Why did I react to benedryl like this?

1 Answer

Answer :

My “guess’ is just what you guessed at in that it was not as time released as what you were used to and you may experienced the full on effect all at once from that larger single dose pill! Next time I would ask them to show you the milligrams and also ask for the 2 smaller pills.

Related questions

Description : Is Benedryl for sleep habit forming?

Last Answer : answer:Benadryl is not. The sleep inducing dose is 50 milligrams taken before bed. Another precaution relates to whether or not this drug is habit forming. While some people think they can become ... amount you take by slowly weaning yourself so you won't feel the effects as dramatically. Source

Description : What Should I Expect After Going off Bedtime Benedryl , 25-50mg, after a year?

Last Answer : None. As long as you’re sleeping fine, you’ll have no side effects. The only ones I could imagine are rebound insomnia and you say you’re not having that so sleep and enjoy it.

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Last Answer : It’s worth a try. Tell us how it goes.

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Last Answer : I’m not a medical professional, but I have never heard of cancer being the root cause of a persistent cough.

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Last Answer : Benadryl or ccc are the only ones you’ll get a high from. Codeine isn’t otc.

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Last Answer : Call a vet. Don't risk poisoning your animal.

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Last Answer : a) may be controlled by the administration of diphenhydramine (Benedryl) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) approximately 30 minutes prior to administration of the amphotericin. Administration of amphotericin B ... 30 minutes prior to the administration of amphotericin B may prevent these side effects.

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Last Answer : Sounds like a friendly ghost ;)

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Last Answer : dear god! no! sounds frightening. then again i spook easily. but still!

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Last Answer : There’s a pretty good list here in @canidmajor’s question from a week ago.

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Description : Do you have any all-nighter study session/work tips?

Last Answer : Take eye breaks every 20 minutes or so. Bring some mini snacks with you like mixed nuts or trail mix. Drink water only.

Description : When have you had your best sleep?

Last Answer : If I take a nap it’s usually great sleep.

Description : How can I cool off my head at night so I can sleep comfortable ?

Last Answer : Chillow worked for me.

Description : Do you personally know anyone who fell asleep while driving?

Last Answer : I have started to fall asleep while driving a few times, maybe even been asleep briefly but I didn't leave my lane. Driving long distances can be a bit hypnotic, and when also quite fatigued, I had ... but perhaps there's just much more noise in all the public conversations so it doesn't stand out.

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Last Answer : Less people,fewer bosses ,weigh scales mostly closed, I much prefer to work nights over a day shift.

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Last Answer : Have family or friend stay with you to do something you enjoy. Boardgames, card games, movies?

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Last Answer : Yes. But I’m also not busting my ass 24/7 with kids either. Every thing has slowed down, including how much food I can eat.

Description : If you don't know you fell asleep, does your body still get the benefit of having fallen asleep?

Last Answer : I am guessing with that short a final interval, you get ripped out of sleep right in the middle of the deep sleep phase, which will absolutely wreck you. Happens to me all the time. You can try to ... if you are quick about the business you need to perform, and keep the lights down while you do it.

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Last Answer : I think I got a deal on a My Pillow when I bought my mattress some years ago. (This was before the politics came into it.) I will say that it has held up much longer than the $19.99 ones I ... that weren't on a special sale which makes me wonder if people ever pay the full listed price for them.

Description : I'm thinking of starting to drink coffee. How or should I start?

Last Answer : Don't start with expensive stuff. Not even Starbucks. Just go some place and ask for a cup of coffee. Some tastes you will like. Some will be too strong, while others will be too weak. Find one ... . Of course there will be plenty of snobs and pseudo-experts who will disagree, but that's my opinion.

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Last Answer : No, they are not at all related. Circadian rhythm has to do with cyclical activities in the body. Concurrent sentencing has to do with criminal justice application of punishment.

Description : When was the last time you got a decent night’s sleep?

Last Answer : Last night.

Description : How much extra sleep do you get or staying in bed awake do you do before you feel bad about it?

Last Answer : I’m retired and don’t sleep well. I often wake around 6:30 or 7 but generally stay in bed til around 8 or so. I will sometimes stay in bed until 9ish but if it’s much later than that, I feel like I am being unproductive.

Description : What percentage of the population of your country works nights/evenings?

Last Answer : A great deal,I am a night shift truck driver, and Mrs Squeeky works graveyard shift in our local hospital. A lot of companies have three shifts and work 7 days a week.

Description : Have you ever woken up to the sensation that someone is sitting on your bed?

Last Answer : I've had other hypnagogic hallucinations, though not that. But my late aunt, who was probably near your age when her father died, afterward used to insist that he came and sat on her bed in the night and ... is a state of very light sleep in which we often think we're awake, but we're really not.

Description : Do painkillers do something for sleeping deep?

Last Answer : I have some pesky lower back aches and knee pains at times and if I take ibuprofen I do sleep better. Not sure if the pain meds have some sleep aid quality or if it is just the secession of discomfort.

Description : Is this a good bed time device for sleeping comfortably ?

Last Answer : It doesn't look efficient to me!!!As a matter of fact, it looks fairly restrictive as you'll need to be able ti breathe in a certain way which doesn't appear normal by any stretch of the imagination. I'm ... t see you yet you can still breathe fresh air!!! Try it to see IF it might work for you!!!