Is it common for cats (or kittens) to come out of a animal shelter with colds?

1 Answer

Answer :

Take him to the vet. They will give you drops for his eyes and also examine him to see if there is something worse that the kitten has. Good job getting him from the animal shelter. Hugs

Related questions

Description : How can I help my kittens get over their colds?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like an upper respiratory. When you’re in the shower, take them into the bathroom with you. The steam will help clear up their little noses a bit. Can’t you pick up a cheap humidifier?

Description : Can cats get colds?

Last Answer : Sure. It could be some sort of resperatory infection, or allergies, or even just a cold.

Description : How do you love kittens but hate cats?

Last Answer : It is the same as liking babies but not teens or something. Babies are cute and smell good; they represent innocence. Adults or anything that is not a baby is just a headache.

Description : Why is it that dogs and puppies are more closely associated with boys while cats and kittens are with girls?

Last Answer : Possibly. Or that people stereotype cats as being more “passive” and small. Either way it’s probably some dumb gender stereotype

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Last Answer : I am sure most people could not tell the difference in a taste test.

Description : What is the ideal age to get male kittens fixed?

Last Answer : I’ve always heard the sooner the better. I got my cat from the ASPCA when he was six weeks old, and they insisted on fixing him before I could take him home.

Description : After two weeks, kittens eyes are not open. Is this normal?

Last Answer : It’s probably nothing to be concerned about but I would call the vet to ask something like this. How does he seem otherwise?

Description : My cat had one kitten aroung 2:30 pm it's now 7:30 pm where I live should I expect more kittens?

Last Answer : answer:5 hours is a long time between births, she may only have had a single kitten, but if you are bothering her a lot, she feels stressed, she may be delaying labor. Is she still showing signs ... will know by her behavior, and, if this is the case she will need emergency attention. Let us know!

Description : What does a mother cat do when one of her kittens dies?

Last Answer : answer:Sometimes they eat it. Most often they will just abandon it, though. She may have taken it away from the other kittens if she is in the same spot and the kitten isn't. Another animal ... without you hearing a serious ruckus. The queen wouldn't let a potential threat that close to her young.

Description : What is the best cat litter to use for kittens-in-training?

Last Answer : best cat litter ever is actually called “The World’s Best Cat Litter” and it’s made from corn, so no clay or silica dust. Excellent clumping and totally biodegradable.

Description : Where are the kittens?

Last Answer : Do you have a small gap on the foundation of your house? Or check the bushes in the area around your house.

Description : How can I keep young kittens from suckling on each other's genitals?

Last Answer : answer:You can't, you just have to separate them. I've raised >100 kittens over the years, and the ones that are orally fixated just can't be stopped. (I even tried a doomed but hilarious experiment where I ... would latch on to it. No luck, but it was very funny in a vaguely kinky sort of way.)

Description : What's the name for these super cute kittens?

Last Answer : Scottish Fold

Description : About what age do kittens stop growing?

Last Answer : Most of the growth occurs in the first year, however they are considered “kittens” until they are about 2. I’d say in my experience with cats, once they reach about 6 to 9 months, mostly if anything they’ll get a bit fatter.

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Last Answer : Pet stores sell a sour-apple spray or rub-on product. Try that. Or else get those hard plastic sheaths…which would be clumsy but, well…

Description : When can I move new born kittens to a safer place without disturbing the mother ?

Last Answer : When i bred cats and they had there kits outwith there proper place , i moved them right away but made sure my hands(gloved) smelled of the mother . That way i didnt cross the smells and risk the mother rejecting them , if they are on a cover lift the cover with all still on it

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Last Answer : You mean "do?"

Description : When do kittens open their eyes?

Last Answer : They’ll open a week or two after birth. New kittens are the cutest things alive, you lucky person you!

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Last Answer : It could be your cats diet. Try this site.

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Last Answer : 100

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Last Answer : I didn't know you had back problems. Sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better tonight. I love cats and dogs. I guess if I had to pick one over the other it would be a ... cat was trying to communicate telepathically to you and possible heal you but you just aren't enlightened enough yet.

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Last Answer : My pets showed up in my yard and said we’re moving in. But yes, I would go the shelter route if I get another.

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Last Answer : Only if it’s someone they trust, and if they want lovin’. Wary cats might run away when approached, or sink low to the ground with their ears back.

