have a few rss feeds from different sources that mention the same products (gizmodo, chrunchgear, ubergizmo and so on) and I spend a lot of time going through multiple posts. Is there any way to condense those rss's so that I'd see only the unique posts?

1 Answer

Answer :

You could have a look at Yahoo pipes, but finding a way of reliably combining similar posts would be very tricky.

Related questions

Description : How can I add multiple RSS feeds to my web app?

Last Answer : I would highly recommend using YQL (Yahoo Query Language). This query is what you're looking for. Copy the REST query to get the combined RSS feed. Add all the RSS feeds after the in clause. ... grouped by the feed they are from but sort by publish date regardless of the feed they are from.

Description : I need help finding an application that will allow me to read RSS feeds on my Blackberry?

Last Answer : I have tried most of them and found Viigo to be the most useful by a huge margin. It has many other features as well. Check it out. (Viigo includes Google Reader in its list)

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Last Answer : answer:False alarm and I’m an idiot. pay no attention to this question. Sorry guys

Description : How do you manage your RSS feeds?

Last Answer : answer:I use google as a homepage and just plug all my rss feeds directly into it. I don't read every post but it keeps me updated on certain blogs, shirt woot, fatwallet, tigerdirect, the weather, ... the day and my google calendar. If I needed a bunch more stuff, I would use google reader. Google

Description : Is there a way to publish a secure RSS feed that is not indexed by search engines?

Last Answer : Yep.. Add it to your robots.txt file (if you have one). http://dogberrypatch.com/archives/wordpress-rss-and-robotstxt/ That is for wordpress but the same principle should work anywhere.

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Last Answer : answer:As far as I know there is no way to make a whole feed unread as that would equate to thousands and thousands of items. If you're rss feeds are those of frequently updating sites then they should ... item that says mark as read . just uncheck that for items that you want to appear as new.

Description : Is there a way to have Feedburner only show the most recent blog posts it retrieves from my blog as opposed to all of them?

Last Answer : answer:found my answer through the FeedBurner Help Center: http://www.google.com/support/feedburner/bin/answer.py?answer[equal]79626 basically I would take the Code: http://myblogname.blogspot.com ... the following format: Code: http://myblogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results[equal]3

Description : What happens when you click on the RSS icon in whichever site you find it?

Last Answer : answer:You need an RSS reader (either built into the web like www.feedly.com) or you need an RSS Client software (of which there are dozens). RSS means real simple syndication which is a way to ... in the website. In short, it's for current awareness in the future, not really for doing this now.

Description : Does clicking on the RSS logo take you to Soundcloud?

Last Answer : The RSS favicon and the Soundcloud one are just very similar. It would be easy to confuse the two but they are different.

Description : Can I get the LinkedIn group digest emails as an RSS feed?

Last Answer : answer:LinkedIn doesn't seem to have any RSS feeds. I use Feedly and a useful feature is if you go to Add Content and enter just the url without the http or www eg linkedin.com, Feedly will ... have one that I particularly recommend as they tend to come and go, but I have used them successfully.

Description : Google is shuttering its RSS reader. Can you recommend an alternative?

Last Answer : answer:I am furious. This is how I consume the web - and how I've done it for years. What is the alternative? Browse individual websites? What is this, 1999? Does anyone have a link to the latest ... so would many people I know. I'm really curious - what the hell is the alternative? F*cking Google.

Description : What are good, frequently updated resources that will deliver interesting infographics to me via RSS?

Last Answer : have you checked out this site? I’m not sure it’s as frequent as you may hope for, but they do have an RSS feed.

Description : Read Sharepoint RSS feed in Google Reader?

Last Answer : answer:A forum with your question already in mid-discussion. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointadmin/thread/970e390b-9eaf-4097-b4a9-259b1cc8cf61

Description : How come I can visit my RSS feed perfectly fine, but Feedburner, Reader etc. cannot find it? Can you?

Last Answer : I can view it just fine, and Google Reader lets me subscribe as well. Is it possible that you can’t subscribe because it’s your own feed? I don’t really know enough about RSS to say either way though..

