Do you ever feel guilty for something that someone accuses you of, even if you know that you didn't do it?

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Last Answer : Bring that person you want to feel guilty to ask-public, show them this question, ask him/her what she thinks about it, and follow, his/her’s advice

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Last Answer : Yep. I had to give up my step-children after my wife died. Had to send them to family that they really did not want to go to, and it has all ended up the worst for everyone. At the time, though, I had no choice.

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Last Answer : If you're on a break, you're on a break. If you're not on a break (ie you're still living with her, it was a 9 year long relationship, and you're worried), then it matters a lot. [I don't ... it matters if your fling is with a guy friend or a girl friend. Not sure if that was part of your question.]

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Last Answer : did you ever seek grief counseling? it’s really important, and immensely helpful. We all feel very guilty when we lose someone. It would really help you to come to terms with your feelings.

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Last Answer : They say that a person that can want for nothing or want for little, as reach a higher plane of wisdom. That wanting for little means that anything you get is more than enough.Im working on it.

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Last Answer : answer:Yellowdog, thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for your honesty. Truly, thank you. Do not lie to your parents. I honestly do not know what you should do. This situation is difficult. I can see ... I would still tell them why I could not go into the store with them. All the best to you.

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Last Answer : Possibly so, it sure looks damning. But as we are seeing in real time this week, the concepts of facts, proof, and accountability don't really matter in this impeachment. It's about cover-up, ... fear that are motivating the R party - not guilt, right and wrong, or anything resembling a fact.

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Last Answer : Sometimes shit happens.

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Last Answer : I have to admit that I didn't see any of the news coverage until I got home at 6, but none of the news programs I've watched have said any of the things you stated above. They have all ... what has happened, in the order they know of it happening and interviewing the people that were in the theater.

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Last Answer : answer:Been there, done that. I offered support.

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Last Answer : I succumb to guilt all the time. My mother’s pretty good at it. I think once you reach a certain age (or move out of the house) your parents replace groundings with guilt trips.

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Last Answer : Yes I think they sould face a jail sentence and learn from the mistake. The sad thing is the person that gets accused is quite often flagged as a rapest reguardless of the outcome.

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Last Answer : You suffered a horrible trauma. It is natural to re-live it over and over hoping to change the outcome in your mind. In answer to your question it is normal. Eventually you will accept the reality. Sorry you had to witness and be part of this tragedy.

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Last Answer : I mowed them down in cars. I don’t care about them because they are digital bits, not actual humans. Games are for having fun without consequences :)

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Last Answer : EDIT: I'm whispering my comments and letting @ETpro know I'm trying to be funny, but I suspect that this post is called a straw man.-I swear to God, @ETpro, I almost flagged it as spam. lol I saw where you ... Dream. I didn't know you could do that. Cool. I didn't look at the link. Is it Van Jones?

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Last Answer : Nope. Also due to the fact my contract was written by idiots I get paid extra for being off sick. Which is nice.

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Last Answer : I am both ways on it. On the one hand, I believe every human has a right to hold certain things to themselves. On the other hand, my daughter gets herself all tied in knots over stuff, and when I try ... to keep to yourself, but those who love you can't help but want to know what is hurtful to you.

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Last Answer : Nope. The only bad food is the stuff that’s gotten invaded by mold, or has passed its expiration date. Or happens to be broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, or soy products for carnophobes. Now, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

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Last Answer : I know this is a worry you’ve had due to your history. Let this nightmare go and focus instead on making this current relationship an exception rather than worrying about what has already been.

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Last Answer : all the time…

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Last Answer : Nope. Take no prisoners!

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Last Answer : If I don’t regret it, do I really think it was bad?

Description : so my best friend thinks I stood her up for someone else, but the thing is that I didn't even know that we were supposed to meet because she didn't call me when I told her to so now shes not talking to me... Any ideas of what I should do???

Last Answer : let it chill then sends a text message saying you are sorry and had misunderstood

Description : Should I feel guilty or was I wrong about trying to hook up with an ex a day or 2 before I met a girl on Tinder that I really like?

Last Answer : No. There is no good reason. The only one who can answer why you have guilty feelings, is you. Sit alone in a quiet place so you can completely concentrate without distractions, and pay ... thoughts and feelings for long enough that you get a sense of what those feelings are actually about.

