What have you learned lately?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am learned alittle about the breeding cycle of mourning doves.Titillating! XD

Related questions

Description : Have you learned any lessons lately?

Last Answer : answer:Lesson learned: before you open a business, do some research to get the basic knowledge of what you are up to. Background story: my cousin has just built a hotel, in a manner of a house! ... bother to tell him to do that since they all think he has the basic knowledge about operating a hotel.

Description : What have you learned lately that has taught you something about yourself?

Last Answer : I’ve learned that the way I feel about people will never compare to the way I feel about disappearing.

Description : Have you learned a new "skill" lately?

Last Answer : Yes lot’s… Nervous breakdowns tend to end up as catharsis… You kinda have to change or you are doomed to repeat the straight jacked strapped to the bed trick… No thanks!

Description : Have you learned anything interesting lately from watching a YouTube video, something you might not normally have learned otherwise?

Last Answer : answer:The series (there are seven or eight in all) of Tsunami videos taken by vacationers in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other areas in the immediate vicinity and put together in a documentary format. I ... when each finishes you can select the next (it picks up right where the last one left off).

Description : What have you learned about yourself in the last few years?

Last Answer : I am extremely resilient. In the face of trauma, I expertly use tools to bounce back and thrive.

Description : Do you have any incredible life hacks or tips you've learned recently, that have been so great you don't know why you didn't do or discover them sooner?

Last Answer : I used to pay extra on my utility bills and get better interest than a bank savings account. They stopped that now.

Description : What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Last Answer : Trust is the first step to a dagger in your back.

Description : What have you learned about relationships in your life? (a revived question)

Last Answer : I think it’s a very broad question. I think they are necessary and unavoidable. But my relationship with this phone or the weather or my relationship with this phone in regard to the weather? What IS the question?

Description : Life hacks: what have you learned that has made your life easier?

Last Answer : I’ll start. If you have several tasks to perform, begin with the thing that is making you the most anxious. After that, the rest will seem a breeze.

Description : Has there ever been a mistake, you had to make several times before you really learned from it?

Last Answer : Yes, but I’m still not sure. Haven’t had a chance to really try out the new plan I have discovered from my mistakes. Confident that, if I do try it out, it would work. Been 30 years in the works.

Description : What have you learned about yourself throughout your life?

Last Answer : That I have underestimated and sold myself short for ages. I mean, modesty is one thing, but bull-dozing yourself into the ground! It has not gotten me ahead!

Description : What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

Last Answer : Appreciation (similar to what you said) and adaptation – learning to deal internally with whatever comes your way, because changing the external situation isn’t always possible.

Description : What have you learned about relationships in your life?

Last Answer : Love is never stronger than that first time. Each time after it will be a little weaker. Each love leaves a scar on your heart that will always ache. Women can be filled with love, and 2 years later laugh off a relationship that was once all consuming.

Description : What's something you've recently learned how to do?

Last Answer : I’m learning how to release fear and accept love. It’s a process and is taking some time, but I’m not giving up until I’ve got it down pat.

Description : When you first attended a sports class what was the first thing you learned ?

Last Answer : That I had my jock on backwards.

Description : What is your best life lesson learned to date?

Last Answer : Life is too short. This kind of hit home for me about a year ago when I realized I am not young anymore and I am having to accept that I can't do everything as hard and as heavy ... I know who have terminal illnesses and others who have potentially life shortening disease .yes life is too short.

Description : What's the biggest lesson you've learned?

Last Answer : answer:Love yourself first. The story behind it? Helping others without helping myself first and getting hosed because of it. Did that twice, will not do it again.

Description : When you were courting, was there one moment that stands out in your mind where you learned the most about your future spouse?

Last Answer : Eye contact was a killer for me. wife and i noticed each other at the same time. wife was a model of Bobbie Brooks Clothes and i was in advertising. going to lunch one day, i noticed her as i was riding ... were hooked .........on each other. been that way for 44 years now and magic is still there.

Description : What wisdom have you learned that has made the biggest difference in your life?

Last Answer : That there is nothing more restorative than time spent in nature. This morning I saw a deer with three-week-old twin fawns.

Description : Should I put what I learned into the next piece or redo the first one?

Last Answer : I choose my battles – if something would really misrepresent my work, I redo it or fix it. If it’s a minor quibble, I’ll let it slide.

