The first time you and your partner talked about the fact that the being in love feeling is over; how did you experience that conversation?

1 Answer

Answer :

3yrs and going, guess we’re not there yet. I’ll be sad if that’s a subject we ever feel has to be brought up.

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Last Answer : I am all about the DEEDS!!

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Last Answer : “Does this smell like chloroform to you?” -anon

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Last Answer : answer:The French call it un coup de foudre, which is as good an explanation as any. (A lightning strike)

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Last Answer : Happiness is accomplished by action and outcome. It is not a gift. I have never understood the notion of “Loving Yourself”. It sounds sort of narcissistic to me. But self respect and self confidence are definite first cousins of happiness.

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Last Answer : I certainly believe that it can happen. I don’t believe it happens often, but I’m sure it exists.

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Last Answer : I’ve done both. :)

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Last Answer : Wishful thinking. The term “love at first sight” isn’t necessarily a foolish concept. I personally just do not believe it is possible to fall in love with someone just by looking at them. Intense desire or infatuation? Sure. Love – something that takes a while to cultivate? Nope.

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Description : Do you think Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were in "love"?

Last Answer : I think people can find love in mutual interests, whether good or bad. I’d see myself falling in love with someone that fought next to me. Their shared bond was obviously over playing chess with lives and political statehood.