Whats the best way to talk to someone you'd like to meet?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Maybe start by making a list of things that you’d like to know about someone. For example: What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live/where did you grow up? Then once you have a list of these basic questions, think about follow up questions you can ask. So if you ask “where are you from” maybe you can follow up by asking “do you like it better there than here? How have you adjusted?” or if they’ve always lived in the same place, you can say something like “I have too and I’d love to live ____. Where else would you like to live?” And that can spark conversation about travel, interests, hobbies, etc… Being prepared in advance may be a great way for you to feel comfortable and help you approach women you feel are attractive. Practice is the best way to go about this! :) good luck!

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