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Last Answer : The land of double letters.

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Last Answer : Just one, me.

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Last Answer : When adopting a pet from a shelter, most people have a special name in mind for the pet. I've adopted several pets and given them new names without any problem. Use the cat's new name for pleasant ... as food, treats, playtime, petting. You'll have your cat responding to her new name in no time.

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Last Answer : That depends on what you mean by healed. FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) is typically a chronic condition caused by struvite crystals (more ... .com/html/body_feline_lower_urinary_tract_dis.html

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Last Answer : The most effective way of keeping snakes out of your yard is to clear brush, high grass, wood piles, and any other items that offer them a habitat. Cats are not effective snake predators. Cats are ... cats. If you have cat killers in the back yard, you will eventually have mauled or dead cats.

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Last Answer : How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden Do you love your feline friend, but hate it whenever he digs, poops in your garden destroying the plants? Keeping a cat out of a garden has always been a ... the garden. Try these easy tips, and keep your darling kitty away from your precious blooms and plants.

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Last Answer : What about bobcats?

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Last Answer : They're different, but yes, more or less. Dogs have more smell neurons and more of their brain seems to be devoted to smelling, but cats may be more sensitive, as they have 30 V1R receptors versus 9 in ... tell where it is to within 3 inches. Their ears can each rotate and aim to zero in on sounds.

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Last Answer : Yes for both.

Description : How does a cat's body know how long to make its whiskers?

Last Answer : I found this‘s%20whiskers%20are%20proportionate,is%2C%20the%20longer%20its%20whiskers article. (I don’t know why the link won’t paste right.) Let me know if it’s not coming up.

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Last Answer : My dog is an equal opportunity dog hater. She hates all dogs. I would bet she would be racist, classis(classism?) and a bully.

Description : Fans of musicals, does watching the Cats movie trailer give you goosebumps?

Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

Description : Is it normal for older cats to stop covering their litter box droppings?

Last Answer : Have your friend replace all of the old litter with new fresh stuff. Wash out the litter tub/box. If your friend uses scented litter, try unscented.

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Last Answer : They have very good hearing and can locate soft sounds, and even when partly asleep (i.e. most of the time) they are tracking what is happening where. Different cats are interested in different things, and ... hear you doing that from far away and come to see if you'll play that game with them.

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Last Answer : As intelligent as questioning orders.

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Last Answer : It’s called “declawing.”

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Last Answer : Cats hate any challenge to their authority & being flipped off makes them feel challenged!!! The only thing cuter than a pissed off cat is Babies & their cats

Description : Have you ever noticed that there is a much greater variety of dogs than there are cats?

Last Answer : Big cats, little cats. Black cats, white cats, red cats. Good cats, better cats. Go Cats, Go. Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, Turkish Van, Russian Blue, European short hair, Sphynx, Norwegian Forest cat, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold. And those are from the top of my head.

Description : Do cats become aware of the effect of catnip?

Last Answer : I don't know how much the associate the cause & effects and/or care about the consequences, but my observations of quite a few cats on catnip is generally: * Each cat reacts differently to it. * ... fairly regular use of it. * Freshness matters, as does whether it's been rustled to release more.

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Last Answer : I have no experience with Turkish Angoran cats, but had a long-haired no-particular-breed black cat who loooooved running water. She would rocket up to the bathroom sink when I turned on the faucet. ... she walked the rim while we showered, poking her paw in the curtain gaps to catch some spray.

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Last Answer : I think that they they are just playing with themselves. Just having fun. They really know it’s their tail.

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Last Answer : I think it's that the common traits overlap somewhat: In the context/understanding that everyone (male or female, human or animal) has both masculine and feminine aspects. Cats tend to be more ... aggressive, and perhaps some other things that are also what people tend to think of as masculine.

Description : Which is more effective, spaying female dogs and cats or neutering the males? (Please see details.)

Last Answer : Well neutering the males is cheaper and far less risky and invasive. On the hand, personally, the racket a female cat in heat makes me want to murder things.

Description : Is cat hair a problem with short haired cats like Siamese?

Last Answer : They can still have all the same problems with fur. It’s just less fur. Some people who aren’t allergic to cats, will have terrible allergy problems with Siamese cat’s hair….