What should I include in my travel itinerary for Ireland?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is one of the options under consideration.

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Last Answer : answer:i like to have a print out just in case something gets messed up between now and the time you get to the airport. plus it gives you a schedule to look at so you know where to be and when…which is printed on the tickets, but it’s a little easier to read on an itinerary.

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Last Answer : I have done this several times, different routings. The only “penalty” I got then was that I was not awarded the corresponding mileage for the trips. These were pre-9–11 era. Since then, I have not had the opportunity to do this again.

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Last Answer : I know you will want to go to Cuzco first and get acclimated to the altitude before hiking. If you have the money, you might want to consider going with a small guided group trip such as ... recommendations, but I followed the Classic Journeys itinerary when we went to Costa Rica and it worked well.

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Last Answer : I know you will want to go to Cuzco first and get acclimated to the altitude before hiking. If you have the money, you might want to consider going with a small guided group trip such as ... recommendations, but I followed the Classic Journeys itinerary when we went to Costa Rica and it worked well.

Description : What are some good places to travel to in Ireland?

Last Answer : The Aran Islands are quite beautiful. Really, if you want to get to nature it’s great to take a bus out to any small rural town, you get real Irish life, good pubs, and you can wander through the countryside.

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Last Answer : Planning your next vacation is half the fun of getting there,and mapping out the right itinerary makes the difference betweengood trip and a sensational one. The two key factors for aprofessionally finished ... left the ground. Be sure to take stock of admission prices, alunch stipend, and how

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

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Description : Where are some nice places to visit in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:You retty muchcan't go wrong in the countryside in Ireland. For a first visit, I would suggest the Cliffs of Moher, then bein based in Killarney from where you can tour the Ring of Kerry, the ... at any time of year in Ireland but I would say that May through September are your best bets.

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Last Answer : Fly to Dublin and rent a car to travel the countryside.

Description : What's it like living in Ireland?

Last Answer : answer:Life in Ireland is good. Don't expect to see the thatched cottages and wooly jumpers that often though. I live in Wicklow, the garden of Ireland . It has some fantastic views. I'm 20 ... contrast. Sorry about that, I hope that there is some kind of salvageable answer in what I have written.

Description : What to do when in Ireland?

Last Answer : Drink beer.

Description : What are the best tourist places in Ireland (UK)?

Last Answer : If you are talking about Ireland as in “Republic of Ireland” then that’s not part of the UK. Northern Ireland however is. I’ve never been but I hear the giants causeway is quite spectacular.

Description : Cheap Accomodations in UK/Ireland/Scotland?

Last Answer : It of course depends on when/where/how, but there are "house swaps", which basically permits you to stay in someone's flat in Scotland, while the Scot comes and stays in your apartment/house/etc. in the states.

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Last Answer : answer:A Guinness factory! At least I’d make it a priority in Ireland. And some kind of old pub, like one you see in the movies.

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Last Answer : I have travelled alone in Europe for years. Lots of pluses to doing it (autonomy, for one), and very few negatives. Now, I'm male and considerably older than you, so I come at this from a different ... it alone and have one hell of a good time. Do what you want, see what you are interested in.

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Last Answer : Train tickets could probably be online or at a train station. Here is a site

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Last Answer : One thing we did which was good & cheap was driving about a day away to a cool park to camp and explore. It's relatively cheap once you own tents and sleeping bags. I know some people who signed ... at least a small vibe of making oneself look really good. And I'm not sure they were actually cheap.

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Last Answer : Where are you Tbag? What do you like to do? Are you energetic? Do you like culture and history? Tell us what you love to do.

Description : [Fluff time] You are on a day and a half road trip, who are the top three worse travel companions?

Last Answer : answer:No one in particular in mind but: 1. Someone who is uncomfortable with silence and jabbers incessantly 2. Someone who cannot tell when I am listening to a particular song 3. Someone who cannot read a map well enough to give directions.

Description : Have you taken long break (like 6 months or more) to travel around the country or World?

Last Answer : I would love to, and I could afford to, but I have a job that wouldn’t allow that and I have a young dauthter in elementary school so that’s not practical for me at this time.

Description : Can you still become an air courier and travel at a discount?

Last Answer : Try being a Travel Writer. If you are good at writing.

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Last Answer : It’s a toss up between Key West, Florida and my bedroom where I have four books stacked up (I’m fickle).

Description : Should I get travel insurance if I go overseas?

Last Answer : answer:I would not. Check the coverage you have already. Most people's health insurance already coveres health emergencies overseas. Most credit cards cover fraud and loss. Most homeowners liability and property insurance ... stuff. Do carry a credit card with a chip, and you'll have a great time.

Description : When you travel, is there a particular place you'd always go - regardless of country?

Last Answer : Prisons. Old houses. Ghost tours (because they’re funny). Chocolate shops. Markets. Museums.

Description : When you travel, can people tell where you are from?

Last Answer : answer:I love avocado on sandwiches, but I admit to learning that out west. No, we moved around a lot when I was a child. When my family of origin moved to Memphis, some kids said to my sisters, “Hey, y’all talk just like those people on TV.”

Description : Are the countries that suffered in the GFC any cheaper to travel to today?

Last Answer : I just heard air fares are higher now so getting there might cost more if air travel is a part of your trip. I will be interested to hear about the actual costs once you are there.

Description : Can there be more sea travel?

Last Answer : Too slow.

Description : Would you like to show us your travel photos?

Last Answer : How?

Description : Favorite travel songs?

Last Answer : answer:Going to California Led Zeppelin It has a dream-like, ethereal quality that reminds me of road trips through the desert.

Description : What's a riveting read for travel through central and eastern Europe?

Last Answer : answer:I can't think of anything more riveting than books on the geography, culture, and history of the places you'll be travelling through, and then collecting local books on the same subjects as you ... through to buy the T-shirt or the cuckoo clock souvenir just to prove you got of the bus.

Description : Does an American travelling to Mexico need any special visas or travel documents other than a passport?

Last Answer : answer:When you fly into Mexico, they (the stewardess on the airline) will give you some forms to fill out before you hit the border. Those forms just ask about what you're bringing in (if you have to ... , etc. That's really about it. You do not need a visa to visit Mexico. Just your passport.

Description : Do you write online reviews for restaurants, hotels, etc. on travel sites, and if so, how much detail do you give about your experiences?

Last Answer : answer:Yes I do. I don't do it very consistently though (maybe I write 5 reviews a year) and mostly I write about hotels and restaurants while on vacation. I think I have reviewed a local restaurant only ... slow. I just gave it as a warning to consider not going there if you are in a rush.

Description : Why do people love to travel?

Last Answer : 1. They can see different things in their own eyes. 2. They can learn different things. 3. Traveling brings them pleasure. 4. They can try different things. 5. They are curious of what is out there.

Description : What is the best way to travel in Europe?

Last Answer : answer:If you will be there the whole summer (exciting) after a week you will feel very comfotable I think, have a better lay of the land and know how things work. The train can be very convenient and ... haven't been to Europe in years but we have European jellies who will answer your Q I am sure.

Description : How would the US be changed or affected if all rail travel and shipping were eliminated?

Last Answer : I'm guessing that if this happened, there would certainly be a significant increase in trucking. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but in the past 50 years, train use has gone down a bit in the Western ... 't think this would topple commerce. It would hurt, but they'd find a way to get around it.

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Last Answer : No one knows. That's why there are a number of different hypotheses that try to explain the phenomenon. One of the interesting problems is that on a sub atomic level gravity is very weak almost ... gravity is very strong, and we have yet to come up with an explanation that covers both extremes.