Description : Is there any e-book reader on the market (or just annouced) have built-in WIFI and RSS reader app?

Last Answer : I think the Amazon Kindle does all that

Description : Which is most commonly used: RSS, XML, Atom?

Last Answer : RSS is specified using XML. I do think RSS is more common than Atom though, although most readers will do both. RSS is probably more popular today

Description : How does RSS to SMS work?

Last Answer : here is a link to the Lifehacker article about Pingie, an app that scans RSS feeds and converts them to SMS. Generally, from the internet sending an SMS out is free for the sender- thats how twitter can update ... break the bank. True, it ups the client's SMS costs, but that's usually a non-issue.

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Last Answer : Q: I have two different blogs but want to offer one consolidated feed. Does FeedBurner allow combining of multiple feeds into one ? A: No, FeedBurner won't merge your multiple feeds into one but you can ... things, and if so, where exactly you got stuck, it is not easy to give more specific help.

Description : Can I create a RSS feed for Google News alerts?

Last Answer : This might help: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/feed-me-google-alerts-not-just-for.html

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Last Answer : Have you tried pressing Apple + # (where # is the number of the article you’d like to read)? If that doesn’t work, go into the preferences for that screensaver and see if that’s a feature you have to enable.

Description : Image-specific RSS feed reader?

Last Answer : Feedly might be an excellent choice to consider. It works great as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari 5 extensions. Image RSS feeds will show up in a magazine style layout with image thumbnail previews ... feeds together. Feedly works perfectly with Google Reader and can import all your feeds in seconds.

Description : Is it possible to have an RSS feed for my GMail?

Last Answer : https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom But that relies on cookies to authenticate you. It should work in a browser you are logged into but will fail if you are not.

Description : Does anyone have a good streamlined process for moving their clipped RSS articles into a proper idea organizer such as Evernote, DEVONthink, or some other tool?

Last Answer : http://veritrope.com/reviews/netnewswire-to-evernote-single-headline-or-tab-export-applescript i hope this is what you’re looking.

Description : Do you use an RSS reader? How do you manage content?

Last Answer : I like to keep my email separate because email, for me, is either work related or something important from family. I usually read through my feeds when I want to take a break. I use the google ... 't that interested in after all and I unsubscribed from them. I have some friends who swear by NetVibes

Description : is there a good iPhone rss reader?

Last Answer : All my co-workers seem to use Enophi . You can see it in action in this video

Description : What does RSS stand for?

Last Answer : RDF site summary or really simple sindication (RDF stands for resource description framework)

Description : how to build RSS function for my website

Last Answer : answer:RSS is a specification for structured data, a standardized XML file. You might want to look at the XML and RSS articles on Wikipedia. Most modern Content Management Systems generate RSS feeds. If you’re not going to use a CMS, you would have to generate the feeds according to the specs.

Description : Is there a site/service that will email me whan an rss feed changes?

Last Answer : what kind of email system are we talking about? does it use a client or are you using web mail? how do you check the email?

Description : What the best way to keep and save tweets of my timeline ?

Last Answer : I’m a software and web developer and this is a great idea, I’m going to look into the possibility of developing something like this. (Got my first twitter account a few days ago!)

Description : Is there a way to reorder folders in Google Reader?

Last Answer : answer:I sorted mine by creating the folder with a numeral at the beginning of the folder name. This isn’t a great solution as adding a new folder means you have to rename them again… I did the same with my Subscription names.

Description : Is there a service online that aggregates press releases based on keywords?

Last Answer : What about Google Alerts? Granted, it’s e-mail and not RSS, but if you were looking for relatively few of these announcements, I think this would be a better option than RSS, anyway. If you have to slog through hundreds a week, I think RSS would be better.

Description : How can you post a FeedBurner headline animator in a PHP bulletin board?

Last Answer : Here are instructions on how to post a FeedBurner headline animator.

Description : Where can I find a feed reader that simply sits in the systray?

