How do you make yourself not like someone?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Are you male or female? Are you straight or gay? Why do you need to like him less? Is there something wrong with having a crush on him? Personally, I couldn’t begin to answer your question without answers to these questions, and probably more. Could you please tell more of the story?

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Last Answer : So they said…pshaw…no one’s really heterosexual.~

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Last Answer : As has been discussed in other questions, there is really no such thing as race. My Native American Great Grandmother married outside of her ethnic group, so it is practically a tradition in our ... generation to marry outside their ethnic group. All my Grandson's are half-breeds in the vernacular.

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Last Answer : You can go out together as long as you make it clear you are not on a date and that you doubt you will be sexually interested in them.

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Last Answer : Whats the worst that could happen ? Just ask her and see what happens its the only way to find out , go up to her and just ask her . If you stay friends too long chances are thats all she will see you as.

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Last Answer : (don’t click on it, it’s not a real site)

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Last Answer : It means they are looking for clarification. You might want to respond with all the things you said up there. I like you. You make me feel good. You’re good to me.

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Last Answer : I thought this random Steak n Shake cook was cute. On valentines day this year, I made him a card that said: “Roses are red Daisies are white If you think I’m cute, Call me some time” And put my phone number. He called the next night, and it’s working out quite nicely for me if I do say so. :)

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Last Answer : My ex husband proposed to me by sticking my ring in the top of the top bun of a Chili Cheese Crunch burger from Dairy Queen…

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Last Answer : Can you tell us a little more about your connection to him and how you happen to be in a position to (maybe) tell him this? It seems to me that the “how” will be rooted in your relationship to him more than in anything about his behavior.

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Last Answer : Nah, polygamy rarely ever works out, I’d end it.

Description : About how many days in advance should you ask someone out on a casual date?

Last Answer : Asking Thursday for a Saturday date works out well. The day in between adds to the anticipation. Or if you’re really good, you can ask for a date anytime and go that same night.

Description : What's the best way to break up with someone?

Last Answer : I heard a good one from the Robin/Robyn woman who is/was Howard Stern’s compadre. She stripped down, prepared a grand-slam-as-in-Denny’s-esque breakfast for her man and let him eat it off her stomach. When he was done, she told him that they were done and to get out.

Description : how do you break up with someone that says they're in love with you?

Last Answer : Tell them that you think it’s way too soon to be talking about love. Relax, take your time. If they don’t want to do that, then let them go, since it appears they are too clingy, needy, and demanding.

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Last Answer : I met my now fiancé through myspace. She email one random LDS guy in Denver and found me. Been in love from the beginning.

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Last Answer : answer:do you want to be nice or just be done with it? if you want to be nice, take the time to explain that you dont feel the way you need to for a relationship. if you just want to ... on while you follow your Personal Legend. In either case, be kind and remember to use compassion at all times

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Last Answer : Let’s try it and see what she says. You could also try saying that you were really looking forward to seeing her, and you hope that she will give you another chance.

Description : What are your favorite make out positions?

Last Answer : answer:Clothed? Her sitting on a counter in the kitchen, me standing, her knees along my side, me kissing her and able to hug and pet her. Naked? on the bed, both of us facing each other on our sides. Welcome to Fluther.

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Last Answer : No,why bother.

Description : Is it immoral to make a fake profile on POF?

Last Answer : ← tries to figure out what POF is and fails Edit: