Ladies - Are you or would you be comfortable with a relationship that put you in total dependency of your partner?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:My sister did it. “So currently. She is out of work.” Pretty sure the outcome would be the same if she picked the job.

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Last Answer : I have absolutely no idea what this means. I do not know what love being “put up” means. Is “Death Note” a movie? A book? Could you please give more details?

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Last Answer : If you can don’t take it, it’s simple as that.

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Last Answer : answer:It began in college for me. It was the first time I was away from home, and the drinking age was 18 in my state at the time. I could march into any liquor store and by a bottle of ... me freedom from the fears that once plagued me. I sleep at night, and I'm relatively sane most days.

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Last Answer : Well at least with foreign oil when there’s a spill it screws up someone elses country.

Description : Why is the dependency ratio higher in rural areas than in urban areas ? State two reasons. -Geography

Last Answer : Dependency ratio is higher in rural areas because : 1. Birth rates are higher in rural areas. 2. Large numbers of adults migrate to urban areas in search of jobs. 3. Adults who migrate return to their rural homes after retirement.

Description : The dependency ratio is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Give two reasons to explain why. -Geography

Last Answer : The following are the reasons for higher dependency ratio in the rural areas as compared to urban areas: 1. Birth rates are higher in the rural areas as compared to those in the urban areas. 2. ... . Adults who migrate to urban areas in search of jobs come back to their rural homes in old age.