Description : How often do you feel guilty?

Last Answer : Not too often. Maybe a thought here and there, but not overly anxiety causing.

Description : When you delete pictures, does it make you feel guilty?

Last Answer : Never.

Description : My father is terrible and I never want to see him again so why do I still feel guilty?

Last Answer : Maybe it’s because that, no matter what, he is still your father. I’m sorry you are having a hard time dealing with this issue today. Maybe if you just try to keep busy you won’t dwell on this being father’s day and your dads bad behavior.

Description : What do you feel guilty for?

Last Answer : I’ve hurt people in my past and not been able to forgive myself. This was years ago. I figure the punishment for things you’ve done wrong is the everlasting guilt you have to live with. Apologies cannot make the unforgivable things right.

Description : Will Santorum's daughter forever feel guilty? He cited her health as one of the reasons he dropped out today.

Last Answer : He’s saying that to save face.

Description : Should I feel guilty for traveling?

Last Answer : Go! Don’t let your extended family get (possibly) feelings of guilt when they realise that you don’t go on holidays because of them (having less to spend). You already help(ed) them. Now it’s time to help yourself and your immediate family (to a well earned vacation).

Description : Do you feel guilty if you have a day off but don't get one single productive thing done?

Last Answer : Yes; And I usually blame it on this damn computer.

Description : Why do people make me feel guilty about my parents having money?

Last Answer : Jealousy.

Description : Does anyone else sometimes feel guilty about eating meat, but can't stop eating it because it tastes so good?

Last Answer : Yep, and I quit eating the meat that made me feel that way. I wouldn't say I felt guilty exactly, rather that I didn't quite agree with the processes in place and so I didn't want ... feel guilty. At least further research the industry and decide if you're comfortable with what exactly takes place.

Description : Should I feel guilty about not liking my best friend anymore?

Last Answer : You don’t have to commit to being best pals again, maybe you could view it as “getting together for old time’s sake” then see how it goes from there. Friendships often change in intensity over time. You may have a time in your life when you’ll need an old friend.

Description : Would you feel guilty about not liking and ignoring your relatives?

Last Answer : I don’t have any guilty feelings over not being crazy about Aunt Bitchy.and you can’t make me;)

Description : Do you feel guilty after spending a lot of time on the internet, as if you have been wasting time?

Last Answer : I have to take breaks. In a lot of ways it is wasting time. In other ways, I benefit from what I learn on here….so it balances out, I s’pose.

Description : Poisonous you feel guilty if you put some distance there?

Last Answer : Gee- sounds things are hard on you. Maybe you're worried because your mom is old. I mean she is your mother after all. If she is what you say she is, now and before. Stay by her just a ... longer, if you feel like it. Other than that maybe there's something you want to tell her. Something important.

Description : Should i feel guilty for sleeping with a man who is engaged?

Last Answer : Get out of the relationship and fast! This will only lead to heartache if you don’t…

Description : Screening your calls, are you guilty as charged? Do you feel guilty when do it?

Last Answer : Yeah I screen calls, but I don’t feel guilty, it’s only usually aquaintances, people I know on a superficial level.

Description : Do you feel guilty?

Last Answer : Guilt pangs are normal for the Catholic. But usually I get over them pretty quickly. I’m doing my best.

Description : Why do I feel guilty for having money?

Last Answer : Bit of a self-indulgent question isn’t it? or maybe not…i often feel pangs of guilt for posessing such an enormous penis

Description : Why does the story about Thalia make Percy feel and hollow and guilty?

Last Answer : The story about Thalia makes Percy feel guilty and hollowbecause she was his age and she did so much more than him and hewonders if he can ever do the same. She gave up her life to saveher friends which can make anyone feel like that, even more so fora 12 year old.

Description : Would you ever tell someone that you didn't like something they gave you as a gift, or didn't like food that they prepared for you,or anything like that?

Last Answer : No, I'd never do that. When this happens, I'm grateful for the thought and effort, and I find something nice to say. What's the percentage in a cruel response to a kind gesture? Recently, someone ... to Paul. It turns out that they were burned, hard as bricks, and nasty; I never said anything.