Last Answer : I like Feed Demon on the PC. Alas, it only (optionally) pops a hovering window, not just a system tray icon update to alert the user to new entries.

Description : Google Reader: Do You Share?

Last Answer : I never use Reader to share anything, so I guess I’m a “lone wolf.”

Description : What are some epic Rss feeds?

Last Answer : answer:Comics: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, AmazingSuperPowers, The Oatmeal, xkcd. Life hacks: Lifehacker. Geek: Gizmodo, Engadget, Ars Technica. Other: Totally Free Crap, Slash Film, First Showing, TV Squad.

Description : Why don't more people use rss feeds and readers?

Last Answer : Cause I don’t know what it is.

Description : Do you use RSS feeds or something equivalent?

Last Answer : I love them and I use Google Reader now with 59 subscriptions. Instead of venturing out to each individual website, I can keep up-to-date right inside the reader. It also allows you to e-mail, share, save, and more. http://www.reader.google.com

Description : What RSS feeds do you follow?

Last Answer : I don’t even know what an RSS feed is.

Description : RSS feeds: automatic updates?

Last Answer : Those commands in the funny font need to be run from a command line. So the first step would be to run sc queryex schedule in a command prompt. I'm not sure how to get to the command prompt in Vista. ... have with Vista on it is in a room with sleeping twins and I don't want to wake them to check.

Description : What rss feeds do you frequent?

Last Answer : Gizmodo, Lifehacker, The Consumerist, FAIL Blog, Pundit Kitchen, GraphJam

Description : How can I delete "junk" from RSS feeds?

Last Answer : in your folders list there should be a folder for RSS feeds, it is that way in hotmail at least, just go into the folder and delete the feeds

Description : RSS feeds?

Last Answer : Feedburner. It explains how to well on the site.

Description : Does Google index RSS Feeds?

Last Answer : answer:When Google (or any search engine I know of) indexes your site, the spider they use will call the page almost like a user's browser would. The page will be generated on the server the same so unless ... I don't know why Google would index them but honestly I don't know if they do or not.

Description : As far as gift giving for the holidays, do you all spend a lot, shop for only a few, or not buy any gifts atall?

Last Answer : I tend to buy for my immediate family and my husband’s immediate family, but the size of the gifts has been cut down.

Description : How do I get rid of Gizmodo?

Last Answer : Click on Privacy preferences on the left under your Wall photo, and scroll down to App settings. There is an edit button where you can set the control to not allow the program, app or ... doesn't work, go under Privacy preferences and go to Notification settings and edit it out from there.

Description : Did Gizmodo break the law buy purchasing a stolen iPhone prototype?

Last Answer : answer:I feel like they are, they had to know that someone doesn't just turn up with a prototype iPhone. Even if the guy who gave it to them was from Apple, they still would be doing something morally ... it to Gizmodo. I'm not sure how much I buy that story, but that is what I have read.

Description : How do I keep myself hopeful after reading multiple posts of negative feedback in a profession I'm going into?

Last Answer : Talk to some actual workers in the field that you know and ask them. You should pick people who like their jobs.

Description : I would like to set up multiple RSS updates in one place. Any way I can make this happen?

Last Answer : answer:Well, it wouldn’t be an RSS feed, but Tweetdeck can do that for your desktop, but it wouldn’t be everywhere, just that computer. As far as webapps, things like Brizzly or Threadsy (invite only) may work for you.

Description : Can someone explain to me why, when I log on to FB more than once within a few minutes, I'll see old and new posts all mixed up?

Last Answer : At the top of your news feed is a “SORT:” drop-down (“Top Stories” and “Most Recent”). If you sort by “Most Recent”, you should really see a list of posts sorted by post date/time descending. The algorithm they use for “Top Stories” is a mystery to me. Your guess is as good as mine.

Description : A hybrid cloud combines multiple clouds where those clouds retain their unique identities but are bound together as a unit. a) Public b) Private c) Community d) Hybrid

Last Answer : Hybrid