last Answer : I use Furl. Not too different from delicious. It just has a much nicer interface.

Description : How is Google Chrome able to guess which folder to place a bookmark?

Last Answer : They probably use a machine learning algorithm. If I had to guess, it parses some of the text on the page and looks for words that could be associated with the name of your folder ( Advocacy ). ... Advocacy folder and try to make an association between that text and the text it saw on Less Wrong.

Description : How to retrieve my bookmark folders in Google Chrome on a Macbook Pro?

Last Answer : answer:Clean install means that you formatted the drive and reinstalled everything. Unless you had it set up to sync your bookmarks somewhere I think you might be out of luck. If you go to ... .app you can run this and see what happens open ~/Library/Application \Support/Google/Chrome/Default/

Description : How do you delete a Bookmark on a Mac?

Last Answer : answer:For Firefox: select the menu item Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks.You can browse the bookmark tree and delete items by right clicking on them and selecting delete or by selecting them and pressing the ... 4. As said, you will need to repeat the process for every site you would like to remove

Description : Why can't I get favicon.ico to show up as my website tab and bookmark icon?

Last Answer : answer:Excuse me for only reading the last sentence of your detailed question, but they are the black and white things which, after you pressed them, will make that a variety of sounds will ... to the correct position on your computer like C/poison/images/website instead of C/poison/music/website?

Description : Firefox to IE bookmark converter needed?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t it possible to simply import the bookmarks from each browser? At times when I download a new browser or re-install, it will ask me to import bookmarks from IE. Can you be more clear on what you mean by “convert”? Last I checked they were all the same format.

Description : Is there a way to bookmark threads for yourself for quick easy reference in the future?

Last Answer : answer:(1) a lot of the more general topics have been gathered into a ask-public: about (feminism) - it should be the first thing you see if you search for the topic in the results. If you ... see the questions relating to that topic. (3) go to your account and scan through your questions/answers.

Description : Readers - Do you need a bookmark, or do you go by the page number?

Last Answer : When I actually don’t make it through a book in one sitting, I use a bookmark. If the bookmark gets pulled out or it falls out, I can usually find where I left off though. Now that I do most of my reading on the Kindle, it doesn’t matter since it automatically takes me back to where I stopped.

Description : Is there a way to bookmark questions on ask-public?

Last Answer : answer:Yeah, you can bookmark the page in your browser. What I also do sometimes is cut and paste the link into notepad and compose my answer there to post it another day. I usually do that for a technical or metaphysical question that requires some thought and consideration.

Description : Is there a way to put multiple links in a single bookmark in Firefox?

Last Answer : There's an addon (use the search term favicon) that will provide a favicon for a link without one. If opening the folder works, you can give it a new icon. Other than that, Iike using Google Bookmarks, ... it to pop up when you hover, so you have an all-icon toolbar, but you can still have labels.

Description : What is a good flat super tool bookmark?

Last Answer : Check out Pocketmod.com, and make your own.

Description : What is a good free bookmark synchronization service?

Last Answer : Weave is good for just Firefox; it does more than just sync the bookmarks. I don’t believe it supports other browser yet.

Description : Why does my fluther bookmark periodically disappear from the menu bar?

Last Answer : Maybe Milo feels like those take up too much of your time and he’s deleting them.

Description : Anyone know a software that can tag/bookmark specific times in a audio file?

Last Answer : You will probably have to convert the book to the audio book format first. If you have a .m4a file you simply change the extension to .m4b. From there I am not sure where to go on the Windows side. ... ass. Someone by now should have written a program to do it. I'm just having zero luck finding it.

Description : Is there a good bookmark syncing program out there for multiple browsers?

Last Answer : I think del.icio.us is the best you’re going to get in terms of cross-browser bookmarks.

Description : Anybody know how to get rid of a website on an itouch, not a bookmark but the site itself?

Last Answer : … Navigate to another page? Your question doesn’t really make sense. You could just go to another site or close the tab that contains that site in Mobile Safari.

Description : Is there a way to bookmark a track on my ipod?

Last Answer : are you saying you forget exactly which track your listening too, or where at in the track you where. If its the latter you can go into the info on the track in iTunes and set it to remember where you were and resume from that point next time you put it on.

Description : How do I get a second bookmark toolbar in firefox for mac?

Last Answer : I think the extension I used to allow this before was something that involved manually entering the height values of the toolbar but it may not have been an extension…

Description : Is there a way to bookmark or save radio stations in either VLC or Winamp?

Last Answer : I used to create a new winamp playlist and drag in (or enqueue) the radio stations I liked so that it formed a list. Then all you need to do is save the playlist and there you will have all your stations saved in a .m3u. I’m not sure if this will then port to VLC but you can always give it a try

Description : Can you bookmark directly to the main screen on an iPhone?

Last Answer : Not as a standard iPhone function, but I have requested custom Home icons. And there may be modifications and hacks via the web for this purpose.

Description : If you add a URL bookmark to your home screen on a 1.1.3 iPhone, what does the icon look like? Is it customizable?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a link to a video that shows you everything in action: iPhone 1.1.3 Walkthrough

Description : Is there any way to clean up the contents of the "Most Visited" smart bookmark in Firefox 3?

Last Answer : You can delete them by going to Bookmarks > Organise Bookmarks then go to All Bookmarks > Bookmarks Toolbar > Smart Bookmarks > Most Visited and then select them all and delete them. However if you click of ... But my advice is only based on what I've just looked at as opposed to strong facts :)

Description : If I hide the Navigation Toolbar of Firefox 3 on OS X, the Cmd-D (keyboard shortcut to bookmark) does not work. Any solutions?

Last Answer : I just tested this, and I can’t replicate the problem. It works just fine for me. Perhaps there’s some other variable at work?

Description : I have a Kindle Fire. Not too long ago, when I tapped the bookmark icon at the upper right, it would show all my bookmarks for that book. I could go to the bookmark of my choice. There was also the option to add or remove a bookmark?

Last Answer : Now when I tap that icon, all it will do is add or remove a bookmark at that location. I am not sure how I am supposed to go to a bookmark in another part of the book.Was there some kind of update? Does anyone else have that problem? Thanks.

Description : A Web site's main page is called its– (A) Home Page (B) Browser Page (C) Search Page (D) Bookmark (E) None of these

Last Answer : Home Page

Description : The first page of a website is called the _____: a) Homepage b) Index c) Java Script d) Bookmark e) Intro Page

Last Answer : a) Homepage

Description : A Web site's main page is called its: a) Home Page b) Browser Page c) Search Page d) Bookmark e) None of The Above

Last Answer : a) Home Page

Description : A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify and name for future references. The task accomplished by using bookmarks is: a) To quickly jump to a specific location in the document. b) To add pics only c) To mark the ending of a page of document d) None of The Above

Last Answer : a) To quickly jump to a specific location in the document.

Description : What is bookmark link in SSRS?

Last Answer : Bookmark is a link which a person clicks to shift to a different area or page in a report. We can insert bookmarks links only to textboxes and images. What is Command parameter in SSRS ... item that has been retrieved. Command parameter is also used for rearranging a user's session information.