Any good, useful drawing websites?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:My people always end up with chicken bone noses! I don’t have personal experience with sites for drawing, but there are loads of them out there. Here’s but one:

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Last Answer : answer:Extremely good question! I'm currently going through a drought myself. I have art buddies around me, they are active. For some reason I'm not. Not musically, not literature-wise, not photography or painting wise. ... if she's not doing it, no one will, so she has to do it then in that sense.

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Last Answer : Fabriano hotpressed illustration board as the link says (I haven’t used or seen one!). He has posted a tutorial regarding drawing materials and he says he buys it from here.

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Last Answer : Interesting question! I don’t know the answer from a legal perspective, but it’s certainly true that museums do it.

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Last Answer : answer:If it's just for fun, why not just look up a bunch of tutorials people make (tons on alone) and go with that? From there, it's just enjoying yourself and practice. But ... your area? And have you considered the library for any of the myriad of technical drawing books there are?

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Last Answer : answer:When I took a course in college which was called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain it taught us that the brain views things as they are and if you want to draw better then try this. If ... in. If you practice this form of drawing it will become a skill that will amaze how well you draw.

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Last Answer : answer: heads are the traditional unit measurement for human bodies, to get the proportions right. But-I've found the only thing that can improve figure drawing is to take a figure drawing class. ... hours drawing people (from figures) is about the only thing that's going to make it better.

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Last Answer : I remember them, but I can’t think of the name. Did it start with a “P”/

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Last Answer : That is amazing. You’ve just inspired me, thanks. My spider will be worth a few thousand and look something like this.

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : Have you contacted Stephen Kings publishers?

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Last Answer : What do you do currently?

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Last Answer : I found temporary body markers here. Scroll 3/4 of the way down, or do a find for body markers.

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Last Answer : answer:I am a fan of these:

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Last Answer : Probably not exactly what you’re looking for, but I’m quite taken with browsing – and you can order prints there.

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Last Answer : I have almost completely mastered the art of being a cat; it took me a few lockdowns but now I sleep around 16 hours per day. Almost as much as my cat. My other hobby, photography, is going downhill. I’ve noticed that if one doesn’t keep shooting, one loses some knowledge. One = I.

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Last Answer : Haven’t seen it, but from the preview in your link looks like it’s worth watching. And as far as the take on biographical material, artists lives have been sensationalized since Vasari started hyping his heroes in 1550. Critical watching skills are as useful as critical thinking ;)

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Last Answer : As we advised on your earlier and very similar question, just take some other piece of cardboard and try it out.

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Last Answer : I believe the entire Bob Ross collection is up on Youtube .

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Last Answer : Do the pieces have any coherency as a set? or is it more mis-matched? do they seem like the kinds of pieces that have wide appeal and would work in an office setting as a collection or ... those on consignment and take up valuable wall real-estate for works in the price range you're describing.

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Last Answer : I pay more than that on my pornography.

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Last Answer : Well what do you expect for $0.15 cents? Now a days you need to spend $$$ for a book, and some of it trickles down to the art department. R.I.P. Stan Lee.

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Last Answer : Your question has three parts that are not at all consistent. Going to Ivy League school but dropping out is not indicative of any talent or intellect or genius. Correlation between between intellect ... Kinkade was very successful from a monetary standpoint, but he was no genius of a painter.

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Last Answer : I can not imagine a cute, goofy person announcing “8 dead in high school shooting.” It just doesn’t work.

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Last Answer : No. But my mom used to take art classes and apparently used my visage as a model (which I did NOT pose for) for a small nude oil painting that everyone who saw it asked if it was me. After the second time I was asked that I became so grossed out. I was 16 or 17 and horribly mortified.

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Last Answer : No, it isn’t reasonable. It is more likely that the art provided an outlet of expression that kept the artist alive longer than they would have dealt with the distress that ended things.

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Last Answer : Well, it is about 10 trillion times better than Pollock and Warhol.

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Last Answer : Photoshop.

Description : What is your definition of art?

Last Answer : A work/performance that is created with the intent to evoke emotion in an observer/listener.