How do I keep myself hopeful after reading multiple posts of negative feedback in a profession I'm going into?

1 Answer

Answer :

Talk to some actual workers in the field that you know and ask them. You should pick people who like their jobs.

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Last Answer : customer service

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Last Answer : I’m sure your employer already knows that your good. As far as the terse ones, a good kick in the jewels should do it. Good luck get a field goal!

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Last Answer : It doesn’t, and it’s a totally absurd proposition.

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Last Answer : Simon Pegg is writing? Cool. I didn’t hate two movies like you did, but this can only be a positive thing.

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Last Answer : The suffix has one “l” in all its uses, i.e., wonderful. Just one of those quirks of the English language where the suffix, being an adjectivial suffix, is different from the word by itself. It does not mean “full”, it means “full of”; a subtle difference in meaning.

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Last Answer : Hopeful doesnt sound like you are putting much effort getting what you want, and Ambitious sounds like you are really going after what you want

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Last Answer : …than what?

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Last Answer : The person is an optimist - always looking on the brightside.

Description : Who is a person a bright and hopeful outlook beginning with o?

Last Answer : The person is an optimist - always looking on the brightside.

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Last Answer : immediacy and intimacy.

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Last Answer : It was very bad to read what you wrote. I'm so sorry you're in such a difficult situation. I don't think you can harm yourself in any way, and not just because you can harm your child ... be smart and I don't see your potential, but if the situation is so hopeless you should try again.         

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Last Answer : You lose :) but I love you anyway.

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Last Answer : I have called before. Hello, this is Jordym84 and I was calling to see if the position for CEO that I interviewed for on Nov. 1 has been filled yet? You will get one of two answers. Yes, we ... hang at that point. They will say something back to you and you take your cue from what they are saying.

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Last Answer : What could it hurt? They will know you are very interested and the worst that could happen is they could say no.