Reserprine derived from the plant ‘Serpentina’ is used to (a) Alleviate pains (b) Alleviate high blood pressure (c) Alleviate low blood pressure (d) Cure rickets

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Last Answer : Ans:(c)

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Last Answer : Ans: B

Description : Reserpine is used to - (1) reduce high blood pressure (2) increase blood pressure when it is low (3) alleviate pain (4) cure arthritis

Last Answer : (1) reduce high blood pressure Explanation: Reserpine (Lannett's Serpalan) is an indole alkaloid antipsychotic and antihypertensive drug that has been used for the control of ... ability to deplete catecholamines (among other monoamine neurotransmitters) from peripheral sympathetic nerve endings.

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Last Answer : reduce high blood pressure

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Last Answer : Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is formed by the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord into ... through the buttock, then its branches extend down the back of the leg to the ankle and foot.

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Last Answer : Cut back on your salt or sodium intake. If overweight, lose some weight. Exercise.

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Last Answer : (c) Folic acid and cobalamine

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Last Answer : Perhaps your teen is suffering from a ruptured esophagus? How is there eating going?

Description : Following replacement of breast feeding by less nutritive food, low in proteins and calories, infants below the age of one year suffer from: (a) kwashiorkor (b) marasmus (c) rickets (d) pellagra

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : In rickets of the common low-phosphate variety, serum phosphate values may go as low as (A) 1–2 mg/100 ml (B) 2–3 mg/100 ml (C) 3–4 mg/100 ml (D) 4–5 mg/100 ml

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from (a) rickets (b) kwashiorkor (c) pellagra (d) marasmus.

Last Answer : (d) marasmus.

Last Answer : : You can take normatasein to cure high blood pressure

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Last Answer : High blood pressure can be inherited from your family. If you want to avoid this or if you have high blood pressure then you'll need to do this: Buy a handheld high blood pressure monitor. Each ... You'll need to increase your water intake. Cut down on alcohol. Losing weight will really help.

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Last Answer : Answer : D

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Last Answer : (3) bone Explanation: Rickets is a softening of bones in children due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium, potentially leading to fractures and deformity. Rickets is ... lead to rickets (cases of severe diarrhea and vomiting may be the cause of the deficiency).

Description : Rickets is the deficiency disease of Vitamin D, in which the affected part is the (1) skin (2) hair (3) bone (4) blood

Last Answer : bone

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Last Answer : answer:Taking regular breaks might help. Also, stretching. Just raising your arms above your head and linking your fingers and stretching up can reset your spine to a degree. Breaks are really the key though. ... as you can set up where you are working so you aren't putting strain on your back.

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Last Answer : Male. No. The idea is to stop eating before you get uncomfortable.

Description : Help! How to alleviate jalapeno burn?

Last Answer : I don’t know any magic trick, except use some mild soap and rinse. I have touched my eye after cutting hot peppers and it sucks. Took a couple of hours to calm down. Maybe someone else will have a better suggesstion.

Description : Do you believe that a teaspoon of local honey can alleviate allergy symptom?

Last Answer : It does work for mild to moderate allergies and it depends on what they are. Like most home therapies one must take them for a while to gain full effect. It's usually regarded as best to start ... areas and certain colder regions where the Summer is short. Farmer's markets are a good place to start.

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Last Answer : I don’t think I take myself that seriously. What could anyone possibly say that matters?

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Last Answer : are you hunched over the sink while you do it? it could just be standing in a funny position while holding a little weight for a relatively long period of time. consult a doctor

Description : I just ate a lot of extremely spicy food and drank a lot of beer. This is not going to, uh, come out very well...what can I do to alleviate the pain?

Last Answer : If you just ate it,(and drank it) take some tums now. It may make things come out a bit smoother.

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Last Answer : Donations should be made to alleviate poverty.

Last Answer : Alleviate - to alleviate

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Last Answer : There can be a lot of causes for foot swelling, so it's a good idea to go to a lab to make sure you don't have some kind of disease in the background. If you don't have any illnesses ... vegetables and fruits and fibrous foods can also help. If someone is overweight, they should try to give it up.  

Description : The cesspool started to smell strong and it is only half full so far. That's why I don't want to export it yet. Is there a way to reduce the odor?

Last Answer : It does this just before the rain, when there is a change in atmospheric pressure. Don't put on an ad. By pouring some anti-odor powder into the cesspool, you also throw away money.

Description : I grow first year hot peppers. It looks like goat's horns (I thought goat's horns wouldn't burn so much) but it burns terribly that it can't be eaten. I will have a lot of them. I thought I would ... else so that it's not just hot peppers. But I can't think of anything. You will be good for advice

Last Answer : Hot goat horns can be combined with non-hot goats. Hot peppers can be stored by drying and grinding, used as a spice or food additive. The actual burning can not be significantly reduced. The only way is to dilute.

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Last Answer : Bright light therapy can help alleviate or treat two main types of conditions. The first is skin conditions, most notably acne, but it is also used sometimes to treat psoriasis or ... alleviate is mood and sleep disorders, most notably circadian rhythm disorders and seasonal affective disorder.

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Last Answer : Calamine lotion is the prescribed treatment for chiggers. It should dry them out eventually.

Description : What kinds of medications or exercises I can use to alleviate my chronic pain?

Last Answer : There is information online which helps you manage your chronic pain. The following URL from WebMD is the best website I know about chronic pain: - Similar.

Description : What are some good diabetic food recipes that will help alleviate my symptoms?

Last Answer : I would try and eat foods that are not made with a lot of sugar. For example when you are cooking a meal put in little to no sugar. Also, when you are eating snacks, try to eat foods that are sugar free. Things such as sugar free puddings and candies.

Description : Alleviate Moderate Lower Back Pain with Yoga?

Last Answer : People can alleviate their moderate lower Back pain by practicing yoga. Yoga is a form of strength training and exercise that promotes total body toning and which increases the strength in individual ... everyday activities, thereby reducing the amount of stress that is placed on the lower back.

Description : What are some medications that I can take to help alleviate a mold allergy?

Last Answer : Nasal corticosteriods, are nasal sprays that can help along with antihistamines which will help with the itching, sneezing and runny nose. You can also take decongestants to clear your nasal area.

Description : What can I do to alleviate arthritis pain?

Last Answer : There are several creams you can buy such as Ben gay that will help you alleviate your Arthritis pain. They can be found at your local drug store.

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Last Answer : Ans: A

Description : The idea of address aggregation wasdesigned to alleviate theincreasein routing table entries when using ________. A) classful addressing B) classless addressing C) both a and b D) none of the above

Last Answer : classless addressing