Description : For all that you've gone through, what are some of things that you learned (about life) on your own?

Last Answer : Doing the right thing is good for my own sake, even more than for the sake of others. learned the hard way.

Description : Have you heard a very interesting story lately?

Last Answer : answer:Quora is full of stories like these. One question was Have you ever seen a classmate get completely roasted by the teacher in high school? One of the answers: Yep. One of my students had a ... document and failed to read even the first sentence. Made me laugh a bit. More on that here.

Description : What's the ironic thing you realised lately?

Last Answer : answer:- That some people who constantly show off something are seriously lacking that thing. I know someone who usually complain with me how she is always short of money and how hard she has to ... shit of lack of proper education and debauchery, and I am studying at a locally famous college.

Description : Are you doing a lot of what you don't like doing lately?

Last Answer : Drowning in tests and assignments, again.

Description : Are you keeping anything to yourself lately?

Last Answer : Well yeah, but some people know who I am on here so I’m not telling!

Description : Missed your bus or train stop, lately?

Last Answer : We don't live in an area where either form of transportation is used much. We used to have a train that stopped here on the trip from Houston to Austin but that was cancelled several years ago and the only ... the streets it might have four people on it on a busy day and one of those is the driver.

Description : Have you lately run across any quotes, pieces of literature, poetry, etc., that have struck a chord with you that you would like to share?

Last Answer : answer:I referred to the essay that this came from in an earlier topic - not hard to find if you're interested - this was another part of the same essay: Contemplate the power of the phrase, ... remember the number correctly, and it was then approved. 3 The #3 footnote: This is the sober truth.

Description : What have you been missing in your life lately?

Last Answer : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seritonin

Description : What new pleasure/hobbies have you taken up lately?

Last Answer : Most recently I picked up kumihimo cord braiding.

Description : Have you bought anything awesome lately?

Last Answer : Bought one of these not too long ago.

Description : Lately, what have you turned to to relax?

Last Answer : I have a eye rest mask that goes in the microwave for about 10 seconds, then over my eyes for about 15 minutes. It is very soothing and relaxing.

Description : What have you volunteered for, lately?

Last Answer : I volunteer at a local horse rescue shelter. I just feed horses and give them love. I didn’t have to take any courses though. I’ve been working closely with them my whole life. It makes me happy every time I go see them.

Description : What has your child taught you, lately?

Last Answer : I learned how to be a parent from my sons.

Description : Have you been inspired lately?

Last Answer : Yes. I’m reading a collection of delightful short stories publishd and written by the father of one of my co-workers and thinking, by golly, I could do the same!

Description : Hast thou done art lately?

Last Answer : No.

Description : What have you promised yourself lately?

Last Answer : I think it’s hilarious that you just asked this question not one hour after I said to my daughter “Promise me you won’t do things just cuz other people think you should”. And she said “I promise me, Mama.” tears in eyes

Description : This may seem odd to you, but what weird, gross, disturbing, or disgusting videos or articles have you seen or read lately?

Last Answer : answer:Well, there’s always this comic. Just keep scrolling, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I thought that the Dying Nasa Scientist was really weird…

Description : Am I imagining things, or are a lot of people more cranky lately?

Last Answer : The weather has to have something to do with it, especially if people are out in it all day (unlike me…I work in AC so I’m not cranky!!! EVER!!!) It’s supposed to break finally, next week…..

Description : What have you achieved lately ?

Last Answer : I achieved the “stranger who doesn’t want to talk” award while I was visiting some friends. It was so good to see people coming only to say two three words then leave you in peace. Feels so good. I did not want to socialize in those particular occasions and I did it.

Description : So what have you assumed, lately?

Last Answer : answer:I always assumed that @queenie smelled… …and was right!

Description : What have you checked off your bucket list lately?

Last Answer : Whitewater rafting a class IV-V section of a river. It was my first rafting experience. That was almost two years ago though. Time to plan another adventure! =)

Description : What have you been excited about lately?

Last Answer : Spotted a €200 bill on the floor, chased it as it blew in the wind for about 2 streets before I cought it. Was fairly exciting.

Description : What has gone bad in your life lately,what aspects of life have really sucked for you as of late?

Last Answer : I think I have Chronic bronchitis so that’s just swell. xD