Are pains in the head indicative of problems in those specific regions?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t think so.

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Last Answer : I don't know, but I do know sometimes I feel hungry and then it goes away just like you mention. I'm a little overweight, so I think some of it has to do with I don't really need to eat. It's not ... . I might be hungry from outside cues, like it's the time of day I should be hungry, or I'm bored.

Description : Unexplained Leg Pains?

Last Answer : answer:Are you overweight, inactive, sedentary? Are you older, 50+? Do you drink enough water? Dehydration can cause leg cramps as can lack of Potassium. Have you had a back injury? What about vascular ... any medical advice. Your best bet is to find a new doctor and get a 2nd or 3rd opinion.

Description : I have sharp pains in my thigh what could that be?

Last Answer : Maybe you slept wrong. Or punched nerve.

Description : Would your body become tougher by avoiding medicine for minor aches/pains?

Last Answer : All that you would get out of toughing it out is a lot of pain. You just need to take medications including OTC medications thoughtfully and with awareness of how they work and the potential for side effects. That includes supplements too.

Description : You overdid it and later in pain. What do you do to remedy these aches and pains?

Last Answer : A hot bath first and if that doesnt work, a massage from my partner

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Last Answer : You need to talk to your doctor first and foremost. Scar tissue can cause pain as you grow if you have scar tissue from an operation. If you had to take large doses of steroids, they can effect ... would absolutely talk to your doctor more about the pain you are feeling and undergo a full check up.

Description : How can I stop the hunger pains?

Last Answer : answer:Complex carbs? Steel-cut oatmeal with a few trimmings like nuts and dried fruits, quinoa, faro, bulgur (make into tabouli), brown rice with a light vinaigrette and crunchy vegetables, slice of serious toast ... film of nut butter? Grains can be cooked and then kept for 4-5 days in the refrig.

Description : My 17 year old has been suffering from chronic stomach pains for a week. Tests say it is not her appendix or cyst on ovary or kidney infection but white blood count is elevated. Any idea what it could be? She is type 1 diabetic.

Last Answer : Perhaps your teen is suffering from a ruptured esophagus? How is there eating going?

Description : What could these mysterious pains be?

Last Answer : Sounds like the body aches from the flu to me. Other than that, no idea.

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Last Answer : answer:Emotional. Physical pain may linger but that’s a pain one can get used to.

Description : Sharp Stomach pains?

Last Answer : I’d also like to add. I was on antibiotics from May to middle July. For a bad UTI. I haven’t had them in weeks. but is it still possible they killed something good off in my body and that’s why I am having this pain?

Description : Stabbing pains in leg veins?

Last Answer : No idea what could be happening, but any pain or clots in the legs should be examined immediately. Blood has to travel through the legs down to the feet and then back up to the heart so leg veins are all so important.

Description : Random shooting pains in my leg?

Last Answer : I had a similar experience after the operation on my right leg to repair it from a military parachuting accident. I had pain in my left leg which continued until the muscles adapted to the fact that now my right leg was shorter than my left. If they continue, let your doctor know.

Description : Can you create some funny "first world pains"?

Last Answer : Oh no, I spilled my $7.95 double mocha frappuccino on my lap.

Description : Vomiting, Stomach Pains, ER?

Last Answer : A week seems like a long time, and if you are feeling worse, I'd go. Better safe than sorry. If you prefer the care at the other ER and don't mind the extra drive, then I'd go there. I think ... be an emergency? If you have other concerns, you might want to skip and go to the ER that is closer.

Description : Chest pains what do I do?

Last Answer : GET YOUR ASS TO THE ER RIGHT NOW FOR A EKG. I’m not kidding. I was where you are last summer. I should add that I was 32. Not a old ass man.

Description : Severe stabbing pains in leg above knee area?

Last Answer : answer:Could you have a form of neuropathy? That happens with deficiencies and/or diabetes. One common deficiency is magnesium. Best to have it checked out.