Would you marry if it was only to ensure someone else's happiness?

1 Answer

Answer :

I wouldn’t I never ever want to marry, it’s way too much trouble, and doing so for such a fickle cause as the well-being of another would be ridiculous; I’m not sacrificing the rest of my free, happy life to help someone else. Selfish, I know, but I just refuse to do so.

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Last Answer : Yes…one cat and one African Pygmy Goat. Both were temporary.

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Last Answer : answer:Wow jjmah. I'm bad at this, really. My first reaction is to try to fix or find a solution and then I slow down to just feel them out and be there for them but I do feel guilty ... to affect and what is more important to let someone else struggle through, be challenged by and learn from. Sigh.

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Last Answer : answer:Please, please, please don’t make me think about this. There was a green booger sitting on the stick of butter being passed around the table.

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Last Answer : answer:Great question, I have had this in the back of my mind for a while, you motivated me to look it up. Download an entire album: 1. From the gallery, click the album you'd ... \Downloaded Albums * Mac: Pictures\Downloaded Albums http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=39513

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Last Answer : If they’re a part of your family, (blood or close friends,) unsolicited advice is your duty.

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