What's it like living in Ireland?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Life in Ireland is good. Don’t expect to see the thatched cottages and wooly jumpers that often though. I live in Wicklow, the “garden of Ireland”. It has some fantastic views. I’m 20 years old now and have lived in Ireland all my life. As a teenager I found everything boring, because thats what all teenagers do. But now my friends and I enjoy the finer side of things in Ireland I guess. This summer has provided us with some great weather so far and I’ve been out enjoying the scenery. Since Wicklow is the county south of Dublin we have a lot of urban sprawl. Most places in Ireland have big enough towns and their own sources of entertainment. My friends and I will generally go to each others houses to hang out and then go to pubs and clubs on the weekends. We travel on the Dart (a train) most of the time into Dublin. Takes around 50 minutes. But you are probably more interested in the nature side of Ireland. The Sally Gap is something you most drive over at some point. Fantastic views. If you are looking for nature in Ireland then anywhere outside of Dublin you aren’t going to have to drive very far. People are known for being kind and welcoming. Its tough to give you a broad scop of life in Ireland. Life in urban areas and life out in rural areas have a pretty big contrast. Sorry about that, I hope that there is some kind of salvageable answer in what I have written.

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Last Answer : answer:You retty muchcan't go wrong in the countryside in Ireland. For a first visit, I would suggest the Cliffs of Moher, then bein based in Killarney from where you can tour the Ring of Kerry, the ... at any time of year in Ireland but I would say that May through September are your best bets.

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Last Answer : This is one of the options under consideration.

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Last Answer : Drink beer.

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Last Answer : answer:You might want to look at The Story of Ireland. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+story+of+ireland&aq=f It's a five part series produced by the BBC and is available on youtube but ... to see the whole thing on youtube, in the correct order. Maybe you can find it somewhere else.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther, and congratulations on the upcoming wedding! Here is one. You may not like the goal though: The Irish translation for honeymoon is mi na meala, which means the ... bride would become pregnant and her family would then desire her to remain with her new husband. Source

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Last Answer : I would doubt if they are being aired in Ireland. You might have to wait for tomorrow for the highlights on ESPN.com or on NFL.com. You can always follow play by play on the ESPN GameCast.

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Last Answer : Parties, potatoes, rebel songs, fist fighting just for the hell of it, and Guinness. I say all this in good nature.

Description : What is your position about the recent soccer match between France and Ireland and the outcome?

Last Answer : I don’t really care for football and I don’t know the details of the football match, but if that play had any direct effect on the outcome then I think there should be a rematch.

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Last Answer : Why anyone would think to boycott anything in the world of sports, is beyond me…

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Last Answer : For anyone who doesn't quite know what the OP is talking about, here is a replay of the incident on YouTube at the very end of the France-Ireland football game today. Personally, I think both Henry and Gallas ( ... his hand out to stop the ball. Maybe it is as bad as Maradona's Hand of God goal.