What are your thoughts on choosing a child's religion for them ?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m listening to Shinedown’s Shed Some Light. You should do the same. 99 percent of the jellys probably will not get what this means.

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Last Answer : (looks at topics) Objection Your Honor, leading the witness!

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Last Answer : I disagree. Religion is one type of ethical and moral code. There are plenty of others. The military has an ethics code, many professional organizations do. Humans can conceive of moral and ethical behavior separate from religion.

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Last Answer : Sitting down and taking the time to try and communicate with small children. Kid doesn't wanna go somewhere to the point of crying? When you ask why they say they don't know? Ask more specific questions. It may be inconvenient but it's much better then just yellin at em

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Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Sorry ran out of time to edit Seeing their is a spoof already. Also did you know that Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) did the voice of Chucky and the Joker.

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Last Answer : Sure, to support the child. My religious or non-religious beliefs are irrelevant. Just like I would go to a friend’s wedding at a synagogue even though I’m not Jewish.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know. I don't think they often do. But the power of someone's good character and pleasant personality can change the initial impression people get from their appearance ... how the individual is perceived. That's basically what PR is all about; manipulating public perception.

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Last Answer : Same as chewing on nails: put something distasteful on the sleeves.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm at a point in my life where I feel anything that brings you joy and doesn't hurt anyone else is worth indulging. Why judge yourself if something makes your heart skip a beat ? Enjoy the ... I haven't felt that way over a toy recently but there are other childish pleasures I've enjoyed.

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Last Answer : answer:Things you need: Gel Medium, Paint brush, Straight Edge, Wood, Image on Paper, spray bottle full of water. Hie thee to the craft store! You'll look in the paint section of ... are some pictures I transferred from a National Geographic magazine onto some parquet floor tiles using gel medium.

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Last Answer : Oh, Dutchess…

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure if it is a prom, though everyone seems to think so. There used to be a party called Goodbye Prom at my high school. The name was self-explanatory: it was a farewell party ... in my country there are proms taking places too. So maybe prom isn't just an American thing after all.

Description : At what age do you think signs of a child's future behavior, good or bad, starts manifesting itself?

Last Answer : In a similar example to yours, I was hurrying my son who was less than two out the door for his swimming lesson and noticed he had stopped to straighten the door mat. He has continued to be extremely neat and organized.

Description : Why would a divorced parent suddenly need a childs SSN?

Last Answer : My Ex recently asked for my two sons’ SS# but they are adults. My assumption in that situation was that he was making a new will or something like that.

Description : How would you address your child's teacher who hasn't submitted a letter of recommendation for their college application?

Last Answer : answer:My sympathies :( What a crappy situation. Letters of recommendation are voluntary, and I don't know that a school can hold the instructor accountable. When the instructor is independent of an ... student to e-mail the admissions committee and ask if they can disclose why they were rejected.

Description : What influenced you to choose your child's name?

Last Answer : My daughter was named for my wife's best friend, and my wife. My son was supposed to have a traditional name (James David), but we changed the first name when I realized the two kids would have ... a popular movie about a deaf girl. Several years later, they realized my wife was deaf. Weird, huh?

Description : What is your view on adoption from the childs perspective?

Last Answer : All parents make mistakes, and not all parents whether real of adoptive are not perfect. If you are angry about the things they said can you not talk to them? If you are an adult now perhaps distance yourself from them if you find them hurtful.

Description : How should parents handle an adult child's shockingly messy room after he moves out?

Last Answer : answer:Is this your son? If it were me, I would clean the stuff up myself, box up what looks important, ask him to take those boxes to his new place so he can look through them and I would ... to wait for him to do it himself, and enough time has been granted owing to him probably working, etc.

Description : Is there anything you'd add to this list of "6 ways to ruin your child's personality"?

Last Answer : answer:I wouldn’t throw any of those out and I’ll add these three: A lack of structure to life at home. Taking no interest in school or school work. Showing no interest in the child.