What sites do you frequent everyday?

1 Answer

Answer :

Twitter, Gmail, Flickr, Google Reader and well… this one, now that I signed up for it ^^

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Last Answer : answer:My sister and I, when we were very young, couldn't pronounce macaroni and cheese so we called it monkey cheese. And that's what our whole family has called it ever since. We don't ... , my dad and youngest brother call chicken patties crabby patties, as in the crabby patties from Spongebob.

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Last Answer : I'm supposed to look professional and put together at work, but I don't always do my hair. (The whole process takes too long, and I'm tired in the morning.) Instead, I get one of those big clips and ... I don't do my hair I feel a bit naughty, as if I am getting away with something. Like today.

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Last Answer : Google Yelp Shelfari Flickr Netflix Livemocha Various banks more google Digg TED various news sites.

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Last Answer : I like Wordpress.

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Last Answer : Try Lumosity. It’s got quite a few games and puzzles designed to improve brain function. A better way to spend your time while bored, as opposed to random quiz sites.

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Last Answer : Lemon tea is great, haven’t had any in awhile though.

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Last Answer : It's perfectly normal. I believe many people who play The Sims series also do the same thing (albeit, in a more detailed way). I just hope there's an incentive for you doing that. After ... with your preferred statistics then what? They're supposed to be used so that such statistics can be utilized.

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Last Answer : A Liger.

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Last Answer : Usually when my day at work is done and I’m heading home. While cycling I already get worked up and start thinking if what I’ll do once I get to home. After I arrive I immediately, without asking, start to push all the buttons. The other people in the elevator always give me an angry look though…

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Last Answer : 12

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Last Answer : Yes, the drafting of the lead canoe can significantly reduce the average energy expenditure required to maintain a certain speed & it slightly reduces the energy expenditure of the lead canoe. The amount of the drag is barely noticeable.

Description : How important is it in your life to do something creative?

Last Answer : I wrote a winning poem when I was 15 (1969) for a county wide contest. Supposedly, it is in a book of poetry, possibly in the library at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. But I would rather be remembered, rather than just creating something.

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Last Answer : I can’t run miles for exercise. It hurts my knees. I miss it and I have dreams where I can run again.

Description : What fun things (grand or more mundane) have you done lately?

Last Answer : I've done a few fun things recently. I finally got to go to Yosemite in the wintertime, after years of wanting to take that trip. I also went to a local farmers market and bought some blood oranges, and ... certain authors to continue the SH series. So a little fun here, and a lot of fun there : )

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Last Answer : Past editing time but for those who don’t know, we in the Northeast just had our fourth snowstorm in March. Yesterday’s dropped about a foot here. So I am looking for some lighthearted descriptions of Spring so I’ll recognize it if it comes.

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Last Answer : What do I want? Georgia Who do I think will win? Alabama

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Last Answer : A year, perhaps. But then they extended the level cap to 60, and turned progression into a horrible grind. So I stopped playing.

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Last Answer : Hate to be that guy but… Nah, hate it as furniture Duh, love it as paint color in the guest bathroom. Like the contrast with the bathtub and toilet.

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Last Answer : Only if you are an expert in the field. If I am looking for information in cyber security, I want real answers and not just idle chatter about things that could be done and might work.

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Last Answer : Civility

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Last Answer : If they speak my language and treat me nice, yes.

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